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IRMNG taxon details

Acanthostigma De Notaris, 1863

1005939  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Acanthostigma ellisii Sacc. & P. Syd., 1899
  2. Species Acanthostigma hederae Pat., 1889
  3. Species Acanthostigma minutum (Fuckel) Sacc., 1883
  4. Species Acanthostigma perpusillum De Not., 1863
  5. Species Acanthostigma revocatum Sacc., 1883
  6. Species Acanthostigma scopulum (Cooke & Ellis) Peck
  7. Species Acanthostigma bryophila Racov., 1959 accepted as Bryosphaeria bryophila (Racov.) Döbbeler, 1978
  8. Species Acanthostigma clintonii (Peck) Sacc., 1883 accepted as Acanthostigma perpusillum De Not., 1863
  9. Species Acanthostigma genuflexum (Höhn.) Sacc. & Trotter, 1913 accepted as Acanthostigmella genuflexa Höhn., 1905
  10. Species Acanthostigma gracile (Niessl) Sacc., 1883 accepted as Acanthophiobolus helicosporus (Berk. & Broome) J. Walker, 1972
  11. Species Acanthostigma helminthosporum (Rehm) Sacc., 1883 accepted as Acanthophiobolus helicosporus (Berk. & Broome) J. Walker, 1972
  12. Species Acanthostigma hepaticicola Racov., 1959 accepted as Epibryon hepaticicola (Racov.) Döbbeler, 1978
  13. Species Acanthostigma metzgeriae Racov., 1959 accepted as Epibryon metzgeriae (Racov.) Döbbeler, 1978
  14. Species Acanthostigma moelleriellae Rick accepted as Pleostigma moelleriellae (Rick) Kirschst., 1939
  15. Species Acanthostigma muscicola Racov., 1959 accepted as Epibryon muscicola (Racov.) Döbbeler, 1978
  16. Species Acanthostigma nectrioideum Penz. & Sacc., 1904 accepted as Acanthostigma minutum (Fuckel) Sacc., 1883
  17. Species Acanthostigma orthosetum (Höhn.) Sacc. & Trotter, 1913 accepted as Acanthostigmella orthoseta Höhn., 1905
  18. Species Acanthostigma parasiticum Ellis & Everh. accepted as Acanthostigma ellisii Sacc. & P. Syd., 1899
  19. Species Acanthostigma parasiticum (R. Hartig) Sacc., 1891 accepted as Acanthostigma ellisii Sacc. & P. Syd., 1899
  20. Species Acanthostigma pulchrisetum (Peck) Sacc., 1883 accepted as Niesslia pulchriseta (Peck) M.E. Barr, 1986
  21. Species Acanthostigma scapaniae Racov., 1959 accepted as Epibryon scapaniae (Racov.) Döbbeler, 1978
  22. Species Acanthostigma scleracanthum (Sacc.) Sacc., 1883 accepted as Acanthostigma minutum (Fuckel) Sacc., 1883
  23. Species Acanthostigma sequoiae (Plowr.) Sacc., 1883 accepted as Murangium sequoiae (Plowr. ex W. Phillips) Seaver, 1951
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2022). Acanthostigma De Notaris, 1863. Accessed at: on 2024-12-21
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/O.E. Eriksson, 2006 [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

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