IRMNG taxon details
original description
Copeia, No. 29 page(s): 27 [details]
basis of record
SN2000/Eschmeyer, 1998 [details]
basis of record
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
verified source for family
Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (online version), 2012 version. , available online at [details]
verified source for family
WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details]
name verified source
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
current name source
Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (online version), 2012 version. , available online at [details]
current name source
WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details]
extant flag source
SN2000/Eschmeyer, 1998 [details]
habitat flag source
FishBase [details]
original description
(of Pachygnathus Agassiz, 1845) Nom. Zool. (Pisc.) page(s): 45 [details]
original description
(of Pachynathus Swainson, 1839) N. H. Fishes, etc., 2, 194 page(s): 326 [details]
original description
(of Hemibalistes Fraser-Brunner, 1935) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (10) 15 page(s): 662 [details]
Descriptive info From FishBase: Marine. FishBase flag: All Marine. [details]
Taxonomic remark n.n. pro Pachynathus Swainson 1839 (Nomen. Zool.). Replacement for Pachynathus Swainson 1839 in fishes (ruled in Opinion 29 of the ICZN to be a typographical error for Pachygnathus; preoccupied by Pachygnathus Dugés 1834 in arachnids). (Eschmeyer). [details]
Type species as cited Balistes capistratus Shaw 1804 [details]
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