IRMNG taxon details
basis of record
SN2000/Takhtajan, 1997 [details]
basis of record
Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details]
additional source
Cheek, M.; Soto Gomez, M.; Graham, S. W.; Rudall, P. J. (2023). Afrothismiaceae (Dioscoreales), a new fully mycoheterotrophic family endemic to tropical Africa. <em>Kew Bulletin.</em> 79(1): 55-73., available online at note: Propose new family Afrothismiaceae for this genus, not yet more generally accepted, refer note [details]
verified source for family
GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details]
name verified source
Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details]
current name source
GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details]
extant flag source
GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details]
habitat flag source
as per family [details]
Taxonomic remark Basionym: Thismia sect. Afrothismia Engler, 1905. Assigned to Thismiaceae in GRIN, however latter currently included in Burmanniaceae in APG III (though may be distinct). Cheek et al., 2024 propose a new monotypic family Afrothismiaceae for this genus, however as at July 2024 that new family placement is not included in either Plants of the World Online or Tropicos (a situation that could change). [details]