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Sparassidae Bertkau, 1872

108191  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Genus Adcatomus Karsch, 1880
  2. Genus Anaptomecus Simon, 1903
  3. Genus Anchonastus Simon, 1898
  4. Genus Arandisa Lawrence, 1938
  5. Genus Barylestis Simon, 1909
  6. Genus Beregama Hirst, 1990
  7. Genus Berlandia Lessert, 1921
  8. Genus Bhutaniella Jaeger, 2000
  9. Genus Borniella Grall & Jäger, 2022
  10. Genus Caayguara Rheims, 2010
  11. Genus Carparachne Lawrence, 1962
  12. Genus Cebrennus Simon, 1880
  13. Genus Cerbalus Simon, 1897
  14. Genus Cercetius Simon, 1902
  15. Genus Chrosioderma Simon, 1897
  16. Genus Clastes Walckenaer, 1833
  17. Genus Collacteus Petrunkevitch, 1942 †
  18. Genus Cuiambuca Rheims, 2023
  19. Genus Damastes Simon, 1880
  20. Genus Decaphora Franganillo, 1931
  21. Genus Deelemanikara Jäger, 2021
  22. Genus Defectrix Petrunkevitch, 1925
  23. Genus Delena Walckenaer, 1833
  24. Genus Dermochrosia Mello-Leitão, 1941
  25. Genus Diminutella Rheims & Alayón, 2018
  26. Genus Eodelena Hogg, 1902
  27. Genus Eostaianus Petrunkevitch, 1950 †
  28. Genus Eostasina Petrunkevitch, 1942 †
  29. Genus Eusparassus Simon, 1903
  30. Genus Exopalystes Hogg, 1914
  31. Genus Extraordinarius Rheims, 2019
  32. Genus Geminia Thorell, 1897
  33. Genus Gnathopalystes Rainbow, 1899
  34. Genus Guadana Rheims, 2010
  35. Genus Holconia Thorell, 1877
  36. Genus Irileka Hirst, 1998
  37. Genus Isopeda Koch, 1873
  38. Genus Isopedella Hirst, 1990
  39. Genus Keilira Hirst, 1989
  40. Genus Leucorchestris Lawrence, 1962
  41. Genus Macrinus Simon, 1887
  42. Genus Martensikara Jäger, 2021
  43. Genus Martensopoda Jaeger, 2006
  44. Genus Megaloremmius Simon, 1903
  45. Genus Menarik Grall & Jäger, 2022
  46. Genus Meri Rheims & Jäger, 2022
  47. Genus Micropoda Grall & Jäger, 2022
  48. Genus Microrchestris Lawrence, 1962
  49. Genus Nativus Casas & Rheims, 2023
  50. Genus Neosparassus Hogg, 1903
  51. Genus Nisueta Simon, 1881
  52. Genus Nolavia Kammerer, 2006
  53. Genus Nonianus Simon, 1885
  54. Genus Orchestrella Lawrence, 1965
  55. Genus Origes Simon, 1897
  56. Genus Paenula Simon, 1897
  57. Genus Palystella Lawrence, 1929
  58. Genus Palystes Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1875
  59. Genus Pandercetes Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1873
  60. Genus Papiri Rheims, 2025
  61. Genus Parapalystes Croeser, 1996
  62. Genus Pediana Simon, 1881
  63. Genus Platnickopoda Jäger, 2020
  64. Genus Pleorotus Simon, 1898
  65. Genus Prusias Cambridge, 1892
  66. Genus Prychia Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1873
  67. Genus Pseudomicrommata Järvi, 1914
  68. Genus Remmius Simon, 1897
  69. Genus Rhacocnemis Simon, 1898
  70. Genus Rhitymna Simon, 1897
  71. Genus Sadala Simon, 1880
  72. Genus Sagellula Strand, 1942
  73. Genus Sarotesius Pocock, 1898
  74. Genus Seramba Thorell, 1887
  75. Genus Sinopoda Jager, 1999
  76. Genus Sivalicus Dyal, 1957
  77. Genus Sparianthina Banks, 1929
  78. Genus Sparianthis Simon, 1880
  79. Genus Spariolenus Simon, 1880
  80. Genus Spatala Simon, 1897
  81. Genus Staianus Simon, 1889
  82. Genus Stasina Simon, 1877
  83. Genus Stasinoides Berland, 1922
  84. Genus Stipax Simon, 1898
  85. Genus Strandiellum Kolosváry, 1934
  86. Genus Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884
  87. Genus Thomasettia Hirst, 1911
  88. Genus Thunberga Jäger, 2020
  89. Genus Tibellomma Simon, 1903
  90. Genus Tiomaniella Grall & Jäger, 2022
  91. Genus Tychicus Simon, 1880
  92. Genus Typostola Simon, 1897
  93. Genus Uaiuara Rheims, 2013
  94. Genus Vindullus Simon, 1880
  95. Genus Yiinthi Davies, 1994
  96. Genus Zachria Koch, 1875
  97. Genus Adrastis Simon, 1881 accepted as Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
  98. Genus Cebrenis Simon, 1874 accepted as Cebrennus Simon, 1880
  99. Genus Cerbalopsis Jezequel & Junqua, 1966 accepted as Cebrennus Simon, 1880
  100. Genus Clasta Simon, 1864 accepted as Clastes Walckenaer, 1833
  101. Genus Clastus Koch, 1837 accepted as Clastes Walckenaer, 1833
  102. Genus Isopoda Thorell, 1881 accepted as Isopeda Koch, 1873
  103. Genus Leptosparassus Järvi, 1914 accepted as Polybetes Simon, 1897
  104. Genus Lessertiola Strand, 1929 accepted as Berlandia Lessert, 1921
  105. Genus Mardonia Thorell, 1897 accepted as Seramba Thorell, 1887
  106. Genus Marmarica Caporiacco, 1928 accepted as Cerbalus Simon, 1897
  107. Genus Ocypete Koch, 1836 accepted as Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
  108. Genus Orchestrellas Lawrence, 1965 accepted as Orchestrella Lawrence, 1965 (Incorrect subsequent spelling)
  109. Genus Panaretidius Simon, 1906 accepted as Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
  110. Genus Panaretus Simon, 1881 accepted as Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
  111. Genus Parhedrus Simon, 1887 accepted as Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
  112. Genus Pseudosparianthis Simon, 1887 accepted as Sparianthis Simon, 1880
  113. Genus Rhytimna Simon, 1906 accepted as Rhitymna Simon, 1897
  114. Genus Sagella Strand in Boesenberg & Strand, 1906 accepted as Sagellula Strand, 1942
  115. Genus Sampaiosia Mello-Leitão, 1930 accepted as Sparianthis Simon, 1880
  116. Genus Sparassa Simon, 1864 accepted as Micrommata Latreille in Cuvier, 1817
  117. Genus Sparassus Walckenaer, 1805 accepted as Micrommata Latreille in Cuvier, 1817
  118. Genus Streptaedoea Järvi, 1914 accepted as Polybetes Simon, 1897
  119. Genus Thelticopis Petrunkevitch, 1928 accepted as Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884
  120. Genus Themeropis Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1875 accepted as Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884
  121. Genus Torania Simon, 1886 accepted as Heteropoda Latreille, 1804
  122. Genus Voconia Thorell, 1870 accepted as Holconia Thorell, 1877
  123. Genus Helicopis Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1873 (uncertain, unassessed)
  124. Genus Panaretella (uncertain, unassessed)
  125. Genus Pelmopoda Karsch, 1879 (uncertain, unassessed)
  126. Genus Rhomalea Koch in Koch (Keyserling), 1873 (uncertain, unassessed)
  127. Genus Sarotes Sundevall, 1833 (uncertain, unassessed)
  128. Genus Tortula Simon, 1880 (uncertain, unassessed)
  129. Genus Valonia Piza, 1939 accepted as Nolavia Kammerer, 2006 (unaccepted > junior homonym, junior homonym of Valonia Walker, 1856 (Diptera))
  130. Genus Midamus Simon, 1881 accepted as Olios Walckenaer, 1836 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
marine, brackish
recent + fossil
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Sparassidae Bertkau, 1872. Accessed at: on 2025-03-17
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record CoL2006/SpidCat [details] 

extant flag source CoL2006/SpidCat, PaleoDB [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Arthropoda (Phylum) > Chelicerata (Subphylum) > Arachnida (Class) > Araneae (Order) > Sparassidae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info Arachnids, nonmarine (characteristic of class: Parker). Spiders, terrestrial (characteristics of order) (Parker) [details]

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