IRMNG taxon details
original description
Motschulsky, V. de. (1865). Enumération des nouvelles espèces de coléoptères rapportés de ses voyages. 4-ème article. (Suite). <em>Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou.</em> 37(4): 297-355 [1864]., available online at page(s): 329 [details]
basis of record
Museum Victoria KEmu database (Oct 2006) [details]
basis of record
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
verified source for family
Hallan, J. (2000-2017). Biology Catalog (2012 version), (as at 2012). [details]
name verified source
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
current name source
Hallan, J. (2000-2017). Biology Catalog (2012 version), (as at 2012). [details]
extant flag source
Australian Faunal Directory, 2007 version. Available online at [details]
habitat flag source
as per family (nonmarine except where stated) [details]
original description
(of Lorostemma Gemminger & Harold, 1868) Gemminger, M. & Harold, E. von. (1868). Catalogus coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Vol. I. Cicindelidae - Carabidae. Gummi, Monachii. xxxvi + 424 + [8] pp., available online at page(s): 212 [details]
original description
(of Feanus Bates, 1889) Ann. Mus. Stor. Nat. Genova, 27 page(s): 107 [details]