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Ammotheidae Dohrn, 1881

109306  (

Acheliidae · unaccepted
Tanystylidae · unaccepted


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  1. Genus Achelia Hodge, 1864
  2. Genus Acheliana Arnaud, 1971
  3. Genus Ammothea Leach, 1814
  4. Genus Ammothella Verrill, 1900
  5. Genus Austroraptus Hodgson, 1907
  6. Genus Cilunculus Loman, 1908
  7. Genus Dromedopycnon Child, 1982
  8. Genus Elassorhis Child, 1982
  9. Genus Hedgpethius Child, 1974
  10. Genus Hemichela Stock, 1954
  11. Genus Megarhethus Child, 1982
  12. Genus Neotrygaeus Munilla & Alonso-Zarazaga, 2014
  13. Genus Nymphopsis Haswell, 1885
  14. Genus Oorhynchus Hoek, 1881
  15. Genus Paranymphon Caullery, 1896
  16. Genus Proboehmia Stock, 1991
  17. Genus Prototrygaeus Stock, 1975
  18. Genus Scipiolus Loman, 1908
  19. Genus Sericosura Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969
  20. Genus Tanystylum Miers, 1879
  21. Genus Trygaeus Dohrn, 1881
  22. Genus Pariboea Philippi, 1843 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
  23. Genus Pasithoe Goodsir, 1842 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
  24. Genus Acanthammothella Mello-Leitão, 1946 accepted as Cilunculus Loman, 1908
  25. Genus Ammothoa Hodge, 1864 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  26. Genus Ammothoea Say, 1821 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  27. Genus Anammothea Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  28. Genus Anisopes Turpaeva, 1998 accepted as Sericosura Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 (Not considered generically distinct)
  29. Genus Anisopus accepted as Sericosura Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969
  30. Genus Athernopycnon Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  31. Genus Austrothea Hodgson, 1915 accepted as Achelia Hodge, 1864
  32. Genus Biammothea Pushkin, 1993 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  33. Genus Bohmia Hoek, 1881 accepted as Boehmia Hoek, 1881
  34. Genus Böhmia Hoek, 1881 accepted as Boehmia Hoek, 1881
  35. Genus Clotenia Dohrn, 1881 accepted as Tanystylum Miers, 1879
  36. Genus Clothenia Hodgson, 1907 accepted as Clotenia Dohrn, 1881 accepted as Tanystylum Miers, 1879
  37. Genus Corniger Böhm, 1879 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814 (Junior synonym)
  38. Genus Discoarachne Hoek, 1881 accepted as Tanystylum Miers, 1879
  39. Genus Ecleipsothremma Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  40. Genus Kyphomia Heifer, 1937 accepted as Ammothella Verrill, 1900
  41. Genus Lecythorhynchus Böhm, 1879 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  42. Genus Leionymphon Möbius, 1902 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  43. Genus Leonymphon Loman, 1929 (Misspelling)
  44. Genus Magnammothea Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814
  45. Genus Periboea Bergroth, 1908 (Misspelling)
  46. Genus Pycnosoma Losina-Losinsky, 1933 accepted as Pycnosomia Losina-Losinsky, 1961 (Spelling variation)
  47. Genus Tanystylun accepted as Tanystylum Miers, 1879
  48. Genus Thavmastopycnon Fry & Hedgpeth, 1969 accepted as Ammothea Leach, 1814 (Junior synonym)
  49. Genus Trigaenes Bergroth, 1908 accepted as Trygaeus Dohrn, 1881
  50. Genus Megarhetus (uncertain, unassessed)
recent + fossil
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Ammotheidae Dohrn, 1881. Accessed at: on 2025-03-26
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Bamber, 2011 [details] 

basis of record WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

extant flag source as per included genera [details] 

habitat flag source as per class [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Arthropoda (Phylum) > Chelicerata (Subphylum) > Pycnogonida (Class) > Pantopoda (Order) > Ammotheidae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info Sea spiders (pycnogonids), marine (characteristics of class) (Parker) [details]

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