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Stictidaceae Fries, 1849

109802  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Genus Absconditella Vezda, 1965
  2. Genus Acarosporina M.A. Sherwood, 1977
  3. Genus Biostictis Petrak, 1950
  4. Genus Carestiella Bresadola, 1897
  5. Genus Conotrema Tuckerman, 1848
  6. Genus Conotremopsis A. Vezda, 1977
  7. Genus Cryptodiscus Corda, 1838
  8. Genus Cyanodermella O.E. Eriksson, 1981
  9. Genus Delpontia Penzig & P.A. Saccardo, 1901
  10. Genus Eriospora M.J. Berkeley & Broome, 1850
  11. Genus Glomerobolus J. Kohlmeyer & B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, 1996
  12. Genus Irregularispora W. Dong, K.D. Hyde & Doilom, 2023
  13. Genus Lillicoa M.A. Sherwood, 1977
  14. Genus Nanostictis M.S. Christiansen, 1954
  15. Genus Neohormodochis D.P. Wei & K.D. Hyde, 2022
  16. Genus Ostropa E.M. Fries, 1825
  17. Genus Propoliopsis Rehm, 1914
  18. Genus Robergea Desmazières, 1847
  19. Genus Schizoxylon Persoon, 1810
  20. Genus Stictis Persoon, 1799
  21. Genus Stictophacidium Rehm, 1888
  22. Genus Stictospora Ciferri, 1957
  23. Genus Topelia P.M. Jørgensen & A. Vezda, 1984
  24. Genus Trinathotrema R. Lücking, E. Rivas Plata & A. Mangold, 2011
  25. Genus Ascospermum S. Schulzer von Müggenburg, 1863 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
  26. Genus Agyriella J.B. Ellis & B.M. Everhart, 1897 accepted as Schizoxylon Persoon, 1810
  27. Genus Agyriopsis P.A. Saccardo & H. Sydow, 1899 accepted as Schizoxylon Persoon, 1810
  28. Genus Bergorea Nieuwland, 1916 accepted as Robergea Desmazières, 1847
  29. Genus Bisbyella Boedijn, 1951 accepted as Schizoxylon Persoon, 1810
  30. Genus Clathroporinopsis M. Choisy, 1929 accepted as Topelia P.M. Jørgensen & A. Vezda, 1984
  31. Genus Conotrematomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli, 1953 accepted as Conotrema Tuckerman, 1848
  32. Genus Cryptella Quélet, 1875 accepted as Robergea Desmazières, 1847
  33. Genus Cyanoderma F. von Höhnel, 1919 accepted as Cyanodermella O.E. Eriksson, 1981
  34. Genus Cyanospora Heald & F.A. Wolf, 1910 accepted as Robergea Desmazières, 1847
  35. Genus Cycledium Wallroth, 1833 accepted as Schizoxylon Persoon, 1810
  36. Genus Cyclostoma P.L. Crouan & H. Crouan, 1867 accepted as Stictis Persoon, 1799
  37. Genus Cylindrina Patouillard, 1886 accepted as Stictis Persoon, 1799
  38. Genus Diplocryptis F.E. Clements, 1909 accepted as Cryptodiscus Corda, 1838
  39. Genus Lichenopsis Schweinitz, 1832 accepted as Stictis Persoon, 1799
  40. Genus Phacobolus E.M. Fries, 1849 accepted as Stictis Persoon, 1799
  41. Genus Platysticta M.C. Cooke, 1889 accepted as Stictis Persoon, 1799
  42. Genus Plejobolus (E. Bommer, M. Rousseau & P.A. Saccardo) O.E. Eriksson, 1967 accepted as Robergea Desmazières, 1847
  43. Genus Pseudostictis E. Lambotte, 1887 accepted as Cryptodiscus Corda, 1838
  44. Genus Schizoxylum Persoon, 1822 accepted as Schizoxylon Persoon, 1810
  45. Genus Schmitzomia E.M. Fries, 1849 accepted as Stictis Persoon, 1799
  46. Genus Sphaerolina Fuckel, 1860 accepted as Schizoxylon Persoon, 1810
  47. Genus Tuberculostoma Sollmann, 1864 accepted as Robergea Desmazières, 1847
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2024). Stictidaceae Fries, 1849. Accessed at: on 2025-03-26
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2024-01-12 01:42:23Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Fungi (Kingdom) > Ascomycota (Phylum) > Ascomycotina (Subphylum) > Lecanoromycetes (Class) > Ostropomycetidae (Subclass) > Ostropales (Order) > Stictidaceae (Family) [details]

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