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Lyophyllum P.A. Karsten, 1881

1098995  (

Gerhardtia Bon, 1994 · unaccepted


  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Lyophyllum connatum (Schumach.) Singer, 1939
  2. Species Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.) Singer, 1951
  3. Species Lyophyllum eustygium (Cooke) Clémençon, 1982
  4. Species Lyophyllum favrei (R. Haller Aar. & R. Haller Suhr) R. Haller Aar. & R. Haller Suhr, 1950
  5. Species Lyophyllum fumosum (Pers.) P.D. Orton, 1960
  6. Species Lyophyllum gangraenosum (Fr.) Gulden, 1991
  7. Species Lyophyllum hypoxanthum Joss. & Riousset, 1975
  8. Species Lyophyllum infumatum (Bres.) Kühner, 1938
  9. Species Lyophyllum konradianum (Maire) Kühner & Romagn., 1953
  10. Species Lyophyllum leucophaeatum (P. Karst.) P. Karst., 1881
  11. Species Lyophyllum loricatum (Fr.) Kühner ex Kalamees, 1994
  12. Species Lyophyllum mephiticum (Fr.) Singer, 1951
  13. Species Lyophyllum semitale (Fr.) Kühner ex Kalamees, 1994
  14. Species Lyophyllum semitale (Fr.) Kühner, 1938
  15. Species Lyophyllum transforme (Britzelm.) Singer, 1943
  16. Species Lyophyllum trigonosporum (Bres.) Kühner, 1938
  17. Species Lyophyllum aggregatum (Schaeff.) Kühner, 1938 accepted as Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.) Singer, 1951
  18. Species Lyophyllum albofloccosum (P.D. Orton) Cons. & Contu, 2001 accepted as Tephrocybe boudieri (Kühner & Romagn.) Derbsch, 1977
  19. Species Lyophyllum alpestre (Britzelm.) Huijsman, 1956 accepted as Calocybe alpestris (Britzelm.) Singer, 1962
  20. Species Lyophyllum amariusculum sensu C & D, Clémençon accepted as Lyophyllum eustygium (Cooke) Clémençon, 1982
  21. Species Lyophyllum ambustum (Fr.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Tephrocybe ambusta (Fr.) Donk, 1962
  22. Species Lyophyllum anthracophilum (Lasch) M. Lange & Sivertsen, 1966 accepted as Tephrocybe anthracophila (Lasch) P.D. Orton, 1969
  23. Species Lyophyllum atratum (Fr.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Tephrocybe atrata (Fr.) Donk, 1962
  24. Species Lyophyllum baeospermum Romagn., 1954 accepted as Tephrocybe baeosperma (Romagn.) M.M. Moser, 1978
  25. Species Lyophyllum boudieri Kühner & Romagn., 1954 accepted as Tephrocybe boudieri (Kühner & Romagn.) Derbsch, 1977
  26. Species Lyophyllum carbonarium (Velen.) M.M. Moser, 1953 accepted as Tephrocybe anthracophila (Lasch) P.D. Orton, 1969
  27. Species Lyophyllum carneum (Bull.) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Calocybe carnea (Bull.) Donk, 1962
  28. Species Lyophyllum cessans (P. Karst.) M.M. Moser, 1953 accepted as Tephrocybe cessans (P. Karst.) M.M. Moser, 1967
  29. Species Lyophyllum chrysenteron (Bull.) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Calocybe chrysenteron (Bull.) Singer, 1962
  30. Species Lyophyllum confusum (P.D. Orton) Gulden, 1991 accepted as Tephrocybe confusa (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser, 1969
  31. Species Lyophyllum conglobatum (Vittad.) M.M. Moser, 1953 accepted as Lyophyllum fumosum (Pers.) P.D. Orton, 1960
  32. Species Lyophyllum conglobatum (Vittad.) Bon, 1995 accepted as Lyophyllum fumosum (Pers.) P.D. Orton, 1960
  33. Species Lyophyllum constrictum (Fr.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Calocybe constricta (Fr.) Kühner, 1962
  34. Species Lyophyllum crassifolium sensu Singer, NM2, non Fr. accepted as Lyophyllum eustygium (Cooke) Clémençon, 1982
  35. Species Lyophyllum ellisii (P.D. Orton) Cons. & Contu, 2001 accepted as Tephrocybe ellisii P.D. Orton, 1988
  36. Species Lyophyllum fallax (Sacc.) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Calocybe fallax (Sacc.) Redhead & Singer, 1978
  37. Species Lyophyllum ferruginellum (A. Pearson) Cons. & Contu, 2001 accepted as Tephrocybe ferruginella (A. Pearson) P.D. Orton, 1984
  38. Species Lyophyllum fumatofoetens Secr. ex Jul. Schäff., 1947 accepted as Lyophyllum leucophaeatum (P. Karst.) P. Karst., 1881
  39. Species Lyophyllum fuscipes (P.D. Orton) Cons. & Contu, 2001 accepted as Tephrocybe fuscipes P.D. Orton, 1969
  40. Species Lyophyllum fusisporum (Hora) Gulden, 1991 accepted as Tephrocybe fusispora (Hora) M.M. Moser, 1967
  41. Species Lyophyllum gambosum (Fr.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk, 1962
  42. Species Lyophyllum gibberosum (Jul. Schäff.) M. Lange, 1954 accepted as Tephrocybe ambusta (Fr.) Donk, 1962
  43. Species Lyophyllum immundum sensu NCL (1960), non Berkeley accepted as Lyophyllum eustygium (Cooke) Clémençon, 1982
  44. Species Lyophyllum impexum (P. Karst.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Tephrocybe impexa (P. Karst.) M.M. Moser, 1967
  45. Species Lyophyllum inolens (Fr.) Kühner & Romagn., 1943 accepted as Tephrocybe inolens (Fr.) M.M. Moser, 1967
  46. Species Lyophyllum ionides (Bull.) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Calocybe ionides (Bull.) Donk, 1962
  47. Species Lyophyllum juncicola (R. Heim) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Calocybe juncicola (R. Heim) Singer, 1962
  48. Species Lyophyllum leucocephalum (Bull.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Calocybe constricta (Fr.) Kühner, 1962
  49. Species Lyophyllum murinum (Batsch) M.M. Moser, 1953 accepted as Tephrocybe murina (Batsch) M.M. Moser, 1967
  50. Species Lyophyllum obscurissimum (A. Pearson) Cons. & Contu, 2002 accepted as Calocybe obscurissima (A. Pearson) M.M. Moser, 1967
  51. Species Lyophyllum onychinum (Fr.) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Calocybe onychina (Fr.) Donk, 1962
  52. Species Lyophyllum osmophorum (E.-J. Gilbert) Cons. & Contu, 2002 accepted as Tephrocybe osmophora (E.-J. Gilbert) Bon, 1998
  53. Species Lyophyllum ovisporum (J.E. Lange) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Lepista ovispora (J.E. Lange) Gulden, 1983
  54. Species Lyophyllum ovisporum (J.E. Lange) D.A. Reid, 1968 accepted as Lepista ovispora (J.E. Lange) Gulden, 1983
  55. Species Lyophyllum palustre (Peck) Singer, 1939 accepted as Tephrocybe palustris (Peck) Donk, 1962
  56. Species Lyophyllum persicolor (Fr.) Malençon & Bertault, 1975 accepted as Calocybe persicolor (Fr.) Singer, 1962
  57. Species Lyophyllum persicolor (Fr.) Contu, 2000 accepted as Calocybe persicolor (Fr.) Singer, 1962
  58. Species Lyophyllum platypum Kühner, 1954 accepted as Tephrocybe platypus (Kühner) M.M. Moser, 1967
  59. Species Lyophyllum plexipes (Fr.) Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Tephrocybe tylicolor (Fr.) M.M. Moser, 1978
  60. Species Lyophyllum putidum (Fr.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Tephrocybe putida (Fr.) M.M. Moser, 1967
  61. Species Lyophyllum rancidum (Fr.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Tephrocybe rancida (Fr.) Donk, 1962
  62. Species Lyophyllum schulzeri (Bres.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Camarophyllopsis schulzeri (Bres.) Herink, 1958
  63. Species Lyophyllum sphaerosporum Kühner & Romagn., 1953 accepted as Tephrocybe anthracophila (Lasch) P.D. Orton, 1969
  64. Species Lyophyllum tesquorum (Fr.) Singer, 1943 accepted as Tephrocybe tylicolor (Fr.) M.M. Moser, 1978
  65. Species Lyophyllum tylicolor (Fr.) M. Lange & Sivertsen, 1966 accepted as Tephrocybe tylicolor (Fr.) M.M. Moser, 1978
  66. Species Lyophyllum ulmarium (Bull.) Kühner, 1938 accepted as Hypsizygus ulmarius (Bull.) Redhead, 1984
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Lyophyllum P.A. Karsten, 1881. Accessed at: on 2025-03-25
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record SN2000/Kirk et al., 2001 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

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