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Icacinaceae Miers, 1851

113912  (



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  1. Genus Alsodeiopsis D. Oliver ex Bentham & J.D. Hooker, 1867
  2. Genus Casimirella Hassler, 1913
  3. Genus Cassinopsis Sonder in W.H. Harvey & Sonder, 1860
  4. Genus Comicilabium S.R. Manchester, 1994 †
  5. Genus Desmostachys Planchon ex Miers, 1852
  6. Genus Hosiea W.B. Hemsley & E.H. Wilson, 1906
  7. Genus Icacina A.H.L. Jussieu, 1823
  8. Genus Icacinicaryites K.B. Pigg, S.R. Manchester & M.L. Devore, 2008 †
  9. Genus Iodes Blume, 1825
  10. Genus Iodicarpa S.R. Manchester, 1994 †
  11. Genus Lavigeria Pierre, 1892
  12. Genus Leretia Vellozo, 1829
  13. Genus Manchesteria G. Stull & A.C. Rozefelds in Rozefelds et al., 2020 †
  14. Genus Mappia N.J. Jacquin, 1797
  15. Genus Mappianthus Handel-Mazzetti, 1921
  16. Genus Merrilliodendron Kanehira, 1934
  17. Genus Miquelia C.F. Meisner, 1838
  18. Genus Natsiatopsis Kurz, 1876
  19. Genus Natsiatum Hamilton ex Arnott, 1834
  20. Genus Nothapodytes Blume, 1851
  21. Genus Palaeohosiea Z. Kvaček & C. Bůžek, 1995 †
  22. Genus Palaeophytocrenega C. Poore, N.A. Jud & M.A. Gandolfo, 2023 †
  23. Genus Phytocrene Wallich, 1831
  24. Genus Pleurisanthes Baillon, 1874
  25. Genus Polyporandra Beccari, 1877
  26. Genus Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  27. Genus Ryticaryum Beccari, 1877
  28. Genus Sarcostigma R. Wight & Arnott, 1833
  29. Genus Sleumeria T. Utteridge, H. Nagamasu, S.P. Teo in T. Utteridge, H. Nagamasu, S.P. Teo, L.C. White & P. Gasson, 2005
  30. Genus Stachyanthus Engler in Engler & Prantl, 1897
  31. Genus Vadensea C.C. Jongkind & O. Lachenaud, 2019
  32. Genus Iödes Blume, 1825 represented as Iodes Blume, 1825 (version of name with diaeresis (permitted in ICN as indicator of pronunciation), non-diaeresis version is used as preferred form in IRMNG)
  33. Genus Adelanthus Endlicher, 1840 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  34. Genus Alsodeiidium Engler, 1895 accepted as Alsodeiopsis D. Oliver ex Bentham & J.D. Hooker, 1867
  35. Genus Cavanilla Thunberg, 1792 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  36. Genus Chlamydocarya Baillon, 1872 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  37. Genus Endacanthus Baillon in Grandidier, 1892 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  38. Genus Erythrostaphyle Hance, 1873 accepted as Iodes Blume, 1825
  39. Genus Freeria Merrill, 1912 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  40. Genus Gymnioides (Baillon) Van Tieghem, 1897 accepted as Iodes Blume, 1825
  41. Genus Gynocephalum Blume, 1825 accepted as Phytocrene Wallich, 1831 (nom. rej.)
  42. Genus Hartogia Hochstetter, 1844 accepted as Cassinopsis Sonder in W.H. Harvey & Sonder, 1860
  43. Genus Humirianthera J. Huber, 1915 accepted as Casimirella Hassler, 1913
  44. Genus Ioedes Blume, 1825 accepted as Iodes Blume, 1825
  45. Genus Jenkinsia Griffith, 1843 accepted as Miquelia C.F. Meisner, 1838
  46. Genus Jobalboa Chiovenda, 1935 accepted as Apodytes E. Meyer ex Arnott, 1840
  47. Genus Martia Valeton, 1886 accepted as Pleurisanthes Baillon, 1874
  48. Genus Moldenhauera K.P.J. Sprengel, 1824 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  49. Genus Monocephalium S. Moore, 1920 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  50. Genus Neoferetia Baehni accepted as Nothapodytes Blume, 1851
  51. Genus Neoleretia Baehni, 1936 accepted as Nothapodytes Blume, 1851
  52. Genus Neostachyanthus Exell & Mendonça, 1951 accepted as Stachyanthus Engler in Engler & Prantl, 1897
  53. Genus Peekeliodendron Sleumer, 1937 accepted as Merrilliodendron Kanehira, 1934
  54. Genus Pocillaria Ridley, 1916 accepted as Ryticaryum Beccari, 1877
  55. Genus Polycephalium Engler in Engler & Prantl, 1897 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  56. Genus Rhyticaryum Beccari, 1878 accepted as Ryticaryum Beccari, 1877 (unaccepted subsequent emendation)
  57. Genus Thollonia Baillon, 1886 accepted as Icacina A.H.L. Jussieu, 1823
  58. Genus Trematosperma Urban, 1883 accepted as Pyrenacantha W.J. Hooker in Wight, 1830
  59. Genus Treubia Pierre ex Boerlage, 1890 (Not validly published)
  60. Genus Tridianisia Baillon, 1879 accepted as Cassinopsis Sonder in W.H. Harvey & Sonder, 1860
  61. Genus Valetonia T. Durand, 1888 accepted as Pleurisanthes Baillon, 1874
  62. Genus Eisothecaryon F. von Mueller, 1877 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  63. Genus Gomphandroxylon M.E. Bande & S.K. Khatri, 1980 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  64. Genus Icacinicarya E.M. Reid & M.E.J. Chandler, 1933 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  65. Genus Icacinoxylon I.A. Silkina, 1956 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  66. Genus Onoana M.E.J. Chandler & D.I. Axelrod, 1961 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  67. Genus Palaeophytocrene E.M. Reid & M.E.J. Chandler, 1933 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  68. Genus Sphaeriodes E.M. Reid & M.E.J. Chandler, 1933 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  69. Genus Stizocarya E.M. Reid & M.E.J. Chandler, 1933 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  70. Genus Alsodeidium Engler accepted as Alsodeiidium Engler, 1895 accepted as Alsodeiopsis D. Oliver ex Bentham & J.D. Hooker, 1867 (unaccepted > misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling)
marine, brackish, terrestrial
recent + fossil
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 8: 174. Sep 1851. [details] 
Taxonomic remark Family size reduced to 25 extant genera in APG IV (2016) cf. APG III, with Meteniusaceae increased; other families split from...  
Taxonomic remark Family size reduced to 25 extant genera in APG IV (2016) cf. APG III, with Meteniusaceae increased; other families split from Icacinaceae in 2001, refer APG IV. [details]
IRMNG (2022). Icacinaceae Miers, 1851. Accessed at: on 2025-03-27
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2012-01-24 23:00:00Z
2016-11-22 03:13:21Z

original description Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, 8: 174. Sep 1851. [details] 

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

basis of record Reveal, J. L. (2006). USDA - APHIS - Concordance of Family Names, 2006 version. Available online at [details] 

current name source Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. (2016). An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV. <em>Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society.</em> 181(1): 1-20., available online at [details] 

extant flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 

habitat flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Plantae (Kingdom) > Magnoliophyta (Phylum) > Magnoliopsida (Class) > Rosidae (Subclass) > Euasterids I incertae sedis (Order) > Icacinaceae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info Angiosperms, nonmarine except where noted. Benton, 1993 habitat flag(s): T; stratigraphic range: Eocene (Ypresian)-Holocene (?Recent) [details]

Nomenclatural status nom. cons. [details]

Taxonomic remark Family size reduced to 25 extant genera in APG IV (2016) cf. APG III, with Meteniusaceae increased; other families split from Icacinaceae in 2001, refer APG IV. [details]

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