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Dentimargo Cossmann, 1899

1194942  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Dentimargo alchymista Melvill & Standen, 1903
  2. Species Dentimargo alisae Boyer, 2001
  3. Species Dentimargo allporti Tenison-Woods, 1876
  4. Species Dentimargo alta Watson, 1886
  5. Species Dentimargo amoena (Suter, 1908)
  6. Species Dentimargo anticlea (Dall, 1919)
  7. Species Dentimargo argonauta Espinosa & Ortea, 2002
  8. Species Dentimargo arvina Laseron, 1957
  9. Species Dentimargo aureocinctus (Stearns, 1872)
  10. Species Dentimargo balicasagensis T. Cossignani, 2001
  11. Species Dentimargo basareoi Espinosa, Ortea & Moro, 2012
  12. Species Dentimargo bavayi Espinosa, Ortea & Moro, 2011
  13. Species Dentimargo biocal Boyer, 2002
  14. Species Dentimargo bojadorensis Thiele, 1925
  15. Species Dentimargo cairoma (Brookes, 1924)
  16. Species Dentimargo cecalupoi Cossignani, 2005
  17. Species Dentimargo chaperi Jousseaume, 1875
  18. Species Dentimargo cingulatus Boyer, 2002
  19. Species Dentimargo clara Thiele, 1925
  20. Species Dentimargo claroi Espinosa & Ortea, 2004
  21. Species Dentimargo cruzmoralai Espinosa & Ortea, 2000
  22. Species Dentimargo cuneata Laseron, 1948
  23. Species Dentimargo debruini T. Cossignani, 1998
  24. Species Dentimargo delphinica Bavay, 1920
  25. Species Dentimargo dentata Lussi & G. Smith, 1996
  26. Species Dentimargo dentiens (May, 1911)
  27. Species Dentimargo dianae Lussi & G. Smith, 1996
  28. Species Dentimargo difficilis Gabriel, 1961
  29. Species Dentimargo dimida Garrard, 1966
  30. Species Dentimargo dimidia Garrard, 1966
  31. Species Dentimargo dimidius (Garrard, 1966)
  32. Species Dentimargo dispoliata Bavay, 1922
  33. Species Dentimargo eburneolus (Conrad, 1834)
  34. Species Dentimargo elatus (Watson, 1886)
  35. Species Dentimargo epacrodonta Roth, 1978
  36. Species Dentimargo eremus Dall, 1919
  37. Species Dentimargo esther (Dall, 1927)
  38. Species Dentimargo fortis Laseron, 1957
  39. Species Dentimargo fusiformis (Hinds, 1844)
  40. Species Dentimargo fusinus (Dall, 1881)
  41. Species Dentimargo fusula (R. Murdoch & Suter, 1906)
  42. Species Dentimargo fusuloides (Dell, 1956)
  43. Species Dentimargo galindoensis Espinosa, Moro & Ortea, 2011
  44. Species Dentimargo gibbus García, 2006
  45. Species Dentimargo gracilis May, 1911
  46. Species Dentimargo grandidietti T. Cossignani, 2001
  47. Species Dentimargo guionneti T. Cossignani, 2001
  48. Species Dentimargo habanensis Espinosa, Ortea & Moro, 2012
  49. Species Dentimargo hebescens (R. Murdoch & Suter, 1906)
  50. Species Dentimargo hennequini Cossignani, 2004
  51. Species Dentimargo hesperia (Sykes, 1905)
  52. Species Dentimargo idiochila (Schwengel, 1943)
  53. Species Dentimargo imitator (Dall, 1927)
  54. Species Dentimargo incessa (Dall, 1927)
  55. Species Dentimargo insecta Laseron, 1957
  56. Species Dentimargo jaffa Cotton, 1944
  57. Species Dentimargo janae T. Cossignani, 2011
  58. Species Dentimargo jeanmartinii Cossignani, 2008
  59. Species Dentimargo kawamurai (Habe, 1951)
  60. Species Dentimargo kemblensis (Hedley, 1903)
  61. Species Dentimargo kevini Cossignani, 2004
  62. Species Dentimargo lantzi (Jousseaume, 1875)
  63. Species Dentimargo lodderae (May, 1911)
  64. Species Dentimargo lurida (Suter, 1908)
  65. Species Dentimargo macnairi (Bavay, 1922)
  66. Species Dentimargo makiyamai (Habe, 1951)
  67. Species Dentimargo maugeana (Hedley, 1915)
  68. Species Dentimargo mayii (Tate, 1900)
  69. Species Dentimargo montrouzieri Boyer, 2003
  70. Species Dentimargo nauticus Espinosa, Ortea & Moro, 2012
  71. Species Dentimargo neglecta (Sowerby II, 1846)
  72. Species Dentimargo perexilis (Bavay, 1922)
  73. Species Dentimargo procrita (Kilburn, 1977)
  74. Species Dentimargo pumila (Redfield, 1870)
  75. Species Dentimargo quilonica (Melvill, 1898)
  76. Species Dentimargo ratzingeri Cossignani, 2006
  77. Species Dentimargo redferni Espinosa, Ortea & Moro, 2012
  78. Species Dentimargo reductus (Bavay, 1922)
  79. Species Dentimargo repentina Sykes, 1905
  80. Species Dentimargo rincigula (G.B. Sowerby III, 1901)
  81. Species Dentimargo rufula Reeve, 1865
  82. Species Dentimargo smithii (A.E. Verrill, 1885)
  83. Species Dentimargo somalica T. Cossignani, 2001
  84. Species Dentimargo spengleri Lussi, 2007
  85. Species Dentimargo spongiarum Boyer, 2001
  86. Species Dentimargo stewartiana (Suter, 1908)
  87. Species Dentimargo suavis (Souverbie, 1859)
  88. Species Dentimargo subamoena (Powell, 1937)
  89. Species Dentimargo subfusula (Powell, 1932)
  90. Species Dentimargo subventricosior (Souverbie, 1863)
  91. Species Dentimargo tanora (Dall, 1927)
  92. Species Dentimargo teramachi Habe, 1951
  93. Species Dentimargo totomiensis Makiyama, 1927
  94. Species Dentimargo tropica Laseron, 1957
  95. Species Dentimargo tropicensis Boyer, 2002
  96. Species Dentimargo vincenzoi T. Cossignani, 2001
  97. Species Dentimargo virginiae Boyer, 2001
  98. Species Dentimargo vitoria Espinosa & Ortea, 2005
  99. Species Dentimargo walkeri E.A. Smith, 1899
  100. Species Dentimargo wormaldi (Powell, 1971)
  101. Species Dentimargo yucatecanus (Dall, 1881)
  102. Species Dentimargo zaidettae Espinosa & Ortea, 2000
  103. Species Dentimargo zanzibarica Bozzetti, 1997
  104. Species Dentimargo zetetes Roth, 1978
  105. Species Dentimargo abyssorum Tomlin, 1916 accepted as Prunum abyssorum (Tomlin, 1916)
  106. Species Dentimargo aronnax (Bouchet & Warén, 1985) accepted as Marginella aronnax Bouchet & Warén, 1985
  107. Species Dentimargo augusta (Thiele, 1925) accepted as Prunum augusta (Thiele, 1925)
  108. Species Dentimargo aureocincta (Stearns, 1872) accepted as Dentimargo aureocinctus (Stearns, 1872)
  109. Species Dentimargo boyeri Bozzetti, 1994 accepted as Eratoidea boyeri (Bozzetti, 1994)
  110. Species Dentimargo chalmersi (Tomlin & Shackleford, 1912) accepted as Marginella chalmersi Tomlin & Shackleford, 1912
  111. Species Dentimargo costata Bozzetti, 1997 accepted as Eratoidea costata (Bozzetti, 1997)
  112. Species Dentimargo costulata Thiele, 1925 accepted as Eratoidea costulata (Thiele, 1925)
  113. Species Dentimargo deformis (G. Nevill & H. Nevill, 1874) accepted as Volvarina deformis (G. Nevill & H. Nevill, 1874)
  114. Species Dentimargo elata (Watson, 1886) accepted as Dentimargo elatus (Watson, 1886)
  115. Species Dentimargo impudica (P. Fischer, 1883) accepted as Marginella impudica P. Fischer, 1883
  116. Species Dentimargo janeiroensis (E.A. Smith, 1915) accepted as Eratoidea janeiroensis (E.A. Smith, 1915)
  117. Species Dentimargo marocana (Locard, 1897) accepted as Marginella marocana Locard, 1897
  118. Species Dentimargo sinuosa Bozzetti, 1997 accepted as Eratoidea sinuosa (Bozzetti, 1997)
  119. Species Dentimargo stylaster Boyer, 2001 accepted as Serrata stylaster (Boyer, 2001)
  120. Species Dentimargo subturrita (P. Fischer, 1883) accepted as Marginella subturrita P. Fischer, 1883
  121. Species Dentimargo sulcata (d'Orbigny, 1842) accepted as Eratoidea sulcata (d'Orbigny, 1842)
  122. Species Dentimargo tollere (Laseron, 1957) accepted as Volvarina tollere (Laseron, 1957)
  123. Species Dentimargo yucatecana (Dall, 1881) accepted as Dentimargo yucatecanus (Dall, 1881)
  124. Species Dentimargo zetes Roth, 1978 accepted as Dentimargo zetetes Roth, 1978
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent + fossil
Essais Paléoconch. comp., 3
page(s): 90 [details] 
IRMNG (2024). Dentimargo Cossmann, 1899. Accessed at: on 2025-03-28
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2016-11-22 11:10:04Z

original description Essais Paléoconch. comp., 3
page(s): 90 [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source CoL2006 (extant taxa) [details] 

extant flag source Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. <em>Bulletins of American Paleontology.</em> 363, 1-560. [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 

original description (of Longinella Laseron, 1957) Aust. J. mar. Freshwat. Res. 8
page(s): 286 [details] 

original description (of Eburnospira Olsson & Harbison, 1953) Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. No. 8
page(s): 201 [details] 

original description (of Volvarinella Habe in Kuroda, 1951) in Kuroda, Illust. Cat. Jap. Shells, 1, no. 16
page(s): 101 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine species (Aphia 2006). Marine, fossil: Tertiary (Sepkoski 2002) [details]

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