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Pleurotomella Verrill, 1872

1292682  (

Fusidaphne Laseron, 1954 · unaccepted (synonym)
Tasmadaphne Laseron, 1954 · unaccepted (synonym)


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  1. Species Pleurotomella aculeata (Webster, 1906)
  2. Species Pleurotomella agassizi Verrill & Smith, 1880
  3. Species Pleurotomella aguayoi (Carcelles, 1953)
  4. Species Pleurotomella allisoni Rehder & Ladd, 1973
  5. Species Pleurotomella amphiblestrum (Melvill, 1904)
  6. Species Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897)
  7. Species Pleurotomella annulata Thiele, 1912
  8. Species Pleurotomella anomalapex Powell, 1951
  9. Species Pleurotomella aperta Dall, 1927
  10. Species Pleurotomella aquilarium
  11. Species Pleurotomella atypica
  12. Species Pleurotomella bairdi Verrill & Smith, 1884
  13. Species Pleurotomella bandella (Dall, 1881)
  14. Species Pleurotomella bathybia Strebel, 1908
  15. Species Pleurotomella benedicti Verrill, 1884
  16. Species Pleurotomella benedicti Verrill, 1872
  17. Species Pleurotomella blakeana (Dall, 1889)
  18. Species Pleurotomella bruneri Verrill, 1884
  19. Species Pleurotomella bureaui (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1897)
  20. Species Pleurotomella cala (Watson, 1886)
  21. Species Pleurotomella cancellata Sysoev, 1988
  22. Species Pleurotomella catharinae Verrill, 1884
  23. Species Pleurotomella catherinae Verrill & Smith, 1884
  24. Species Pleurotomella chariessa (Watson, 1881)
  25. Species Pleurotomella circumvoluta (Watson, 1881)
  26. Species Pleurotomella clathurellaeformis Schepman, 1913
  27. Species Pleurotomella coelorhaphe (Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1896)
  28. Species Pleurotomella corrida Dall, 1927
  29. Species Pleurotomella curta (A.E. Verrill, 1884)
  30. Species Pleurotomella dalli Bush, 1893
  31. Species Pleurotomella deliciosa Thiele, 1912
  32. Species Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896)
  33. Species Pleurotomella dinora Dall, 1908
  34. Species Pleurotomella ecphora (Melvill, 1904)
  35. Species Pleurotomella edgariana (Dall, 1889)
  36. Species Pleurotomella elisa Thiele, 1925
  37. Species Pleurotomella elusiva (Dall, 1881)
  38. Species Pleurotomella emertonii Verrill & Smith, 1884
  39. Species Pleurotomella endeavourensis Dell, 1990
  40. Species Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell, 1958
  41. Species Pleurotomella engonia (A.E. Verrill, 1884)
  42. Species Pleurotomella enora (Dall, 1908)
  43. Species Pleurotomella eulimenes (Melvill, 1904)
  44. Species Pleurotomella eurybrocha (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896)
  45. Species Pleurotomella evadne Melvill, 1912
  46. Species Pleurotomella expeditionis (Dell, 1956)
  47. Species Pleurotomella extensa (Dall, 1881)
  48. Species Pleurotomella formosa (Jeffreys, 1867)
  49. Species Pleurotomella frielei Verrill, 1885
  50. Species Pleurotomella frigida Thiele, 1912
  51. Species Pleurotomella fulvotincta (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896)
  52. Species Pleurotomella gibbera Bouchet & Warén, 1980
  53. Species Pleurotomella granuliapicata Okutani, 1964
  54. Species Pleurotomella hadria (Dall, 1889)
  55. Species Pleurotomella helena Thiele, 1925
  56. Species Pleurotomella herminea Dall, 1919
  57. Species Pleurotomella hermione (Dall, 1919)
  58. Species Pleurotomella hypermnestra Melvill, 1912
  59. Species Pleurotomella ida Thiele, 1925
  60. Species Pleurotomella illicita (Dall, 1927)
  61. Species Pleurotomella imitator (Dall, 1927)
  62. Species Pleurotomella ipara (Dall, 1881)
  63. Species Pleurotomella itama (Melvill, 1906)
  64. Species Pleurotomella lanceata (Dall, 1927)
  65. Species Pleurotomella leptalea Bush, 1893
  66. Species Pleurotomella leucomata (Dall, 1881)
  67. Species Pleurotomella lineola Dall, 1927
  68. Species Pleurotomella lottae Verrill, 1885
  69. Species Pleurotomella lyronuclea (Dall, 1881)
  70. Species Pleurotomella maitasi Engl, 2008
  71. Species Pleurotomella marshalli (Sykes, 1906)
  72. Species Pleurotomella megalembryon (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896)
  73. Species Pleurotomella minuta Sysoev & Ivanov, 1985
  74. Species Pleurotomella normalis (Dall, 1881)
  75. Species Pleurotomella obesa Bouchet & Warén, 1980
  76. Species Pleurotomella ohlini (Strebel, 1905)
  77. Species Pleurotomella orariana (Dall, 1908)
  78. Species Pleurotomella packardii Verrill, 1872
  79. Species Pleurotomella pandionis (A.E. Verrill, 1880)
  80. Species Pleurotomella papyracea (Watson, 1881)
  81. Species Pleurotomella parella Dall, 1908
  82. Species Pleurotomella perpauxilla (Watson, 1881)
  83. Species Pleurotomella porcellana (Watson, 1886)
  84. Species Pleurotomella pudens (Watson, 1881)
  85. Species Pleurotomella puella Thiele, 1925
  86. Species Pleurotomella raineri Engl, 2008
  87. Species Pleurotomella reconditum (Locard, 1891)
  88. Species Pleurotomella rossi Dell, 1990
  89. Species Pleurotomella sandersoni Verrill, 1884
  90. Species Pleurotomella sansibarica Thiele, 1925
  91. Species Pleurotomella siberutensis (Thiele, 1925)
  92. Species Pleurotomella simillima Thiele, 1912
  93. Species Pleurotomella sulcifera Bush, 1893
  94. Species Pleurotomella tcherniai (Gaillard, 1955)
  95. Species Pleurotomella thalassica Dall, 1919
  96. Species Pleurotomella tincta Verrill, 1885
  97. Species Pleurotomella tornata (Verrill, 1884)
  98. Species Pleurotomella ursula Thiele, 1925
  99. Species Pleurotomella vaginata Dall, 1927
  100. Species Pleurotomella vera Thiele, 1925
  101. Species Pleurotomella virginalis Thiele, 1925
  102. Species Pleurotomella vitrea Verrill, 1885
  103. Species Pleurotomella ybessa Figueira & Absalão, 2012
  104. Species Pleurotomella abbreviata Schepman, 1913 accepted as Buccinaria abbreviata (Schepman, 1913)
  105. Species Pleurotomella affinis Schepman, 1913 accepted as Cryptodaphne affinis (Schepman, 1913)
  106. Species Pleurotomella araneosa (Watson, 1881) accepted as Xanthodaphne araneosa (Watson, 1881)
  107. Species Pleurotomella atlantica Locard, 1897 accepted as Kryptos koehleri (Locard, 1896)
  108. Species Pleurotomella atypha Bush, 1893 accepted as Gymnobela atypha (Bush, 1893)
  109. Species Pleurotomella biconica Schepman, 1913 accepted as Acamptodaphne biconica (Schepman, 1913)
  110. Species Pleurotomella brevis (Verrill, 1885) accepted as Pleurotomella blakeana (Dall, 1889)
  111. Species Pleurotomella bullioides Sykes, 1906 accepted as Lusitanops bullioides (Sykes, 1906)
  112. Species Pleurotomella castanea Dall, 1896 accepted as Phymorhynchus castaneus (Dall, 1896)
  113. Species Pleurotomella ceramensis Schepman, 1913 accepted as Gymnobela ceramensis (Schepman, 1913)
  114. Species Pleurotomella clarinda Dall, 1908 accepted as Phymorhynchus clarinda (Dall, 1908)
  115. Species Pleurotomella climacella Dall, 1895 accepted as Belomitra climacella (Dall, 1895)
  116. Species Pleurotomella demulcata Locard, 1897 accepted as Kryptos koehleri (Locard, 1896)
  117. Species Pleurotomella dubia Schepman, 1913 accepted as Gymnobela dubia (Schepman, 1913)
  118. Species Pleurotomella ebor Okutani, 1968 accepted as Cryptomella ebor (Okutani, 1968)
  119. Species Pleurotomella egregia Dall, 1908 accepted as Xanthodaphne egregia (Dall, 1908)
  120. Species Pleurotomella emertoni Verrill, 1884 accepted as Gymnobela emertoni (Verrill, 1884)
  121. Species Pleurotomella esilda Dall, 1908 accepted as Leucosyrinx esilda (Dall, 1908)
  122. Species Pleurotomella extensaeformis Schepman, 1913 accepted as Mioawateria extensaeformis (Schepman, 1913) †
  123. Species Pleurotomella fastosa Hedley, 1907 accepted as Turridrupa fastosa (Hedley, 1907)
  124. Species Pleurotomella gradata Schepman, 1913 accepted as Cryptodaphne gradata (Schepman, 1913)
  125. Species Pleurotomella heterogramma Odhner, 1960 accepted as Xanthodaphne heterogramma (Odhner, 1960)
  126. Species Pleurotomella isogonia Dall, 1908 accepted as Gymnobela isogonia (Dall, 1908)
  127. Species Pleurotomella koehleri Locard, 1896 accepted as Kryptos koehleri (Locard, 1896)
  128. Species Pleurotomella lusitanica Sykes, 1906 accepted as Lusitanops lusitanica (Sykes, 1906) accepted as Lusitanops lusitanicus (Sykes, 1906)
  129. Species Pleurotomella lyronuclea A.H. Clarke, 1959 accepted as Theta lyronuclea (A.H. Clarke, 1959)
  130. Species Pleurotomella oceanica Dall, 1908 accepted as Cryptomella oceanica (Dall, 1908)
  131. Species Pleurotomella pachia (Watson, 1881) accepted as Xanthodaphne pachia (Watson, 1881)
  132. Species Pleurotomella polystephanus Dall, 1908 accepted as Cryptogemma polystephanus (Dall, 1908)
  133. Species Pleurotomella pyriformis Schepman, 1913 accepted as Xanthodaphne pyriformis (Schepman, 1913)
  134. Species Pleurotomella rhytismeis Melvill, 1910 accepted as Taranis rhytismeis (Melvill, 1910)
  135. Species Pleurotomella simplicissima Dall, 1907 accepted as Paraspirotropis simplicissima (Dall, 1907)
  136. Species Pleurotomella virgo Okutani, 1966 accepted as Bathytoma virgo (Okutani, 1966)
  137. Species Pleurotomella xylona Dall, 1908 accepted as Gymnobela xylona (Dall, 1908)
recent + fossil
Amer. J. Sci., (3) 5
page(s): 15 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Verrill, 1872.  
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Verrill, 1872. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Pleurotomella Verrill, 1872. Accessed at: on 2025-03-25
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2016-11-22 08:30:58Z

original description Amer. J. Sci., (3) 5
page(s): 15 [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Bouchet et al., 2001 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. <em>Bulletins of American Paleontology.</em> 363, 1-560. [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 

original description (of Azorita F. Nordsieck, 1968) Die europaischen Meeres-Gehauseschnecken (Prosobranchia) vom Eismeer bis Kapverden und Mittelmeer. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart
page(s): 184 [details] 

original description (of Tasmadaphne Laseron, 1954) Revision New South Wales Turridae. Sydney, Royal Zoo. Soc. N.S.W., Handb.
page(s): 46 [details] 

original description (of Fusidaphne Laseron, 1954) Rev. New South Wales Turridae. Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W., Sydney
page(s): 47 [details] 

original description (of Anomalotomella Powell, 1966 †) Bull. Auckland Inst. Mus. 5
page(s): 132 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine species (Aphia 2006). Marine, extant (?) + fossil: Tertiary to Recent (Sepkoski 2002) [details]

Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Verrill, 1872. [details]

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