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Lopadostoma (Nitschke) Traverso, 1906

1294041  (



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  1. Species Lopadostoma hawaiianum J.D. Rogers & Y.M. Ju, 2002
  2. Species Lopadostoma pouzarii Granmo & L.E. Petrini, 1996
  3. Species Lopadostoma amoenum (Nitschke) Shear, 1938 accepted as Anthostoma amoenum (Nitschke) Sacc., 1882
  4. Species Lopadostoma apiculatum (Curr.) P.M.D. Martin, 1976 accepted as Apiorhynchostoma curreyi (Rabenh.) E. Müll., 1962
  5. Species Lopadostoma apiculatum (Curr.) P.M.D. Martin, 1969 accepted as Apiorhynchostoma curreyi (Rabenh.) E. Müll., 1962
  6. Species Lopadostoma conorum (Fuckel) P.M.D. Martin, 1976 accepted as Anthostomella conorum (Fuckel) Sacc., 1882
  7. Species Lopadostoma conorum (Fuckel) P.M.D. Martin, 1969 accepted as Anthostomella conorum (Fuckel) Sacc., 1882
  8. Species Lopadostoma cubiculare (Fr.) P.M.D. Martin, 1969 accepted as Anthostoma cubiculare (Fr.) Nitschke, 1867
  9. Species Lopadostoma cubiculare (Fr.) P.M.D. Martin, 1976 accepted as Anthostoma cubiculare (Fr.) Nitschke, 1867
  10. Species Lopadostoma decipiens (DC.) P.M.D. Martin, 1976 accepted as Anthostoma decipiens (DC.) Nitschke, 1867
  11. Species Lopadostoma decipiens (DC.) P.M.D. Martin, 1969 accepted as Anthostoma decipiens (DC.) Nitschke, 1867
  12. Species Lopadostoma gastrinum (Fr.) Traverso, 1906 accepted as Anthostoma gastrinum (Fr.) Sacc., 1873
  13. Species Lopadostoma microsporum (P. Karst.) P.M.D. Martin, 1969 accepted as Camarops microspora (P. Karst.) Shear, 1938
  14. Species Lopadostoma rhenanum (Fuckel) P.M.D. Martin, 1969 accepted as Mytilinidion rhenanum Fuckel, 1871
  15. Species Lopadostoma rhenanum (Fuckel) P.M.D. Martin, 1976 accepted as Mytilinidion rhenanum Fuckel, 1871
  16. Species Lopadostoma saprophilum (Ellis & Everh.) Rappaz, 1995 accepted as Anthostoma saprophilum Ellis & Everh., 1887
  17. Species Lopadostoma sphinctrinum (Fr.) P.M.D. Martin, 1969 accepted as Anthostoma dryophilum (Curr.) Sacc., 1882
  18. Species Lopadostoma sphinctrinum (Fr.) P.M.D. Martin, 1976 accepted as Anthostoma dryophilum (Curr.) Sacc., 1882
  19. Species Lopadostoma turgidum (Pers.) Traverso, 1906 accepted as Anthostoma turgidum (Pers.) Nitschke, 1867
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Basionym: Anthostoma subg. Lopadostoma Nitschke, 1867.  
Taxonomic remark Basionym: Anthostoma subg. Lopadostoma Nitschke, 1867. [details]
IRMNG (2021). Lopadostoma (Nitschke) Traverso, 1906. Accessed at: on 2025-02-22
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000 unverified [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 
Taxonomic remark Basionym: Anthostoma subg. Lopadostoma Nitschke, 1867. [details]

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