IRMNG Taxon list
Search for 'Caratophyllum ' returned 0 matching records, but 20 less strict , matching records . Click on one of the taxon names listed below to check the details. [
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Calamophyllum Schwantes, 1927 accepted as Cylindrophyllum Schwantes, 1927
Camptophyllum Nathorst, 1875 † (uncertain ) [Family: Plantae (awaiting allocation)]
Camptophyllum Simpson, 1900 † (unaccepted ) [Family: Aulophyllidae]
Carantophyllum Alloiteau, 1957 †
Cardiophyllum † (uncertain ) [Family: Cribricyathea (awaiting allocation)]
Cardiophyllum J.K. Ehrhart, 1789 accepted as Listera R. Brown in W.T. Aiton, 1813 [Family: Orchidaceae]
Careophyllum Brownlaw & Jell, 2008 †
Caribophyllum Rehn, 1947
Carinophyllum Strelnikov, 1964 † (uncertain )
Carpophyllum Greville, 1830
Cavanophyllum Pedder, 1965 † (uncertain )
Ceratophyllum Gürich, 1896 † [Family: Rugosa (awaiting allocation)]
Ceratophyllum Linnaeus, 1753 [Family: Ceratophyllaceae]
Ceratophyllum M. Choisy, 1951 accepted as Hypogymnia (Nylander) Nylander, 1896 [Family: Parmeliaceae]
Characophyllum Wu & Zhao, 1989 † (uncertain )
Charactophyllum Simpson, 1900 †
Cyatophyllum Morren in Galeotti, 1837 (uncertain )
Cyrtophyllum Lindström, 1882 † [Family: Tabulata (awaiting allocation)]
Cyrtophyllum Reinwardt ex Blume, 1827 accepted as Fagraea Thunberg, 1782 [Family: Gentianaceae]
Karatophyllum L.D. Gómez, 1972 † (uncertain )