IRMNG Taxon list
Search for 'Conopteris ' returned 0 matching records, but 16 less strict , matching records . Click on one of the taxon names listed below to check the details. [
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Cacopteris Scudder, 1894
Caenopteris Bergius, 1786 accepted as Asplenium Linnaeus, 1753
Calopteris Bachelot de la Pylaie, 1830 accepted as Ptilota C.A. Agardh, 1817 [Family: Ceramiaceae]
Calopteris Corda, 1845 † [Family: Psalixochlaenaceae]
Ceropteris Link, 1841 accepted as Pityrogramma Link, 1833
Chanopterus Boheman, 1858
Conchopteris H.W. Bristow, 1862 † (uncertain )
Coniopteris A.T. Brongniart in A.C.V.D. d'Orbigny, 1849 †
Conopterum Chaudoir, 1868
Cornopteris Nakai, 1930 accepted as Athyrium A.W. Roth, 1799
Ctenopteris A.T. Brongniart ex G. Saporta, 1873 † accepted as Ptilozamites A.G. Nathorst, 1878 † [Class: Pteridospermopsida]
Ctenopteris Blume ex Kunze, 1846 accepted as Prosaptia K.B. Presl, 1836 [Class: Polypodiopsida]
Ctenopteris Newman, 1851 accepted as Polypodium Linnaeus, 1753 [Class: Polypodiopsida]
Cynepteris S.R. Ash, 1969 †
Gonopteris Geyer in Hübner, 1832 (uncertain )
Zonopteris Debey & Ettingshausen, 1859 † (uncertain )