IRMNG Taxon list
Search for 'Leptohylus ' returned 0 matching records, but 33 less strict , matching records . Click on one of the taxon names listed below to check the details. [
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Leptaulus Bentham in Bentham & J.D. Hooker, 1862
Leptobelus Stål, 1866 (uncertain ) [Family: Hemiptera (awaiting allocation)]
Leptobelus Zimmerman, 1994 accepted as Stenobelus Zimmerman in Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 [Family: Belidae]
Leptobolus Hall, 1872 † [Family: Obolidae]
Leptobolus Kirby, 1891 (unaccepted ) [Family: Hemiptera (awaiting allocation)]
Leptochilus Cossmann, 1909 † (unaccepted ) [Family: Mollusca (awaiting allocation)]
Leptochilus Kaulfuss, 1824 [Family: Polypodiaceae]
Leptochilus Loew, 1872 accepted as Epacmus Osten-Sacken, 1887 [Family: Bombyliidae]
Leptochilus Saussure, 1853 [Family: Vespidae]
Leptocilus (uncertain )
Leptocyclus Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Cycleptus Rafinesque, 1819
Leptohyalis accepted as Leptohalysis Loeblich & Tappan, 1984 †
Leptoiulus Verhoeff, 1894
Leptolycus Leng & Mutchler, 1922
Leptomelus Jakovlev, 1882 (uncertain )
Leptomylus Cope, 1869 † (uncertain )
Leptophilus Chamberlin, 1915 accepted as Polycricus Saussure & Humbert, 1872
Leptophycus A. Fritsch, 1908 † [Phylum: Algae incertae sedis]
Leptophycus J.H. Johnson, 1940 † accepted as Cyanoleptophycus E.A. Molinari-Novoa & M.D. Guiry, 2021 † [Phylum: Cyanobacteria]
Leptophycus K.B. Korde, 1954 † accepted as Palaeoleptophycus K.B. Korde, 1958 † [Phylum: Cyanobacteria]
Leptophyllus Hope, 1842 accepted as Oxynopterus Hope, 1842 [Family: Elateridae]
Leptophyllus J. Cachon & M. Cachon-Enjumet, 1964 accepted as Abedinium A.R. Loeblich Jr. & A.R. Loeblich III, 1966 [Family: Leptodiscaceae]
Leptophyllus Quenstedt, 1876 (uncertain ) [Family: Porifera (awaiting allocation)]
Leptophytus Cassini, 1817 (uncertain )
Leptopilus Raymond, 1924 †
Leptopygus Förster, 1868 (uncertain )
Leptopylus Ashmead, 1900 (unaccepted )
Leptostylus Faust, 1892 accepted as Litostylus Faust, 1893 [Family: Curculionidae]
Leptostylus Fischel, 1927 accepted as Leptofischelia Strand, 1929 accepted as Trichopelma Simon, 1888 [Family: Theraphosidae]
Leptostylus Leconte, 1852 [Family: Cerambycidae]
Leptotylus Van Duzee, 1916 (uncertain )
Leptotyrus Jeannel, 1954 accepted as Acylotyrus Jeannel, 1954
Leptoxylum Corda, 1845 † (uncertain )