IRMNG Taxon list
Search for 'Phyllocardus ' returned 0 matching records, but 15 less strict , matching records . Click on one of the taxon names listed below to check the details. [
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Phyllacarus Vercammen-Grandjean, 1967 accepted as Guntheria Womersley, 1939
Phyllocactus Link, 1831 accepted as Epiphyllum A.H. Haworth, 1812
Phyllocardium Fischer, 1887 † (uncertain ) [Family: Mollusca (awaiting allocation)]
Phyllocardium Korshikov, 1927 [Family: Dunaliellaceae]
Phyllocarpos Poiret, 1813 accepted as Cladonia P. Browne, 1756
Phyllocarpus Riedel ex Endlicher, 1842 (uncertain )
Phyllocarpus Riedel ex Tulasne, 1843 accepted as Barnebydendron J.H. Kirkbride, 1999
Phyllocaulus Hoffmann, 1925 accepted as Phyllocaulis Colosi, 1922
Phyllocercus Uvarov, 1941
Phyllocereus A. Worsley, 1931 (unaccepted )
Phyllocereus Knebel, 1938 (unaccepted )
Phyllocereus Miquel, 1839 accepted as Epiphyllum A.H. Haworth, 1812
Phyllocerus Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
Phyllocladus Blair, 1914 [Family: Pyrochroidae]
Phyllocladus Mirbel, 1825 [Family: Podocarpaceae]