IRMNG Taxon list
Search for 'Pterophyta ' returned 0 matching records, but 11 less strict , matching records . Click on one of the taxon names listed below to check the details. [
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Picrophyta F. von Mueller, 1853 (uncertain )
Pteropelta † (uncertain )
Pterophaea Kiriakoff, 1953 † (uncertain )
Pterophora Desmarest in Chenu, 1858 accepted as Perophora Wiegmann, 1835 [Family: Perophoridae]
Pterophora Linnaeus, 1760 (unaccepted ) [Family: Asteraceae]
Pterophora W.H. Harvey, 1838 accepted as Stephanotis Du Petit-Thouars, 1806 [Family: Apocynaceae]
Pterophylla D. Don, 1830 accepted as Weinmannia Linnaeus, 1759 [Family: Cunoniaceae]
Pterophylla Kirby, 1825 [Family: Tettigoniidae]
Pterophysa Fewkes, 1886 accepted as Bathyphysa Studer, 1878
Pterophytis Simroth in Bronn, 1907 accepted as Pterorytis Conrad, 1863
Pterophyton Cassini, 1818 (unaccepted )