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Ceuthophilus Scudder, 1862

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  1. Species Ceuthophilus abditus Hubbell, 1936
  2. Species Ceuthophilus agassizii (Scudder, 1861)
  3. Species Ceuthophilus alpinus Scudder, 1894
  4. Species Ceuthophilus apache Hubbell, 1936
  5. Species Ceuthophilus aridus Bruner, 1904
  6. Species Ceuthophilus arizonensis Scudder, 1894
  7. Species Ceuthophilus armatipes Hubbell, 1936
  8. Species Ceuthophilus baboquivariae Hubbell, 1936
  9. Species Ceuthophilus brevipes Scudder, 1863
  10. Species Ceuthophilus cacogeus Strohecker, 1951
  11. Species Ceuthophilus californianus Scudder, 1863
  12. Species Ceuthophilus carlsbadensis Caudell, 1924
  13. Species Ceuthophilus carolinus Hubbell, 1936
  14. Species Ceuthophilus caudelli Hubbell, 1936
  15. Species Ceuthophilus chiricahuae Hubbell, 1936
  16. Species Ceuthophilus conicaudus Hubbell, 1936
  17. Species Ceuthophilus crassifemoris Hubbell, 1929
  18. Species Ceuthophilus cunicularis Hubbell, 1936
  19. Species Ceuthophilus deserticola Barnum, 1964
  20. Species Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863
  21. Species Ceuthophilus elegans Hubbell, 1934
  22. Species Ceuthophilus ensifer Packer, 1881
  23. Species Ceuthophilus fissicaudus Hubbell, 1936
  24. Species Ceuthophilus fossor Hubbell, 1936
  25. Species Ceuthophilus fusiformis Scudder, 1894
  26. Species Ceuthophilus genicularis (Saussure & Pictet, 1897)
  27. Species Ceuthophilus gertschi Hubbell, 1936
  28. Species Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Haldeman, 1850)
  29. Species Ceuthophilus guttulosus Walker, F., 1869
  30. Species Ceuthophilus hebardi Hubbell, 1936
  31. Species Ceuthophilus hesperus Hubbell, 1936
  32. Species Ceuthophilus hualapai Hubbell, 1936
  33. Species Ceuthophilus hubbelli Hebard, 1939
  34. Species Ceuthophilus inyo Hubbell, 1936
  35. Species Ceuthophilus isletae Hubbell, 1936
  36. Species Ceuthophilus kansensis Hubbell, 1936
  37. Species Ceuthophilus lamellipes Rehn, 1907
  38. Species Ceuthophilus lapidicola (Burmeister, H., 1838)
  39. Species Ceuthophilus latens Scudder, 1863
  40. Species Ceuthophilus latibuli Scudder, 1894
  41. Species Ceuthophilus latipes Scudder, 1894
  42. Species Ceuthophilus leptopus Strohecker, 1947
  43. Species Ceuthophilus longipes Caudell, 1924
  44. Species Ceuthophilus maculatus (Harris, T.W., 1835)
  45. Species Ceuthophilus meridionalis Scudder, 1894
  46. Species Ceuthophilus mescalero Hubbell, 1936
  47. Species Ceuthophilus mississippi Hubbell, 1936
  48. Species Ceuthophilus mormonius Hubbell, 1936
  49. Species Ceuthophilus nevadensis Barnum, 1964
  50. Species Ceuthophilus nitens Hubbell, 1936
  51. Species Ceuthophilus nodulosus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888
  52. Species Ceuthophilus occultus Scudder, 1894
  53. Species Ceuthophilus osagensis Hubbell, 1936
  54. Species Ceuthophilus ozarkensis Hubbell, 1936
  55. Species Ceuthophilus pallescens Bruner, 1891
  56. Species Ceuthophilus pallidipes Walker, E.M., 1905
  57. Species Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  58. Species Ceuthophilus papago Hubbell, 1936
  59. Species Ceuthophilus paucispinosus Rehn, 1905
  60. Species Ceuthophilus peninsularis Rehn & Hebard, 1914
  61. Species Ceuthophilus perplexus Hubbell, 1936
  62. Species Ceuthophilus pima Hubbell, 1936
  63. Species Ceuthophilus pinalensis Hubbell, 1936
  64. Species Ceuthophilus polingi Hubbell, 1936
  65. Species Ceuthophilus rehni Hubbell, 1936
  66. Species Ceuthophilus rogersi Hubbell, 1936
  67. Species Ceuthophilus seclusus Scudder, 1894
  68. Species Ceuthophilus secretus Scudder, 1894
  69. Species Ceuthophilus silvestris Bruner, 1885
  70. Species Ceuthophilus spinosus Scudder, 1894
  71. Species Ceuthophilus stygius (Scudder, 1861)
  72. Species Ceuthophilus tenebrarum Scudder, 1894
  73. Species Ceuthophilus tinkhami Hubbell, 1936
  74. Species Ceuthophilus uhleri Scudder, 1863
  75. Species Ceuthophilus umbratilis Hubbell, 1936
  76. Species Ceuthophilus umbrosus Hubbell, 1936
  77. Species Ceuthophilus unguiculatus Hubbell, 1936
  78. Species Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, C., 1876
  79. Species Ceuthophilus variegatus Scudder, 1894
  80. Species Ceuthophilus vicinus Hubbell, 1936
  81. Species Ceuthophilus virgatipes Rehn, 1904
  82. Species Ceuthophilus walkeri Hubbell, 1929
  83. Species Ceuthophilus wasatchensis Hubbell, 1936
  84. Species Ceuthophilus wheeleri Hubbell, 1936
  85. Species Ceuthophilus wichitaensis Hubbell, 1936
  86. Species Ceuthophilus williamsoni Hubbell, 1934
  87. Species Ceuthophilus yavapai Hubbell, 1936
  88. Species Ceuthophilus armata (Walker, F., 1869) accepted as Ceuthophilus maculatus (Harris, T.W., 1835)
  89. Species Ceuthophilus ater Scudder, 1902 accepted as Udeopsylla robusta (Haldeman, 1850)
  90. Species Ceuthophilus bicolor Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863
  91. Species Ceuthophilus bicolor Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863
  92. Species Ceuthophilus blatchleyi Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus uhleri Scudder, 1863
  93. Species Ceuthophilus bruneri Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  94. Species Ceuthophilus bruneri Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  95. Species Ceuthophilus caecus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863
  96. Species Ceuthophilus caecus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863
  97. Species Ceuthophilus castaneus Thomas, C., 1872 accepted as Ceuthophilus californianus Scudder, 1863
  98. Species Ceuthophilus corticicola Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus secretus Scudder, 1894
  99. Species Ceuthophilus corticicola Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus secretus Scudder, 1894
  100. Species Ceuthophilus crassus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus agassizii (Scudder, 1861)
  101. Species Ceuthophilus crassus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus agassizii (Scudder, 1861)
  102. Species Ceuthophilus davisi Blatchley, 1920 accepted as Ceuthophilus lapidicola (Burmeister, H., 1838)
  103. Species Ceuthophilus denticulatus Scudder & Wheeler, 1896 accepted as Ceuthophilus californianus Scudder, 1863
  104. Species Ceuthophilus devius Scudder, 1894 accepted as Udeopsylla robusta (Haldeman, 1850)
  105. Species Ceuthophilus devius Kirby, 1906 accepted as Udeopsylla robusta (Haldeman, 1850)
  106. Species Ceuthophilus discolor Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  107. Species Ceuthophilus discolor Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  108. Species Ceuthophilus divergens Hebard, 1925 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  109. Species Ceuthophilus forreriana (Saussure & Pictet, 1897) accepted as Ceuthophilus genicularis (Saussure & Pictet, 1897)
  110. Species Ceuthophilus genitalis Caudell, 1916 accepted as Ceuthophilus nodulosus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888
  111. Species Ceuthophilus grandis Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Haldeman, 1850)
  112. Species Ceuthophilus grandis Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Haldeman, 1850)
  113. Species Ceuthophilus heros Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Haldeman, 1850)
  114. Species Ceuthophilus heros Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Haldeman, 1850)
  115. Species Ceuthophilus inquinatus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  116. Species Ceuthophilus inquinatus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  117. Species Ceuthophilus lapidicola Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888 accepted as Ceuthophilus spinosus Scudder, 1894
  118. Species Ceuthophilus lapidicollis Scudder, 1863 accepted as Ceuthophilus brevipes Scudder, 1863
  119. Species Ceuthophilus latebricola Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus maculatus (Harris, T.W., 1835)
  120. Species Ceuthophilus latebricola Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus maculatus (Harris, T.W., 1835)
  121. Species Ceuthophilus latisulcus Blatchley, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus uhleri Scudder, 1863
  122. Species Ceuthophilus lepismoides Walker, 1871 accepted as Leponosandrus lepismoides (Walker, F., 1871)
  123. Species Ceuthophilus marshalli Caudell, 1926 accepted as Ceuthophilus silvestris Bruner, 1885
  124. Species Ceuthophilus mexicanus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus variegatus Scudder, 1894
  125. Species Ceuthophilus mexicanus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus variegatus Scudder, 1894
  126. Species Ceuthophilus neglectus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus guttulosus Walker, F., 1869
  127. Species Ceuthophilus neglectus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus guttulosus Walker, F., 1869
  128. Species Ceuthophilus niger Scudder, 1863 accepted as Udeopsylla robusta (Haldeman, 1850)
  129. Species Ceuthophilus nigricans Blatchley, 1920 accepted as Ceuthophilus guttulosus Walker, F., 1869
  130. Species Ceuthophilus nigricans Hubbell, 1936 accepted as Ceuthophilus guttulosus Walker, F., 1869
  131. Species Ceuthophilus nigricans Karny, 1937 accepted as Ceuthophilus guttulosus Walker, F., 1869
  132. Species Ceuthophilus obesus (Caudell, 1916) accepted as Ceuthophilus californianus Scudder, 1863
  133. Species Ceuthophilus pallidus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, C., 1876
  134. Species Ceuthophilus pallidus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, C., 1876
  135. Species Ceuthophilus palmeri Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus secretus Scudder, 1894
  136. Species Ceuthophilus palmeri Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus secretus Scudder, 1894
  137. Species Ceuthophilus pinguis Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus variegatus Scudder, 1894
  138. Species Ceuthophilus pinguis Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus variegatus Scudder, 1894
  139. Species Ceuthophilus platyceps (Saussure & Pictet, 1897) accepted as Ceuthophilus californianus Scudder, 1863
  140. Species Ceuthophilus politus Scudder, 1902 accepted as Udeopsylla robusta (Haldeman, 1850)
  141. Species Ceuthophilus rehebi Blatchley, 1920 accepted as Ceuthophilus lapidicola (Burmeister, H., 1838)
  142. Species Ceuthophilus sallei Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863
  143. Species Ceuthophilus sallei Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus divergens Scudder, 1863
  144. Species Ceuthophilus scabripes Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Haldeman, 1850)
  145. Species Ceuthophilus scriptus Walker, F., 1869 accepted as Ceuthophilus maculatus (Harris, T.W., 1835)
  146. Species Ceuthophilus scriptus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus maculatus (Harris, T.W., 1835)
  147. Species Ceuthophilus sloanii Packer, 1873 accepted as Ceuthophilus stygius (Scudder, 1861)
  148. Species Ceuthophilus terrestris Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus brevipes Scudder, 1863
  149. Species Ceuthophilus testaceus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus fusiformis Scudder, 1894
  150. Species Ceuthophilus testaceus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus fusiformis Scudder, 1894
  151. Species Ceuthophilus tuckeri Rehn, 1907 accepted as Ceuthophilus pallidus Thomas, C., 1872
  152. Species Ceuthophilus uniformis Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, C., 1876
  153. Species Ceuthophilus uniformis Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, C., 1876
  154. Species Ceuthophilus valgus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, C., 1876
  155. Species Ceuthophilus valgus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus utahensis Thomas, C., 1876
  156. Species Ceuthophilus varicator Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus secretus Scudder, 1894
  157. Species Ceuthophilus vinculatus Scudder, 1894 accepted as Ceuthophilus alpinus Scudder, 1894
  158. Species Ceuthophilus vinculatus Kirby, 1906 accepted as Ceuthophilus alpinus Scudder, 1894
  159. Species Ceuthophilus zonarius (Walker, F., 1869) accepted as Ceuthophilus agassizii (Scudder, 1861)
marine, brackish
recent only
Boston J. Nat. Hist., 7, no. 3
page(s): 433 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Ceuthophilus Scudder, 1862. Accessed at: on 2025-03-28
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Boston J. Nat. Hist., 7, no. 3
page(s): 433 [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Kevan, 1982 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000/Kevan, 1982 [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Ceutophilus Provancher, 1876) Natural. Canad., 8
page(s): 74 [details] 

original description (of Onthophilus Walker, 1872) Canad. Ent., 4
page(s): 30 [details] 

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