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Pothyne Thomson, 1864

1019903  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Pothyne acaciae Gardner, 1930
  2. Species Pothyne albolineata Matsushita, 1933
  3. Species Pothyne albosignata Breuning, 1950
  4. Species Pothyne albosternalis Breuning, 1982
  5. Species Pothyne andamanica Breuning, 1940
  6. Species Pothyne annulata Breuning, 1942
  7. Species Pothyne annulicornis Breuning, 1948
  8. Species Pothyne biguttula Schwarzer, 1929
  9. Species Pothyne birmanica Pic, 1930
  10. Species Pothyne borneotica Breuning, 1940
  11. Species Pothyne burmanensis Breuning, 1943
  12. Species Pothyne capito Pascoe, 1866
  13. Species Pothyne celebensis Breuning, 1940
  14. Species Pothyne celebiana Breuning, 1943
  15. Species Pothyne ceylonensis Breuning, 1940
  16. Species Pothyne chocolata Gressitt, 1939
  17. Species Pothyne combreti Gardner, 1930
  18. Species Pothyne convexifrons Gardner, 1930
  19. Species Pothyne discomaculata Breuning, 1940
  20. Species Pothyne distincta Breuning, 1950
  21. Species Pothyne elongata Breuning, 1940
  22. Species Pothyne elongatula Breuning, 1948
  23. Species Pothyne fasciata Gressitt, 1951
  24. Species Pothyne femoralis Breuning, 1940
  25. Species Pothyne flavostictica Breuning, 1940
  26. Species Pothyne formosana Schwarzer, 1925
  27. Species Pothyne fusiscapa Gressitt, 1940
  28. Species Pothyne griseolineata Breuning, 1940
  29. Species Pothyne griseomarmorata Breuning, 1970
  30. Species Pothyne harmandi Breuning, 1948
  31. Species Pothyne hayashii Breuning, 1953
  32. Species Pothyne incerta Breuning, 1942
  33. Species Pothyne indica Breuning, 1940
  34. Species Pothyne indistincta Breuning, 1940
  35. Species Pothyne interrupta Pic, 1927
  36. Species Pothyne keyensis Breuning, 1948
  37. Species Pothyne kualabokensis Hayashi, 1976
  38. Species Pothyne laevifrons Breuning, 1943
  39. Species Pothyne laeviscapa Breuning, 1950
  40. Species Pothyne laosensis (Pic, 1934)
  41. Species Pothyne laosica Breuning, 1971
  42. Species Pothyne laterialba Gressitt, 1937
  43. Species Pothyne laterialba Breuning, 1966
  44. Species Pothyne lineolata Gressitt, 1940
  45. Species Pothyne liturata Matsushita, 1933
  46. Species Pothyne longipennis Breuning, 1943
  47. Species Pothyne longiscapus Breuning, 1948
  48. Species Pothyne luteomaculata Breuning, 1982
  49. Species Pothyne luzonica Breuning, 1942
  50. Species Pothyne macrophthalma Breuning, 1940
  51. Species Pothyne malaccensis Breuning, 1942
  52. Species Pothyne mamutensis Hayashi, 1975
  53. Species Pothyne mimodistincta Breuning, 1968
  54. Species Pothyne mindanaonis Breuning, 1942
  55. Species Pothyne mouhoti Breuning, 1982
  56. Species Pothyne multilineata (Pic, 1934)
  57. Species Pothyne multivittata Breuning, 1980
  58. Species Pothyne multivittipennis Breuning, 1966
  59. Species Pothyne multivittipennis Breuning, 1950
  60. Species Pothyne niasica Aurivillius, 1916
  61. Species Pothyne obliquetruncata Gressitt, 1939
  62. Species Pothyne ochracea Breuning, 1940
  63. Species Pothyne ochreolineata Breuning, 1943
  64. Species Pothyne ochreovittipennis Breuning, 1968
  65. Species Pothyne paralaosensis Breuning, 1968
  66. Species Pothyne paraterialba Breuning, 1971
  67. Species Pothyne pauloplicata Pic, 1934
  68. Species Pothyne philippinica Breuning, 1940
  69. Species Pothyne pici Breuning, 1948
  70. Species Pothyne polyplicata Hua & She, 1987
  71. Species Pothyne postcutellaris Breuning, 1964
  72. Species Pothyne proxima Breuning, 1940
  73. Species Pothyne pseudolaosensis Breuning, 1977
  74. Species Pothyne pseudorufipes Breuning, 1948
  75. Species Pothyne rufovittata Breuning, 1943
  76. Species Pothyne rugifrons Gressitt, 1940
  77. Species Pothyne rugiscapa Breuning, 1940
  78. Species Pothyne sabahensis Hayashi, 1975
  79. Species Pothyne septemlineata Aurivillius, 1923
  80. Species Pothyne septemvittipennis Breuning, 1962
  81. Species Pothyne seriata Gressitt, 1940
  82. Species Pothyne sericeomaculata Breuning, 1950
  83. Species Pothyne sikkimana Breuning, 1969
  84. Species Pothyne sikkimensis Breuning, 1940
  85. Species Pothyne silacea Pascoe, 1871
  86. Species Pothyne sinensis Pic, 1927
  87. Species Pothyne siporensis Breuning, 1943
  88. Species Pothyne stictica Breuning, 1950
  89. Species Pothyne strigata Gahan, 1907
  90. Species Pothyne strigatoides Breuning, 1950
  91. Species Pothyne subdistincta Breuning, 1950
  92. Species Pothyne subfemoralis Breuning, 1968
  93. Species Pothyne subvittata Breuning, 1950
  94. Species Pothyne sumatrana Breuning, 1942
  95. Species Pothyne sumatrensis Breuning, 1982
  96. Species Pothyne suturalis Pic, 1924
  97. Species Pothyne suturella Breuning, 1942
  98. Species Pothyne tenuevittata (Fairmaire, 1888)
  99. Species Pothyne thibetana Breuning, 1950
  100. Species Pothyne trivittata (Newman, 1842)
  101. Species Pothyne uniformis Heller, 1924
  102. Species Pothyne variegata Thomson, 1864
  103. Species Pothyne variegatoides Breuning, 1968
  104. Species Pothyne virgata Gahan, 1907
  105. Species Pothyne vittata Aurivillius, 1916
  106. Species Pothyne albolateralis Breuning, 1942 accepted as Pothyne laterialba Gressitt, 1937
  107. Species Pothyne flavescens Breuning, 1940 accepted as Pothyne acaciae Gardner, 1930
  108. Species Pothyne fusciscapa Breuning, 1961 accepted as Pothyne fusiscapa Gressitt, 1940
  109. Species Pothyne laosensis Breuning, 1965 accepted as Pothyne pseudolaosensis Breuning, 1977
  110. Species Pothyne laosensis Breuning, 1964 accepted as Pothyne laosica Breuning, 1971
  111. Species Pothyne niveosparsa Gressitt, 1951 accepted as Pothyne variegata Thomson, 1864
  112. Species Pothyne saigonensis Pic, 1933 accepted as Hyllisia saigonensis (Pic, 1933)
  113. Species Pothyne seriemaculata Breuning, 1961 accepted as Pothyne sericeomaculata Breuning, 1950
  114. Species Pothyne taihokensis Matsushita, 1933 accepted as Hyllisia taihokensis (Matsushita, 1933)
marine, brackish
recent only
Thomson, J. (1864-1865). Systema cerambycidarum ou exposé de tous les genres compris dans la famille des cérambycides et familles limitrophes. H. Dessain, Liége. 578 pp. [Pp. 1-352 (1864), 352-578 (1865).]., available online at
page(s): 97 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Pothyne Thomson, 1864. Accessed at: on 2025-03-28
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Thomson, J. (1864-1865). Systema cerambycidarum ou exposé de tous les genres compris dans la famille des cérambycides et familles limitrophes. H. Dessain, Liége. 578 pp. [Pp. 1-352 (1864), 352-578 (1865).]., available online at
page(s): 97 [details] 

basis of record SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family Hallan, J. (2000-2017). Biology Catalog (2012 version), (as at 2012). [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Neopothyne Matsushita, 1931) Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc., 12
page(s): 46 [details] 

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