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Glaucopsyche Scudder, 1872

1032717  (

Astria Grishin, 2024 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym (Treated as valid subgenus)
Shijimiaeoides Beuret, 1958 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym


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  1. Species Glaucopsyche aeruginosa Staudinger, 1881
  2. Species Glaucopsyche alaica Grum-Grshimailo, 1888
  3. Species Glaucopsyche alexis Poda, 1761
  4. Species Glaucopsyche algerica Rühl, 1895
  5. Species Glaucopsyche alluaudi Oberthür, 1922
  6. Species Glaucopsyche alpina Turati & Verity, 1911
  7. Species Glaucopsyche andereggi Rühl, 1891
  8. Species Glaucopsyche antolinezi Agenjo, 1967
  9. Species Glaucopsyche arcasi Agenjo, 1967
  10. Species Glaucopsyche argali Elwes, 1899
  11. Species Glaucopsyche arizonensis McDunnough, 1936
  12. Species Glaucopsyche astraea Freyer, 1852
  13. Species Glaucopsyche australis Grinnell, 1917
  14. Species Glaucopsyche bamba Agenjo, 1967
  15. Species Glaucopsyche barnesi Gunder, 1927
  16. Species Glaucopsyche basipuncta Agenjo, 1967
  17. Species Glaucopsyche behrii Edwards, 1862
  18. Species Glaucopsyche blachieri Milliére, 1887
  19. Species Glaucopsyche boursini Mezger, 1927
  20. Species Glaucopsyche boydi Clark, 1948
  21. Species Glaucopsyche bronte Bergstrasser, 1779
  22. Species Glaucopsyche caeca Courvoisier, 1912
  23. Species Glaucopsyche caerulea Courvoisier, 1913
  24. Species Glaucopsyche caerulea Wagner, 1919
  25. Species Glaucopsyche caerulescens Beuret, 1964
  26. Species Glaucopsyche cantabra Agenjo, 1967
  27. Species Glaucopsyche columbia Skinner, 1917
  28. Species Glaucopsyche completa Verity, 1919
  29. Species Glaucopsyche corona Verity
  30. Species Glaucopsyche couperi Grote, 1874
  31. Species Glaucopsyche cyllarus Rottemburg, 1775
  32. Species Glaucopsyche damaetas Hübner, 1799/800
  33. Species Glaucopsyche damaetas Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775
  34. Species Glaucopsyche damoetas Schiffermüller, 1776
  35. Species Glaucopsyche dimus Bergstrasser, 1779
  36. Species Glaucopsyche diversa De Sagarra, 1926
  37. Species Glaucopsyche dymus Herbst, 1804
  38. Species Glaucopsyche eckweileri Koçak, 1979
  39. Species Glaucopsyche elongata Seitz, 1909
  40. Species Glaucopsyche exerces Boisduval, 1852
  41. Species Glaucopsyche fascista Turati, 1928
  42. Species Glaucopsyche grumi Forster, 1938
  43. Species Glaucopsyche helena Agenjo, 1967
  44. Species Glaucopsyche huguenini Gunder, 1925
  45. Species Glaucopsyche illustris Stauder, 1915
  46. Species Glaucopsyche incognitus Tilden, 1974
  47. Species Glaucopsyche intermedia Chermock, 1929
  48. Species Glaucopsyche iphicles Staudinger, 1886
  49. Species Glaucopsyche jacki Stallings & Turner, 1947
  50. Species Glaucopsyche justoi Agenjo, 1967
  51. Species Glaucopsyche lada Kozhanchikov, 1936
  52. Species Glaucopsyche latimargo Courvoisier, 1913
  53. Species Glaucopsyche latina Hartig, 1940
  54. Species Glaucopsyche lederi Bang-Haas, 1907
  55. Species Glaucopsyche leussleri Gunder, 1927
  56. Species Glaucopsyche loechensis Bustillo, 1973
  57. Species Glaucopsyche lopedevega Agenjo, 1967
  58. Species Glaucopsyche lugens Caradja, 1893
  59. Species Glaucopsyche lycormas Butler, 1866
  60. Species Glaucopsyche lygdamus Doubleday, 1842
  61. Species Glaucopsyche marchandii Boisduval, 1833
  62. Species Glaucopsyche maritimalpium Verity, 1928
  63. Species Glaucopsyche mediopunctata Oberthür, 1915
  64. Species Glaucopsyche medunnoughi Gunder, 1927
  65. Species Glaucopsyche melanoposmater Verity, 1928
  66. Species Glaucopsyche melanops Boisduval, 1829
  67. Species Glaucopsyche melanopsalluaudi Oberthür
  68. Species Glaucopsyche melconi De Sagarra, 1930
  69. Species Glaucopsyche mertila Edwards, 1866
  70. Species Glaucopsyche mildredae Chermock, 1944
  71. Species Glaucopsyche minor Heinrich, 1938
  72. Species Glaucopsyche minuscula Agenjo, 1967
  73. Species Glaucopsyche mirabilis Beuret, 1964
  74. Species Glaucopsyche mironi Coutsis, 1976
  75. Species Glaucopsyche mittergergeri Stauder, 1915
  76. Species Glaucopsyche morena Agenjo, 1967
  77. Species Glaucopsyche naevusnanus Agenjo, 1967
  78. Species Glaucopsyche nittanyensis Chermock, 1944
  79. Species Glaucopsyche ocellata Mezger, 1927
  80. Species Glaucopsyche oeruginosa Staudinger
  81. Species Glaucopsyche oro Scudder, 1876
  82. Species Glaucopsyche palosverdesensis Perkins & Emmel, 1977
  83. Species Glaucopsyche paphos Chapman, 1920
  84. Species Glaucopsyche parvandereggi Verity, 1938
  85. Species Glaucopsyche paucimaculosus Kuwayama, 1926
  86. Species Glaucopsyche paucipuncta Courv., 1912
  87. Species Glaucopsyche pauper Verity, 1919
  88. Species Glaucopsyche pauperella De Sagarra, 1927
  89. Species Glaucopsyche phobos Bergstrasser, 1779
  90. Species Glaucopsyche piasus Boisduval, 1852
  91. Species Glaucopsyche polyphemus Boisduval, 1869
  92. Species Glaucopsyche punctata Muschamp, 1909
  93. Species Glaucopsyche punctata Gouin, 1904
  94. Species Glaucopsyche safidensis Blom, 1979
  95. Species Glaucopsyche saportae Geyer, 1827/30
  96. Species Glaucopsyche saportoe Hübner, 1827/41
  97. Species Glaucopsyche selene Hemming, 1934
  98. Species Glaucopsyche semicaeca Heinrich, 1938
  99. Species Glaucopsyche seminigra Howarth & Povolny, 1976
  100. Species Glaucopsyche sinepunctata Comstock, 1926
  101. Species Glaucopsyche sternitzkyi Gunder, 1929
  102. Species Glaucopsyche subalexis Obraztsov, 1936
  103. Species Glaucopsyche subpauper Verity, 1928
  104. Species Glaucopsyche subtusimpunctata Oberthür, 1896
  105. Species Glaucopsyche subtusradiata Oberthür, 1896
  106. Species Glaucopsyche sumpantingi Bollow, 1931
  107. Species Glaucopsyche superornata Agenjo, 1967
  108. Species Glaucopsyche tenuimarginata Beuret, 1964
  109. Species Glaucopsyche tomariana Matsumura, 1928
  110. Species Glaucopsyche toxeuma Brown, 1971
  111. Species Glaucopsyche tristis Gerhard, 1853
  112. Species Glaucopsyche unipuncta Rebel, 1909
  113. Species Glaucopsyche velada Bustillo, 1973
  114. Species Glaucopsyche violacea Beuret, 1964
  115. Species Glaucopsyche viriato Agenjo, 1967
  116. Species Glaucopsyche wheeleri Chapman, 1905
  117. Species Glaucopsyche williamsi Hemming, 1931
  118. Species Glaucopsyche xerces Boisduval, 1852
marine, brackish
recent only
Ann. Rep. Trustees Acad. Sci., 4 (1871)
page(s): 54 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Glaucopsyche Scudder, 1872. Accessed at: on 2025-03-23
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Ann. Rep. Trustees Acad. Sci., 4 (1871)
page(s): 54 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Astria Grishin, 2024) Zhang, J., Cong, Q., Shen, J., Song, L., & Grishin, N.V. (2024). Taxonomic advances driven by the genomic analysis of butterflies. <em>The Taxonomic Report of the International Lepidoptera Survey.</em> 11(7): 1-43., available online at [details] 

original description (of Shijimiaeoides Beuret, 1958) Mitt. Ent. Ges. Basel (N. F.) 8
page(s): 100 [details] 

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