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Diastatidae Hendel, 1917

105010  (



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  1. Genus Calopterella Coquillett, 1910
  2. Genus Diastata Meigen, 1830
  3. Genus Euthychaeta Loew, 1864
  4. Genus Euthycheta Schiner, 1868 accepted as Euthychaeta Loew, 1864
  5. Genus Trichoptera Lioy, 1864 accepted as Calopterella Coquillett, 1910
  6. Genus Pareuthychaeta Hennig, 1965 † (uncertain, unassessed)
  7. Genus Thryptocheta Rondani, 1856 accepted as Campichoeta Macquart, 1835 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  8. Genus Tryptochaeta Curran, 1934 accepted as Thryptocheta Rondani, 1856 accepted as Campichoeta Macquart, 1835 (unaccepted > misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling)
  9. Genus Tryptocheta Schiner, 1868 accepted as Thryptocheta Rondani, 1856 accepted as Campichoeta Macquart, 1835 (unaccepted > misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling)
  10. Genus Thriptocheta Lioy, 1864 accepted as Thryptocheta Rondani, 1856 accepted as Campichoeta Macquart, 1835 (unaccepted > unjustified emendation)
  11. Genus Thryptochoeta Bezzi, 1892 accepted as Thryptocheta Rondani, 1856 accepted as Campichoeta Macquart, 1835 (unaccepted > unjustified emendation)
marine, brackish
recent + fossil
Not documented
IRMNG (2022). Diastatidae Hendel, 1917. Accessed at: on 2025-03-03
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2022-10-22 15:56:21Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

extant flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 

habitat flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Arthropoda (Phylum) > Hexapoda (Subphylum) > Insecta (Class) > Pterygota (Subclass) > Neoptera (Infraclass) > Holometabola (Superorder) > Diptera (Order) > Brachycera (Suborder) > Cyclorrhapha (Infraorder) > Schizophora (Series) > Drosophiloidea (Superfamily) > Diastatidae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info Flies, terrestrial (characteristics of order) (Parker). Benton, 1993 habitat flag(s): T; stratigraphic range: Eocene (Priabonian)-Holocene (?Recent) [details]

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