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Philobota Meyrick, 1883

1303125  (

Latometus Butler, 1882 · unaccepted > junior homonym
Orophia Meyrick, 1883 · unaccepted


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  1. Species Philobota abductella (Walker, 1864)
  2. Species Philobota aceraea (Meyrick, 1883)
  3. Species Philobota acerba (Turner, 1939)
  4. Species Philobota achranta (Turner, 1917)
  5. Species Philobota acompsa Turner, 1944
  6. Species Philobota acrobaphes Meyrick, 1885
  7. Species Philobota acroplaca Turner, 1944
  8. Species Philobota acropola Meyrick, 1884
  9. Species Philobota acrotropa Meyrick, 1884
  10. Species Philobota actias (Lower, 1899)
  11. Species Philobota acutella Walker, 1864
  12. Species Philobota adaptatella Walker, 1864
  13. Species Philobota aedophanes Turner, 1944
  14. Species Philobota aeolias Meyrick, 1889
  15. Species Philobota aethalea Meyrick, 1884
  16. Species Philobota aetopis Meyrick, 1889
  17. Species Philobota agnesella Meyrick, 1884
  18. Species Philobota agnesella Newman, 1855
  19. Species Philobota agrapha Turner, 1917
  20. Species Philobota aletis Meyrick, 1905
  21. Species Philobota allocota Turner, 1944
  22. Species Philobota alloea Turner, 1944
  23. Species Philobota alypa Turner, 1914
  24. Species Philobota amalodes Meyrick, 1889
  25. Species Philobota amblopis Turner, 1944
  26. Species Philobota amblys Turner, 1944
  27. Species Philobota amechana Turner, 1944
  28. Species Philobota ameles Turner, 1944
  29. Species Philobota amenena Meyrick, 1888
  30. Species Philobota amissella Walker, 1864
  31. Species Philobota amoebaea Meyrick, 1889
  32. Species Philobota amphilyca Meyrick, 1884
  33. Species Philobota amphitoxa Meyrick, 1889
  34. Species Philobota anachorda Meyrick, 1884
  35. Species Philobota anarrecta Meyrick, 1889
  36. Species Philobota anazancla Meyrick, 1889
  37. Species Philobota ancylotoxa Meyrick, 1884
  38. Species Philobota angustella (Walker, 1864)
  39. Species Philobota anisochroa Turner, 1944
  40. Species Philobota annularis Meyrick, 1884
  41. Species Philobota anthophora Turner, 1944
  42. Species Philobota antipodella Wallengren, 1861
  43. Species Philobota aphanes Meyrick, 1884
  44. Species Philobota aplasta Meyrick, 1914
  45. Species Philobota apora (Meyrick, 1883)
  46. Species Philobota apricata Meyrick, 1913
  47. Species Philobota arabella Newman, 1855
  48. Species Philobota archedora Turner, 1944
  49. Species Philobota archepeda (Meyrick, 1888)
  50. Species Philobota archescia Meyrick, 1887
  51. Species Philobota argotoxa Meyrick, 1889
  52. Species Philobota argyrodes Turner, 1917
  53. Species Philobota asemantica (Turner, 1944)
  54. Species Philobota athletica Rosenstock, 1885
  55. Species Philobota atmobola Meyrick, 1889
  56. Species Philobota atmopis (Meyrick, 1889)
  57. Species Philobota atrisignis (Lower, 1900)
  58. Species Philobota auantis Meyrick, 1889
  59. Species Philobota auriceps Butler, 1882
  60. Species Philobota aurinatella Walker, 1864
  61. Species Philobota austalea (Meyrick, 1884)
  62. Species Philobota automima Meyrick, 1889
  63. Species Philobota auxolyca Meyrick, 1889
  64. Species Philobota auxoscia Meyrick, 1922
  65. Species Philobota axiota Meyrick, 1889
  66. Species Philobota baryptera (Turner, 1896)
  67. Species Philobota barysoma (Meyrick, 1883)
  68. Species Philobota basatra Lower, 1900
  69. Species Philobota basicapna (Turner, 1937)
  70. Species Philobota basiphaia Common, 1996
  71. Species Philobota bathrogramma (Turner, 1916)
  72. Species Philobota bathrophaea (Turner, 1914)
  73. Species Philobota biophora Meyrick, 1884
  74. Species Philobota borborodes Turner, 1917
  75. Species Philobota botryitis Meyrick, 1914
  76. Species Philobota brachyomis Meyrick, 1889
  77. Species Philobota brachystoma (Meyrick, 1915)
  78. Species Philobota bracteatella Walker, 1864
  79. Species Philobota brochosema Meyrick, 1884
  80. Species Philobota byrsochra (Meyrick, 1915)
  81. Species Philobota calamaea Meyrick, 1884
  82. Species Philobota calamochroa Turner, 1944
  83. Species Philobota callichrysa Lower, 1898
  84. Species Philobota calliophthalma Meyrick, 1889
  85. Species Philobota callistis (Meyrick, 1889)
  86. Species Philobota caminias Meyrick, 1889
  87. Species Philobota camposema Turner, 1944
  88. Species Philobota campyla Meyrick, 1889
  89. Species Philobota campylosema Turner, 1944
  90. Species Philobota candida (Turner, 1898)
  91. Species Philobota capnonota (Turner, 1938)
  92. Species Philobota cardinalis Meyrick, 1913
  93. Species Philobota carinaria Meyrick, 1913
  94. Species Philobota catachrysa Meyrick, 1889
  95. Species Philobota catalampra Meyrick, 1884
  96. Species Philobota catascia Meyrick, 1884
  97. Species Philobota cataxera Meyrick, 1884
  98. Species Philobota catharopa Turner, 1944
  99. Species Philobota causta Turner, 1944
  100. Species Philobota celaenopa (Turner, 1936)
  101. Species Philobota centromita Turner, 1944
  102. Species Philobota centrotherma Lower, 1901
  103. Species Philobota cephalochrysa (Lower, 1894)
  104. Species Philobota ceratina Meyrick, 1884
  105. Species Philobota chalcoxantha Meyrick, 1889
  106. Species Philobota charaxias Meyrick, 1889
  107. Species Philobota chiastis Meyrick, 1889
  108. Species Philobota chionoleuca Turner, 1944
  109. Species Philobota chionoptera Meyrick, 1884
  110. Species Philobota chlorella (Meyrick, 1883)
  111. Species Philobota chrysanthes Turner, 1896
  112. Species Philobota chrysopotama Meyrick, 1884
  113. Species Philobota chrysozona Turner, 1896
  114. Species Philobota cinetica Meyrick, 1884
  115. Species Philobota cirrhocephala (Turner, 1917)
  116. Species Philobota cirrhodes Meyrick, 1913
  117. Species Philobota cirrhopepla (Turner, 1916)
  118. Species Philobota clastosticha (Turner, 1939)
  119. Species Philobota cnecopasta (Turner, 1937)
  120. Species Philobota cnecopis Turner, 1917
  121. Species Philobota comarcha (Meyrick, 1920)
  122. Species Philobota concisella Walker, 1864
  123. Species Philobota coniodes Turner, 1944
  124. Species Philobota coniortia Meyrick, 1884
  125. Species Philobota contentella Walker, 1864
  126. Species Philobota cosmocrates Meyrick, 1889
  127. Species Philobota crassinervis (Lower, 1900)
  128. Species Philobota cremantis Meyrick, 1889
  129. Species Philobota cretacea Meyrick, 1884
  130. Species Philobota crocobapta Meyrick, 1884
  131. Species Philobota crococephala Turner, 1944
  132. Species Philobota crocodes Turner, 1944
  133. Species Philobota crocopleura Turner, 1944
  134. Species Philobota crossoxantha (Lower, 1907)
  135. Species Philobota crustulata Meyrick, 1913
  136. Species Philobota crypsichola Meyrick, 1884
  137. Species Philobota crypsileuca Meyrick, 1884
  138. Species Philobota cryptea (Turner, 1938)
  139. Species Philobota curriculata Meyrick, 1920
  140. Species Philobota curvilinea (Turner, 1896)
  141. Species Philobota cyclogramma Lower, 1897
  142. Species Philobota cyphocentra (Meyrick, 1922)
  143. Species Philobota dasycopa Lower, 1907
  144. Species Philobota declivis Meyrick, 1884
  145. Species Philobota declivisella Walker, 1864
  146. Species Philobota dedecorata Meyrick, 1915
  147. Species Philobota dejunctella Walker, 1864
  148. Species Philobota delicia Turner, 1917
  149. Species Philobota delochorda (Turner, 1917)
  150. Species Philobota delosema Turner, 1917
  151. Species Philobota delosticha (Lower, 1915)
  152. Species Philobota delosticta Turner, 1944
  153. Species Philobota deltoloma (Lower, 1923)
  154. Species Philobota diacrita Turner, 1917
  155. Species Philobota diaereta Turner, 1917
  156. Species Philobota dichotoma (Turner, 1941)
  157. Species Philobota dictyodes (Meyrick, 1889)
  158. Species Philobota diffusa Lucas, 1901
  159. Species Philobota dilechria Turner, 1944
  160. Species Philobota dimochla Turner, 1944
  161. Species Philobota diphracta Lower, 1920
  162. Species Philobota disema Meyrick, 1884
  163. Species Philobota dolichothrix Turner, 1939
  164. Species Philobota dryinota Meyrick, 1914
  165. Species Philobota dulcescens Meyrick, 1913
  166. Species Philobota dysphorata (Turner, 1938)
  167. Species Philobota eccleta Turner, 1944
  168. Species Philobota echidnias Meyrick, 1889
  169. Species Philobota egelida Meyrick, 1884
  170. Species Philobota egena (Turner, 1940)
  171. Species Philobota electrodes Meyrick, 1884
  172. Species Philobota ellenella Newman, 1855
  173. Species Philobota embologramma (Turner, 1916)
  174. Species Philobota enchalca Turner, 1917
  175. Species Philobota ennephela Meyrick, 1884
  176. Species Philobota eocrossa Meyrick, 1887
  177. Species Philobota epibosca (Turner, 1937)
  178. Species Philobota epipercna (Turner, 1917)
  179. Species Philobota epiplasta Turner, 1917
  180. Species Philobota epitoxa Meyrick, 1889
  181. Species Philobota epularis Meyrick, 1913
  182. Species Philobota erebodes Meyrick, 1884
  183. Species Philobota eremosema Lower, 1915
  184. Species Philobota eremotropha (Turner, 1938)
  185. Species Philobota ergatis Meyrick, 1884
  186. Species Philobota eriscota Meyrick, 1889
  187. Species Philobota erythrotaenia Wallengren, 1861
  188. Species Philobota euageta Turner, 1944
  189. Species Philobota euarmosta Turner, 1944
  190. Species Philobota euchlora (Turner, 1896)
  191. Species Philobota eucrita Turner, 1917
  192. Species Philobota euctista Turner, 1917
  193. Species Philobota eudela Turner, 1944
  194. Species Philobota euethira (Turner, 1944)
  195. Species Philobota eugramma Lower, 1894
  196. Species Philobota euneta Turner, 1944
  197. Species Philobota eurytoxa Turner, 1944
  198. Species Philobota euryzona Turner, 1917
  199. Species Philobota eutelopis Meyrick, 1920
  200. Species Philobota euxantha Meyrick, 1884
  201. Species Philobota euzancla (Turner, 1938)
  202. Species Philobota flaccida Meyrick, 1913
  203. Species Philobota foedatella (Walker, 1864)
  204. Species Philobota fumifera (Turner, 1939)
  205. Species Philobota futilis Meyrick, 1920
  206. Species Philobota gephyrodes Turner, 1944
  207. Species Philobota geraeopa Meyrick, 1913
  208. Species Philobota germinalis Meyrick, 1913
  209. Species Philobota gilvella Turner, 1917
  210. Species Philobota glaucoptera Meyrick, 1884
  211. Species Philobota goniotypa Turner, 1944
  212. Species Philobota gonostropha Lower, 1896
  213. Species Philobota grammatica (Meyrick, 1883)
  214. Species Philobota grammidias Meyrick, 1913
  215. Species Philobota grammophora Lower, 1897
  216. Species Philobota graphica Meyrick, 1887
  217. Species Philobota griseicostella Zeller, 1877
  218. Species Philobota gummosa Meyrick, 1913
  219. Species Philobota gymnastica Meyrick, 1920
  220. Species Philobota gypsomera Lower, 1920
  221. Species Philobota habrodes Lower, 1899
  222. Species Philobota habrosema Turner, 1944
  223. Species Philobota hapala Meyrick, 1889
  224. Species Philobota haplogramma Turner, 1917
  225. Species Philobota haplostola (Turner, 1937)
  226. Species Philobota hapula Meyrick, 1884
  227. Species Philobota hecatella Newman, 1855
  228. Species Philobota hemera (Meyrick, 1886)
  229. Species Philobota hemeris Meyrick, 1915
  230. Species Philobota hemichrysa (Lower, 1916)
  231. Species Philobota hemicroca Lower, 1903
  232. Species Philobota heptasticta (Turner, 1937)
  233. Species Philobota herodiella Felder, 1875
  234. Species Philobota heterophaea Turner, 1944
  235. Species Philobota hexasticta (Turner, 1937)
  236. Species Philobota hiracistis Meyrick, 1899
  237. Species Philobota holocrossa Meyrick, 1889
  238. Species Philobota holocycla Lower, 1894
  239. Species Philobota homochroa (Turner, 1916)
  240. Species Philobota homophyla (Turner, 1937)
  241. Species Philobota humerella Walker, 1863
  242. Species Philobota hydara Meyrick, 1884
  243. Species Philobota hylophila Turner, 1917
  244. Species Philobota hyphanta Turner, 1927
  245. Species Philobota hypocausta Meyrick, 1884
  246. Species Philobota hypopolia (Turner, 1917)
  247. Species Philobota idea Lower, 1893
  248. Species Philobota ignava Meyrick, 1913
  249. Species Philobota immemor Meyrick, 1913
  250. Species Philobota impletella Walker, 1869
  251. Species Philobota incompta Turner, 1944
  252. Species Philobota innocens Meyrick, 1913
  253. Species Philobota interlineatella Walker, 1864
  254. Species Philobota intricata Turner, 1944
  255. Species Philobota ioplaca Turner, 1944
  256. Species Philobota iosema Meyrick, 1889
  257. Species Philobota iphigenes Meyrick, 1889
  258. Species Philobota irakella Amsel, 1959
  259. Species Philobota irruptella Zeller, 1877
  260. Species Philobota ischnodes (Meyrick, 1902)
  261. Species Philobota ischnophanes (Turner, 1937)
  262. Species Philobota isolitha Meyrick, 1913
  263. Species Philobota isomora Turner, 1915
  264. Species Philobota isonoma Common, 1996
  265. Species Philobota lathicentra Meyrick, 1889
  266. Species Philobota latifissella Walker, 1864
  267. Species Philobota laxeuta (Meyrick, 1913)
  268. Species Philobota leptochorda (Turner, 1916)
  269. Species Philobota leptomita Turner, 1944
  270. Species Philobota leucocosma Turner, 1917
  271. Species Philobota leucodelta (Turner, 1938)
  272. Species Philobota leucomitra Meyrick, 1884
  273. Species Philobota leucozancla Turner, 1944
  274. Species Philobota limenarcha Meyrick, 1913
  275. Species Philobota limonia Meyrick, 1913
  276. Species Philobota lithochlora Meyrick, 1889
  277. Species Philobota lochitis Turner, 1917
  278. Species Philobota lochmaula Turner, 1917
  279. Species Philobota lonchota Turner, 1896
  280. Species Philobota loxographa Diakonoff, 1967
  281. Species Philobota lutulenta (Meyrick, 1913)
  282. Species Philobota lysizona Meyrick, 1889
  283. Species Philobota macrostola (Turner, 1938)
  284. Species Philobota madida Meyrick, 1920
  285. Species Philobota malacopis Meyrick, 1889
  286. Species Philobota marcens Meyrick, 1914
  287. Species Philobota marginella Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775
  288. Species Philobota mathematica (Meyrick, 1883)
  289. Species Philobota mechanica Meyrick, 1889
  290. Species Philobota megalocentra Meyrick, 1889
  291. Species Philobota melanoglypta Meyrick, 1889
  292. Species Philobota melanogypsa (Turner, 1938)
  293. Species Philobota melanoploca Meyrick, 1884
  294. Species Philobota melanoxantha Meyrick, 1889
  295. Species Philobota melanthes (Lower, 1899)
  296. Species Philobota melichrodes Turner, 1898
  297. Species Philobota melirrhoa Meyrick, 1884
  298. Species Philobota melodora Meyrick, 1889
  299. Species Philobota menodora Meyrick, 1889
  300. Species Philobota meraca (Turner, 1937)
  301. Species Philobota mesodesma Meyrick, 1889
  302. Species Philobota metachroa Meyrick, 1889
  303. Species Philobota metacneca Turner, 1944
  304. Species Philobota metaxantha (Turner, 1941)
  305. Species Philobota metria Turner, 1917
  306. Species Philobota micranepsia Turner, 1927
  307. Species Philobota microchlora Meyrick, 1915
  308. Species Philobota microschema Meyrick, 1884
  309. Species Philobota microxantha Meyrick, 1889
  310. Species Philobota mitoloma Lower, 1915
  311. Species Philobota modesta Turner, 1944
  312. Species Philobota moestella Walker, 1864
  313. Species Philobota molliculella Walker, 1864
  314. Species Philobota monadelta Lower, 1897
  315. Species Philobota monodelta Lower
  316. Species Philobota monogramma Meyrick, 1884
  317. Species Philobota monoides (Turner, 1917)
  318. Species Philobota monolitha Meyrick, 1884
  319. Species Philobota monoloncha Meyrick, 1889
  320. Species Philobota monophaes Meyrick, 1884
  321. Species Philobota monosema Turner
  322. Species Philobota monospila (Turner, 1937)
  323. Species Philobota mucida (Turner, 1938)
  324. Species Philobota mychias Meyrick, 1889
  325. Species Philobota mylothris Meyrick, 1921
  326. Species Philobota myrochrista (Meyrick, 1920)
  327. Species Philobota mysticodes Turner, 1917
  328. Species Philobota napaea (Turner, 1917)
  329. Species Philobota nephelarcha Meyrick, 1884
  330. Species Philobota nephelota Turner, 1944
  331. Species Philobota niphias Meyrick, 1884
  332. Species Philobota noserodes Meyrick, 1889
  333. Species Philobota notiodes Turner, 1944
  334. Species Philobota notomolybda Turner, 1944
  335. Species Philobota obliviosa Meyrick, 1913
  336. Species Philobota occidua Meyrick, 1884
  337. Species Philobota ocellaris Meyrick, 1884
  338. Species Philobota ochlophila (Turner, 1938)
  339. Species Philobota ochrochoa Lower, 1894
  340. Species Philobota ochrolitha Lower, 1903
  341. Species Philobota ochronota Turner, 1944
  342. Species Philobota ochrosticta Turner, 1944
  343. Species Philobota ocularis Turner, 1896
  344. Species Philobota olympias Meyrick, 1889
  345. Species Philobota omichlota Meyrick, 1884
  346. Species Philobota omotypa Turner, 1944
  347. Species Philobota ophiodes Meyrick, 1889
  348. Species Philobota orecta (Turner, 1938)
  349. Species Philobota orescoa Meyrick, 1884
  350. Species Philobota orestera Turner, 1917
  351. Species Philobota orgiastis Meyrick, 1889
  352. Species Philobota orinoma Meyrick, 1884
  353. Species Philobota oriphaea Meyrick, 1889
  354. Species Philobota orphnaea Turner, 1896
  355. Species Philobota orphnites Turner, 1896
  356. Species Philobota orthogramma Meyrick, 1884
  357. Species Philobota ortholoma (Turner, 1937)
  358. Species Philobota orthomita Turner, 1917
  359. Species Philobota orthomochla Turner, 1944
  360. Species Philobota orthotoma Turner, 1917
  361. Species Philobota otiosa Meyrick, 1921
  362. Species Philobota oxyptila (Turner, 1937)
  363. Species Philobota oxysema Lower, 1903
  364. Species Philobota pachychorda (Turner, 1937)
  365. Species Philobota pacifera (Meyrick, 1914)
  366. Species Philobota pactolias Meyrick, 1913
  367. Species Philobota panarcha Turner, 1915
  368. Species Philobota paracycla Meyrick, 1884
  369. Species Philobota paragypsa Lower, 1900
  370. Species Philobota paralitha Lower
  371. Species Philobota parasema Lower, 1920
  372. Species Philobota partitella Walker, 1864
  373. Species Philobota passalias Meyrick, 1913
  374. Species Philobota pasteoptera (Turner, 1937)
  375. Species Philobota pedetis Meyrick, 1884
  376. Species Philobota pentamera Lower, 1893
  377. Species Philobota perangusta (Turner, 1936)
  378. Species Philobota perioeca (Turner, 1937)
  379. Species Philobota perixantha Turner, 1896
  380. Species Philobota perpetua (Meyrick, 1913)
  381. Species Philobota personata Meyrick, 1884
  382. Species Philobota petrinodes (Lower, 1901)
  383. Species Philobota phaedropa Lower, 1901
  384. Species Philobota phaeocephala Turner, 1917
  385. Species Philobota phaeochyta Turner, 1944
  386. Species Philobota phaeodelta (Turner, 1937)
  387. Species Philobota phauloscopa Meyrick, 1884
  388. Species Philobota philostaura (Meyrick, 1883)
  389. Species Philobota phlaura (Turner, 1938)
  390. Species Philobota phloeomima Turner, 1939
  391. Species Philobota phoenopasta Turner, 1927
  392. Species Philobota physaula Meyrick, 1914
  393. Species Philobota picraula Lower, 1920
  394. Species Philobota pilidiota Turner, 1917
  395. Species Philobota pilipes (Butler, 1882)
  396. Species Philobota placida Meyrick
  397. Species Philobota placochorda Turner, 1927
  398. Species Philobota placophaea (Turner, 1937)
  399. Species Philobota platyptera Lower, 1893
  400. Species Philobota plesiosperma (Turner, 1937)
  401. Species Philobota pleurosticha (Turner, 1936)
  402. Species Philobota plicilinea (Turner, 1938)
  403. Species Philobota poliocneca Turner, 1927
  404. Species Philobota poliocrossa Turner, 1944
  405. Species Philobota polybotrya Turner, 1917
  406. Species Philobota polygypsa Lower
  407. Species Philobota polypenthes (Turner, 1939)
  408. Species Philobota prepodes (Turner, 1937)
  409. Species Philobota pretiosella Walker, 1863
  410. Species Philobota productella Walker, 1864
  411. Species Philobota profuga Meyrick, 1913
  412. Species Philobota propriella Walker, 1864
  413. Species Philobota proscedes (Turner, 1936)
  414. Species Philobota protecta Meyrick, 1920
  415. Species Philobota protorthra Meyrick, 1884
  416. Species Philobota pruinosa Meyrick, 1884
  417. Species Philobota psacasta (Meyrick, 1883)
  418. Species Philobota psammochroa (Lower, 1894)
  419. Species Philobota psilopla Meyrick, 1884
  420. Species Philobota publicana (Meyrick, 1914)
  421. Species Philobota pulverea Meyrick, 1884
  422. Species Philobota pulvifera (Turner, 1937)
  423. Species Philobota pycnoda (Lower, 1907)
  424. Species Philobota pycnotypa Turner, 1944
  425. Species Philobota pyrocentra Lower, 1897
  426. Species Philobota pyrota (Meyrick, 1889)
  427. Species Philobota pyrrhophara Turner, 1944
  428. Species Philobota rasilis Turner, 1926
  429. Species Philobota rhadinosticha (Turner, 1938)
  430. Species Philobota rhipidura (Meyrick, 1913)
  431. Species Philobota ruinosa (Meyrick, 1913)
  432. Species Philobota scieropa Meyrick, 1889
  433. Species Philobota sciocrossa Meyrick, 1913
  434. Species Philobota scioessa (Turner, 1938)
  435. Species Philobota scitula (Turner, 1917)
  436. Species Philobota semantica (Turner, 1916)
  437. Species Philobota semifulva Turner, 1944
  438. Species Philobota semiticella Amsel, 1959
  439. Species Philobota sigmophora Meyrick, 1884
  440. Species Philobota silignias (Lower, 1899)
  441. Species Philobota similis (Turner, 1937)
  442. Species Philobota siphonistis Meyrick, 1921
  443. Species Philobota sobrina Turner, 1944
  444. Species Philobota solaris Meyrick, 1913
  445. Species Philobota sophia Turner, 1896
  446. Species Philobota sordidella (Walker, 1864)
  447. Species Philobota sphenoleuca Lower, 1907
  448. Species Philobota spodotis Turner, 1944
  449. Species Philobota stella Newman, 1855
  450. Species Philobota stenophylla (Turner, 1939)
  451. Species Philobota stenosema Turner, 1944
  452. Species Philobota stenotypa (Turner, 1917)
  453. Species Philobota stereosema Meyrick, 1889
  454. Species Philobota sthenopis Turner, 1927
  455. Species Philobota stictoloma (Turner, 1944)
  456. Species Philobota stipulata Meyrick, 1913
  457. Species Philobota stramentaria (Turner, 1916)
  458. Species Philobota strigatella (Donovan, 1805)
  459. Species Philobota strongyla (Turner, 1936)
  460. Species Philobota subductella Walker, 1864
  461. Species Philobota susanae (Lower, 1900)
  462. Species Philobota synauges Meyrick, 1889
  463. Species Philobota syncolla (Turner, 1917)
  464. Species Philobota syneches (Turner, 1914)
  465. Species Philobota synnephes (Turner, 1937)
  466. Species Philobota syntropa Meyrick, 1931
  467. Species Philobota tanaostola Turner, 1944
  468. Species Philobota tanyscia (Meyrick, 1883)
  469. Species Philobota tarsyntis Meyrick, 1922
  470. Species Philobota terpnopis Turner, 1944
  471. Species Philobota tessaradisca Turner, 1944
  472. Species Philobota tetradelta Meyrick, 1922
  473. Species Philobota tetragona Meyrick, 1889
  474. Species Philobota tharsyntis Meyrick, 1922
  475. Species Philobota theorica Meyrick, 1889
  476. Species Philobota thermophanes Turner, 1917
  477. Species Philobota thiobaphes (Turner, 1937)
  478. Species Philobota thiocrossa (Turner, 1917)
  479. Species Philobota thiodes Turner, 1917
  480. Species Philobota thiogramma Meyrick, 1889
  481. Species Philobota topica Meyrick, 1914
  482. Species Philobota tranquilla (Turner, 1937)
  483. Species Philobota transactella Walker, 1864
  484. Species Philobota transversella (Walker, 1864)
  485. Species Philobota trichroa Meyrick, 1902
  486. Species Philobota trigonosema (Turner, 1937)
  487. Species Philobota trijugella Zeller, 1877
  488. Species Philobota trimeris Lower, 1902
  489. Species Philobota triplectis Meyrick, 1913
  490. Species Philobota trivia Meyrick, 1915
  491. Species Philobota tyroxantha Meyrick, 1884
  492. Species Philobota vera Meyrick, 1914
  493. Species Philobota vilis Turner, 1944
  494. Species Philobota xanthastis (Meyrick, 1889)
  495. Species Philobota xanthiella Walker, 1864
  496. Species Philobota xanthocoma Lower, 1897
  497. Species Philobota xanthodisca Turner, 1944
  498. Species Philobota xanthopolia (Turner, 1941)
  499. Species Philobota xanthoprepes Turner, 1917
  500. Species Philobota xerodes (Lower, 1900)
  501. Species Philobota xesta Turner, 1944
  502. Species Philobota xipheres Turner, 1896
  503. Species Philobota xiphopepla (Lower, 1920)
  504. Species Philobota xiphostola Meyrick, 1884
  505. Species Philobota xuthocrana (Turner, 1937)
  506. Species Philobota xylochroa Lower, 1893
  507. Species Philobota zalias (Lower, 1899)
  508. Species Philobota zanclotoma Meyrick, 1884
  509. Species Philobota zanclotypa Turner, 1917
  510. Species Philobota zonostola Meyrick, 1884
  511. Species Philobota zophospila Turner, 1944
  512. Species Philobota capnochroa Lower, 1920 accepted as Philobota transversella (Walker, 1864)
  513. Species Philobota casta Turner, 1939 accepted as Lepidotarsa aclea Meyrick, 1883
  514. Species Philobota ceratochroa Turner, 1917 accepted as Scoliocheta ergatis (Meyrick, 1884)
  515. Species Philobota chrysosticha Turner, 1939 accepted as Poliorhabda auriceps (Butler, 1882)
  516. Species Philobota cosmia Turner, 1898 accepted as Chezala carphalea Meyrick, 1884
  517. Species Philobota crepera Meyrick, 1884 accepted as Philobota stella Newman, 1855
  518. Species Philobota crypsirrhoda Turner, 1939 accepted as Liocnema crypsirrhoda Turner, 1938
  519. Species Philobota erythrastis Meyrick, 1889 accepted as Chezala erythrastis Meyrick, 1889
  520. Species Philobota ethnitis Meyrick, 1920 accepted as Stictochila myriospila (Lower, 1903)
  521. Species Philobota fulvella Turner, 1939 accepted as Heteroteucha tritoxantha (Meyrick, 1886)
  522. Species Philobota hilda Turner, 1917 accepted as Eulechria hilda (Turner, 1917)
  523. Species Philobota homotona Meyrick, 1884 accepted as Eulechria homotona (Meyrick, 1884)
  524. Species Philobota idae Lower, 1893 accepted as Tanyzancla acutella (Walker, 1864)
  525. Species Philobota isosceliphora Lower, 1894 accepted as Chrysonoma isosceliphora Lower, 1894
  526. Species Philobota isozona Lower, 1901 accepted as Eulechria isozona (Lower, 1901)
  527. Species Philobota lissopolia Turner, 1927 accepted as Eulechria lissopolia Turner, 1927
  528. Species Philobota lunata Turner, 1896 accepted as Eulechria lunata (Turner, 1896)
  529. Species Philobota macropodias Meyrick, 1913 accepted as Chrysonoma macropodias Meyrick, 1913
  530. Species Philobota marmorata Meyrick, 1889 accepted as Eulechria marmorata (Meyrick, 1889)
  531. Species Philobota megaloxantha Turner, 1917 accepted as Chrysonoma megaloxantha Turner, 1917
  532. Species Philobota metarga Turner, 1939 accepted as Eulechria metarga (Turner, 1939)
  533. Species Philobota micrastis Lower, 1900 accepted as Ochropolia micrastis (Lower, 1900)
  534. Species Philobota mimetis Turner, 1917 accepted as Epithymema mimetis (Turner, 1917)
  535. Species Philobota pachygramma Lower, 1897 accepted as Sclerocris chalcoxantha (Meyrick, 1889)
  536. Species Philobota pandora Turner, 1917 accepted as Eochrois pandora (Turner, 1917)
  537. Species Philobota phaeochorda Turner, 1927 accepted as Cosmaresta phaeochorda (Turner, 1927)
  538. Species Philobota porphryxantha Lower, 1893 accepted as Mimobrachyoma gonosema (Meyrick, 1888)
  539. Species Philobota pyrsopa Meyrick, 1921 accepted as Tachystola thiasotis Meyrick, 1885
  540. Species Philobota rhodopleura Turner, 1898 accepted as Prodelaca myodes (Meyrick, 1883)
  541. Species Philobota sororia Turner, 1898 accepted as Coesyra hemiphragma Meyrick, 1889
  542. Species Philobota squalidella Meyrick, 1884 accepted as Opsitycha squalidella Meyrick, 1884
  543. Species Philobota tetraspora Lower, 1900 accepted as Pachybela tetraspora (Lower, 1900)
  544. Species Philobota xenomima Meyrick, 1913 accepted as Eulechria xenomima (Meyrick, 1913)
marine, brackish
recent only
Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 7
page(s): 422 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Philobota Meyrick, 1883. Accessed at: on 2025-02-19
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 7
page(s): 422 [details] 

basis of record CoL2006/LepIndex [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source CoL2006/LepIndex [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Orophia Meyrick, 1883) Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 7
page(s): 421 [details] 

original description (of Antidica Meyrick, 1883) Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 7
page(s): 422 [details] 

original description (of Latometus Butler, 1882) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (5) 9
page(s): 101 [details] 

original description (of Talantis Meyrick, 1889) Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, (2) 3, 1888,
page(s): 1601 [details] 

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