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Strymon Hübner, 1818

1308543  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Strymon acaciae Fabricius, 1787
  2. Species Strymon acaciaeformis Verity
  3. Species Strymon acadica Edwards, 1862
  4. Species Strymon aeroides Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  5. Species Strymon affinis Staudinger
  6. Species Strymon albofasciata Tutt
  7. Species Strymon albosparsa Oberthür
  8. Species Strymon albovirgata Tutt
  9. Species Strymon alea Godman & Salvin, 1887
  10. Species Strymon alineata Verity
  11. Species Strymon aliparops Michener & Dos Passos, 1942
  12. Species Strymon amphyporphyra Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  13. Species Strymon andrewi Johnson & Matusik, 1988
  14. Species Strymon atrofasciata McDunnough, 1921
  15. Species Strymon austrinus Muaryama, 1948
  16. Species Strymon badiofasciata Gill
  17. Species Strymon baptistorum Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  18. Species Strymon beccarii Verity, 1904
  19. Species Strymon bialbolineata Oberthür
  20. Species Strymon borus Boisduval, 1869
  21. Species Strymon brevicaudis Vorbrodt
  22. Species Strymon buchholzi Freeman, 1950
  23. Species Strymon californica Edwards, 1862
  24. Species Strymon caryaevorus McDunnough, 1942
  25. Species Strymon chlorophora Watson & Comstock, 1920
  26. Species Strymon cilicica Holtz
  27. Species Strymon clarionensis Heid, 1933
  28. Species Strymon coolinensis Watson & Comstock, 1920
  29. Species Strymon coronos Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  30. Species Strymon cyanofusca Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  31. Species Strymon cycnus Edwards
  32. Species Strymon dejeani Riley, 1939
  33. Species Strymon deleta Rebel
  34. Species Strymon delineata Klein
  35. Species Strymon desertorum Grinnell, 1917
  36. Species Strymon erythrophobia Bub.
  37. Species Strymon esakii Shirôzu, 1948
  38. Species Strymon excessa Tutt
  39. Species Strymon falacer Godart, 1823
  40. Species Strymon favonius Boisduval, 1833
  41. Species Strymon fentoni Butler, 1881
  42. Species Strymon fletcheri Michener & Dos Passos, 1942
  43. Species Strymon formosana Matsumura
  44. Species Strymon fountaineae Arg.
  45. Species Strymon franki Field, 1938
  46. Species Strymon frigidior Verity, 1926
  47. Species Strymon fulva Fixsen
  48. Species Strymon fulva Gill
  49. Species Strymon fulvior Tutt
  50. Species Strymon fulvofasciata Tutt
  51. Species Strymon fulvofenestrata Fixsen
  52. Species Strymon fumosa De Sagarra, 1927
  53. Species Strymon gerhardi Staudinger, 1894
  54. Species Strymon godarti Field, 1938
  55. Species Strymon golbachi Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  56. Species Strymon heathii Fletcher, 1904
  57. Species Strymon humuli Harris, 1852
  58. Species Strymon hyperici Boisduval, 1833
  59. Species Strymon ilicoides Gerhard
  60. Species Strymon inalpina Verity
  61. Species Strymon inorata G. & R.
  62. Species Strymon inornata Verity
  63. Species Strymon italica Ver.
  64. Species Strymon kingi Klots & Clench, 1952
  65. Species Strymon lacyi Barnes & McDunnough, 1910
  66. Species Strymon lariyojoa Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  67. Species Strymon latefasciata Cour.
  68. Species Strymon latefasciata Cost.
  69. Species Strymon latifasciata Reb.
  70. Species Strymon liparops Fletcher, 1904
  71. Species Strymon lois Leec.
  72. Species Strymon lorrainea Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  73. Species Strymon lutea Tutt
  74. Species Strymon lynceus Fabricius
  75. Species Strymon mackwoodi Evans
  76. Species Strymon major Oberthür
  77. Species Strymon major Ruhl
  78. Species Strymon major Tutt
  79. Species Strymon marcidus Riley, 1921
  80. Species Strymon mardinus van Oorschot, van den Brink & van Oorschot, 1985
  81. Species Strymon maura Oberthür
  82. Species Strymon meinersi Gunder, 1927
  83. Species Strymon melinus Hübner, 1818
  84. Species Strymon minor Lamb.
  85. Species Strymon minor Tutt
  86. Species Strymon minuta Verity
  87. Species Strymon montanensis Watson & Comstock, 1920
  88. Species Strymon muskoka Watson & Comstock, 1920
  89. Species Strymon nicolayi Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  90. Species Strymon nostras Cour.
  91. Species Strymon obsoleta Tutt, 1907
  92. Species Strymon oenone Leech
  93. Species Strymon pallida Tutt
  94. Species Strymon pan Harris, 1833
  95. Species Strymon paupera Tutt
  96. Species Strymon peristictos Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  97. Species Strymon phellodendri Seitz
  98. Species Strymon phyllodendri Elw.
  99. Species Strymon powelli Oberthür
  100. Species Strymon privata Cour.
  101. Species Strymon progressa Tutt
  102. Species Strymon provo Watson & Comstock, 1920
  103. Species Strymon pruina Scudder, 1889
  104. Species Strymon prunoides Staudinger, 1887
  105. Species Strymon ptorsas Hufn.
  106. Species Strymon reducta Courv.
  107. Species Strymon rhaptos Johnson, Eisele & MacPherson, 1989
  108. Species Strymon saepium Boisduval, 1852
  109. Species Strymon semialbofasciata Tutt
  110. Species Strymon semialbovirgata Tutt
  111. Species Strymon setonia McDunnough, 1927
  112. Species Strymon silenus Doubleday, 1847
  113. Species Strymon souhegan Whitney, 1868
  114. Species Strymon strigosa Harris, 1862
  115. Species Strymon suffusa Tutt
  116. Species Strymon sutschani Tutt
  117. Species Strymon swetti Watson & Comstock, 1920
  118. Species Strymon sylvinus Boisduval, 1852
  119. Species Strymon tanakai Shirôzu, 1948
  120. Species Strymon youngi Field, 1936
marine, brackish
recent only
Zuträge z. Exot. Schmett., 1
page(s): 22 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Strymon Hübner, 1818. Accessed at: on 2025-03-25
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Zuträge z. Exot. Schmett., 1
page(s): 22 [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 
Nomenclatural status available [details]

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