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Spalacopsis Newman, 1842

1340417  (

Eutheia Dejean, 1835 · unaccepted > junior homonym
Euthuorus Jacquelin Du Val in Sagra, 1857 · unaccepted > junior subjective synonym
Spacalopsis Leconte, 1852 · unaccepted > misspelling - incorrect subsequent spelling
Systene Pascoe, 1858 · unaccepted > junior objective synonym (unnecessary replacement name)


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Newman, E. (1842). Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. <em>The Eentomologist.</em> 1(15):243-248, (17):275-277, (18):288-293, (19):298-305, (20):318-324., available online at
page(s): 305 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Spalacopsis Newman, 1842. Accessed at: on 2025-03-29
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Newman, E. (1842). Cerambycitum Insularum Manillarum Dom. Cuming captorum enumeratio digesta. <em>The Eentomologist.</em> 1(15):243-248, (17):275-277, (18):288-293, (19):298-305, (20):318-324., available online at
page(s): 305 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details] 

verified source for family Hallan, J. (2000-2017). Biology Catalog (2012 version), (as at 2012). [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source Monné, M.A. (2012). Catalogue of the type-species of the genera of the Cerambycidae, Disteniidae, Oxypeltidae and Vesperidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 3213(1): 1-183., available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Euthuorus Jacquelin Du Val in Sagra, 1857) De la Sagra, R. (ed.). (1857). Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'Ile de Cuba par Ramon de la Sagra. Seconde partie: histoire naturelle. Tome septième: Animaux articulés à pieds articulés. Arthus Bertrand, Paris. lxxxvii+868 pp.
page(s): 276 [details] 

original description (of Spacalopsis Leconte, 1852) LeConte, J.L. (1852). An attempt to classify the longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America, north of Mexico (Continued). <em>Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, series 2.</em> 2: 139-178., available online at
page(s): 145 [details] 

original description (of Eutheia Dejean, 1835) Dejean, P.F.M.A. (1833-1836). <em>Catalogue des Coléoptères de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean.</em> Méquignon-Marvis, Paris. iv+443 pp. [(1):1-96, 19 January 1833; (2):97-176, 27 July 1833; (3):177-256, for nomenclatural purposes, 30 June 1834; (4):257–360, 22 August 1835; (5):361–443, for nomenclatural purposes, 31 December 1836]., available online at
page(s): 353; note: as "Eutheia. Reichenbach" [details] 

original description (of Systene Pascoe, 1858) Pascoe, F.P. (1858). On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part III. <em>Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, new series.</em> 4: 236-266., available online at
page(s): 264 [details] 

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