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Aphanothece Nägeli, 1849

1008648  (

Coccochloris K.P.J. Sprengel, 1807 · unaccepted (nomen rejiciendum)


  • Alphabetically
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Children Display

  1. Species Aphanothece atrocrustacea Skuja, 1964
  2. Species Aphanothece baccilloidea Gardner, 1927
  3. Species Aphanothece bachmannii J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg, 1994
  4. Species Aphanothece bacilloidea Gardner, 1927
  5. Species Aphanothece biceps Skuja, 1964
  6. Species Aphanothece botryosa Obuchova, 1965
  7. Species Aphanothece bullosa (Meneghini) Rabenhorst, 1865
  8. Species Aphanothece caldariorum Richter, 1880
  9. Species Aphanothece castagnei (Brébisson) Rabenhorst, 1865
  10. Species Aphanothece clathrata W. West & G.S. West, 1906
  11. Species Aphanothece cohenii Campbell & Golubic, 1985
  12. Species Aphanothece comasii J. Komárková-Legnerová & R. Tavera, 1996
  13. Species Aphanothece concerta Richter, Hauck & Richter
  14. Species Aphanothece conferta Richter, 1892
  15. Species Aphanothece conglomerata Rich, 1932
  16. Species Aphanothece cretaria Frémy, 1942
  17. Species Aphanothece curvata Lagerheim, 1883
  18. Species Aphanothece cylindracea (Gardner) Komárek & Anagnostidis, 1995
  19. Species Aphanothece desikacharyi F. Hindák, 1996
  20. Species Aphanothece elabens (Brébisson) Elenkin, 1938
  21. Species Aphanothece endophytica (W. West & G.S. West) J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg, 1994
  22. Species Aphanothece floccosa (Zalessky) G. Cronberg & J. Komárek, 1994
  23. Species Aphanothece gardneri de Toni, 1936
  24. Species Aphanothece gelatinosa (Hennings) Lemmermann, 1907
  25. Species Aphanothece goetzei Schmidle, 1901
  26. Species Aphanothece granulosa Nash, 1938
  27. Species Aphanothece halophytica Frémy, 1933
  28. Species Aphanothece hegewaldii Kovácik, 1988
  29. Species Aphanothece heterospora Rabenhorst, 1864
  30. Species Aphanothece karukerae Lami, 1938
  31. Species Aphanothece krumbeinii Campbell & Golubic, 1985
  32. Species Aphanothece lemnae Chu, 1952
  33. Species Aphanothece longior Naumann, 1921
  34. Species Aphanothece margaritacea (Kützing) Forti, 1907
  35. Species Aphanothece marina (Ercegovic) Komárek & Anagnostidis, 1995
  36. Species Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli, 1849
  37. Species Aphanothece minor Frémy, 1941
  38. Species Aphanothece minutissima (W. West) J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg, 1994
  39. Species Aphanothece naegelii Wartmann, 1861
  40. Species Aphanothece nebulosa Skuja, 1964
  41. Species Aphanothece nidulans Richter, 1884
  42. Species Aphanothece nostocopsis Skuja, 1934
  43. Species Aphanothece opalescens Gardner, 1927
  44. Species Aphanothece pallida (Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1863
  45. Species Aphanothece paralleliformis G. Cronberg, 2003
  46. Species Aphanothece parallelliformis Cronberg, 2004
  47. Species Aphanothece protohydrae Häyrén, 1923
  48. Species Aphanothece pseudoglebulenta Joosten, 2006
  49. Species Aphanothece rubra Liebetanz, 1925
  50. Species Aphanothece rufescens Hansgrig, 1892
  51. Species Aphanothece sacrum (Suringar) Okada, 1953
  52. Species Aphanothece salina Elenkin & Danilov, 1915
  53. Species Aphanothece saxicola Nägeli, 1849
  54. Species Aphanothece smithii J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg, 1994
  55. Species Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) A. Braun, 1863
  56. Species Aphanothece stratus Komárek & Cronberg, 2001
  57. Species Aphanothece thermalis Copeland, 1936
  58. Species Aphanothece thermicola Hindák, 1978
  59. Species Aphanothece uliginosa Taylor, 1928
  60. Species Aphanothece utahensis Tilden, 1898
  61. Species Aphanothece variabilis (Schiller) Komárek, 1995
  62. Species Aphanothece zulanirae Werner & Sant'Anna
  63. Species Aphanothece bacteriosa Komárek & Komárková-Legnerová, 2007 accepted as Anathece bacteriosa (Komárek & Komárková-Legnrová) Komárek, Kastovsky & Jezberová, 2011
  64. Species Aphanothece caerulescens (Borzì) Geitler, 1932 accepted as Bacularia caerulescens Borzì, 1905
  65. Species Aphanothece clathratiformis Szafer, 1911 accepted as Chlorobium clathratiforme (Szafer, 1911) Imhoff, 2003
  66. Species Aphanothece ellipsoidea (Schröder) Bourrelly, 1970 accepted as Rhabdogloea ellipsoidea Schröder, 1917
  67. Species Aphanothece gelatinosa Gardner, 1927 accepted as Aphanothece gardneri de Toni, 1936
  68. Species Aphanothece glebulenta Zalessky, 1926 accepted as Epigloeosphaera glebulenta (Zalessky) J. Komárková-Legnerová, 1991
  69. Species Aphanothece globosa Elenkin, 1938 accepted as Chroococcus globosus (Elenkin) Hindák, 1978
  70. Species Aphanothece gracilis Schiller, 1954 accepted as Aphanothece clathrata W. West & G.S. West, 1906
  71. Species Aphanothece le-jolisii Thuret, 1905 accepted as Aphanocapsa le-jolisii (Thuret) Frémy, 1924
  72. Species Aphanothece luteola Schmidle, 1901 accepted as Chlorobium luteolum (Schmidle, 1901) Imhoff, 2003
  73. Species Aphanothece membranacea Rabenhorst, 1865 accepted as Gloeothece membranacea (Rabenhorst) Bornet, 1892
  74. Species Aphanothece microspora (Meneghini) Rabenhorst, 1863 accepted as Aphanothece caldariorum Richter, 1880
  75. Species Aphanothece mooreana (Harvey) Lagerheim, 1883 accepted as Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) A. Braun, 1863
  76. Species Aphanothece muralis (Tomaschek) Lemmermann, 1907 accepted as Aphanothece caldariorum Richter, 1880
  77. Species Aphanothece packardii (Farlow) Setchell, 1917 accepted as Aphanothece utahensis Tilden, 1898
  78. Species Aphanothece piscinalis Rabenhorst, 1865 accepted as Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) A. Braun, 1863
  79. Species Aphanothece prasina A. Braun, 1863 accepted as Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) A. Braun, 1863
  80. Species Aphanothece pulverulenta Bachmann, 1921 accepted as Aphanothece minutissima (W. West) J. Komárková-Legnerová & G. Cronberg, 1994
  81. Species Aphanothece shiloi Campbell & Golubic, 1985 accepted as Cyanothece shiloi (Campbell & Golubic) Komárek & Anagnostidis, 1995
  82. Species Aphanothece subachroa Hansgirg, 1892 accepted as Aphanothece saxicola Nägeli, 1849
  83. Species Aphanothece trentepohlii (Mhor) Grunow, 1865 accepted as Aphanothece caldariorum Richter, 1880
  84. Species Aphanothece tuberculata (Areschoug) Forti, 1907 accepted as Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) A. Braun, 1863
  85. Species Aphanothece viennensis Schiller, 1954 accepted as Rhabdoderma lineare Schmidle & Lauterborn, 1900
marine, fresh
recent only
Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesamten Naturwiss. 10(7)
page(s): 59 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. Includes some species now assigned to Bacteria. Family given as Cyanobacteriaceae in WoRMS (Mar 2013),...  
Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. Includes some species now assigned to Bacteria. Family given as Cyanobacteriaceae in WoRMS (Mar 2013), Synechococcaceae in CyanoDB (May 2011). [details]
IRMNG (2025). Aphanothece Nägeli, 1849. Accessed at: on 2025-03-25
2007-03-13 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
Morgan, Helen
2016-11-22 07:44:35Z
2019-02-03 06:48:36Z

original description Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesamten Naturwiss. 10(7)
page(s): 59 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Komárek & Hauer, 2004 [details] 

status source WoRMS (Nov 2016). [details] 

verified source for family Komárek, J.; Kaštovský, J.; Mareš, J.; Johansen, J. R. (2014). Taxonomic classification of cyanoprokaryotes (cyanobacterial genera) 2014, using a polyphasic approach. <em>Preslia.</em> 86: 295-335. [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000/Komárek & Hauer, 2004 [details] 

habitat flag source Whitton et al., 2003 (FW species) [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 

original description (of Coccochloris K.P.J. Sprengel, 1807) Fl. Hal. Mant. 1
page(s): 14 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine species (Aphia 2006). Includes FW species (Whitton et al., 2003) [details]

Habitat Marine and nonmarine [details]

Nomenclatural status nomen conservandum [details]

Taxonomic remark Nom. cons. Includes some species now assigned to Bacteria. Family given as Cyanobacteriaceae in WoRMS (Mar 2013), Synechococcaceae in CyanoDB (May 2011). [details]

Type species as cited Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli 1849 [details]

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