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Flueggea Willdenow, 1806

1011435  (



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  1. Species Flueggea acicularis (Croizat) G.L. Webster
  2. Species Flueggea acidoton (L.) G.L. Webster
  3. Species Flueggea anatolica Gemici
  4. Species Flueggea elliptica (Spreng.) Baill.
  5. Species Flueggea flexuosa Müll. Arg.
  6. Species Flueggea javanica Blume
  7. Species Flueggea jullienii (Beille) G.L. Webster
  8. Species Flueggea leucopyrus Willd.
  9. Species Flueggea monticola G.L. Webster
  10. Species Flueggea neowawraea W.J. Hayden
  11. Species Flueggea schuechiana (Müll. Arg.) G.L. Webster
  12. Species Flueggea serrata Miq.
  13. Species Flueggea spirei Beille
  14. Species Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill.
  15. Species Flueggea tinctoria (L.) G.L. Webster
  16. Species Flueggea verrucosa (Thunb.) G.L. Webster
  17. Species Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  18. Species Flueggea abyssinica (A. Rich.) Baill. accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  19. Species Flueggea acidothamnus Griseb. accepted as Flueggea acidoton (L.) G.L. Webster
  20. Species Flueggea angulata (Schumach. & Thonn.) Schrank accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  21. Species Flueggea bailloniana (Müll. Arg.) Pax accepted as Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L. Webster
  22. Species Flueggea capillipes Pax accepted as Andrachne chinensis Bunge
  23. Species Flueggea eglandulosa Baill. accepted as Margaritaria anomala (Baill.) Fosberg
  24. Species Flueggea fagifolia Pax accepted as Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L. Webster
  25. Species Flueggea flueggeoides (Müll. Arg.) G.L. Webster accepted as Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill.
  26. Species Flueggea hilariana Baill. accepted as Meineckia neogranatensis (Müll. Arg.) G.L. Webster
  27. Species Flueggea japonica (Miq.) Pax accepted as Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill.
  28. Species Flueggea keyensis (Warb.) Boerl. accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  29. Species Flueggea major Baill. accepted as Margaritaria anomala (Baill.) Fosberg
  30. Species Flueggea meineckia Müll. Arg. accepted as Meineckia phyllanthoides Baill.
  31. Species Flueggea melanthesoides (F. Muell.) F. Muell. accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  32. Species Flueggea microcarpa Blume accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  33. Species Flueggea nitida Pax accepted as Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L. Webster
  34. Species Flueggea novoguineensis Valeton ex Hallier f. accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  35. Species Flueggea obovata Baill. accepted as Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G.L. Webster
  36. Species Flueggea obovata (Willd.) Wall. ex Fern.-Vill. accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  37. Species Flueggea phyllanthoides Baill. accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  38. Species Flueggea retusa (Dennst.) Voigt accepted as Breynia retusa (Dennst.) Alston
  39. Species Flueggea senensis Klotzsch accepted as Flueggea virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Voigt
  40. Species Flueggea trichogynis Baill. accepted as Meineckia trichogynis (Baill.) G.L. Webster
  41. Species Flueggea trigonoclada (Ohwi) T. Kuros. accepted as Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill.
  42. Species Flueggea wallichiana Baill. accepted as Flueggea leucopyrus Willd.
  43. Species Flueggea xerocarpa A. Juss. accepted as Flueggea leucopyrus Willd.
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Also as Fluggea (original variant spelling).  
Taxonomic remark Also as Fluggea (original variant spelling). [details]
IRMNG (2021). Flueggea Willdenow, 1806. Accessed at: on 2025-01-21
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record SN2000 unverified/Stang, 2004-present [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

extant flag source GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family (most nonmarine) [details] 
Taxonomic remark Also as Fluggea (original variant spelling). [details]

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