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Schizasteridae Lambert et al., 1905

101191  (



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  1. Genus Abatus Troschel, 1851
  2. Genus Aceste Thomson, 1877
  3. Genus Aguayoaster Sanchez Roig, 1952 †
  4. Genus Aliaster Valdinucci, 1975 †
  5. Genus Brachybrissus Pomel, 1883 †
  6. Genus Brisaster Gray, 1855
  7. Genus Caribbaster Kier, 1984 †
  8. Genus Cestobrissus Lambert, 1912 †
  9. Genus Diploporaster Mortensen, 1950
  10. Genus Gregoryaster Lambert, 1907 †
  11. Genus Hemifaorina Jeannet & Martin, 1937 †
  12. Genus Hypselaster H.L. Clark, 1917
  13. Genus Lambertona Sanchez-Roig, 1953 †
  14. Genus Linthia Desor, 1853 †
  15. Genus Moira A. Agassiz, 1872
  16. Genus Moiropsis A. Agassiz, 1881
  17. Genus Opissaster Pomel, 1883 †
  18. Genus Ova Gray, 1825
  19. Genus Protenaster Pomel, 1883
  20. Genus Prymnaster Koehler, 1914
  21. Genus Schizaster L. Agassiz, 1835
  22. Genus Schizopneustes Thiéry, 1907 †
  23. Genus Tripylaster Mortensen, 1907
  24. Genus Dipneustes Arnaud in Cotteau, 1891 † (uncertain > nomen dubium, monotypic; probably a pathologic specimen)
  25. Genus Parapneustes Koehler, 1911 accepted as Tripylus Philippi, 1845 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  26. Genus Acestina Lambert & Thiéry, 1925 accepted as Aceste Thomson, 1877 (nomen vanum, objective junior synonym of Aceste)
  27. Genus Aplospatangus Lambert, 1907 † accepted as Schizaster L. Agassiz, 1835 (junior subjective synonym)
  28. Genus Bryssater Nobre, 1931 accepted as Brisaster Gray, 1855
  29. Genus Calzadaster Carrasco, 2005 † accepted as Aguayoaster Sanchez Roig, 1952 † (junior subjective synonym)
  30. Genus Desoria Gray, 1851 † accepted as Desorella Cotteau, 1855 † (junior homonym of Desoria Nicolet, 1824 (Collembola))
  31. Genus Favorina Gray, 1855 accepted as Faorina Gray, 1851
  32. Genus Indiaster Lambert, 1920 accepted as Brisaster Gray, 1855 (subjective junior synonym)
  33. Genus Kina Henderson, 1975 † accepted as Diploporaster Mortensen, 1950 (subjective junior synonym)
  34. Genus Lutetiaster Lambert, 1920 † accepted as Linthia Desor, 1853 † (subjective junior synonym)
  35. Genus Lymanaster Lambert, 1920 accepted as Brisaster Gray, 1855 (subjective junior synonym)
  36. Genus Moera Michelin, 1855 accepted as Moira A. Agassiz, 1872 (junior homonym of Moera Leach, 1814 (Crustacea))
  37. Genus Neoproraster Markov, 1994 † accepted as Brisaster Gray, 1855 (subjective junior synonym)
  38. Genus Nina Gray, 1855 accepted as Ova Gray, 1825 (subjective junior synonym)
  39. Genus Ovum Blainville, 1830 (Misspelling)
  40. Genus Parabatus Koehler, 1912 accepted as Pseudabatus Koehler, 1911 accepted as Abatus Troschel, 1851
  41. Genus Paraster Pomel, 1869 accepted as Schizaster L. Agassiz, 1835 (subjective junior synonym)
  42. Genus Penaster Maw, 1874 † (Misspelling)
  43. Genus Pseudobrissus Lambert, 1905 † accepted as Protenaster Pomel, 1883 (subjective junior synonym)
  44. Genus Rotundaster Lambert & Thiéry, 1921 accepted as Schizaster L. Agassiz, 1835 (subjective junior synonym)
  45. Genus Schistaster Dames, 1877 † accepted as Schizaster L. Agassiz, 1835
  46. Genus Schyzaster Sismonda, 1842 accepted as Schizaster L. Agassiz, 1835 (spelling mistake)
  47. Genus Spatagodesma Agassiz, 1898 accepted as Abatus Troschel, 1851 (subjective junior synonym)
  48. Genus Spatangodesma accepted as Spatagodesma Agassiz, 1898 accepted as Abatus Troschel, 1851 (misspelling)
  49. Genus Triphylaster accepted as Tripylaster Mortensen, 1907 (misspeling)
  50. Genus Victoriaster Lambert, 1920 † accepted as Linthia Desor, 1853 † (subjective junior synonym)
recent + fossil
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Schizasteridae Lambert et al., 1905. Accessed at: on 2024-12-09
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

extant flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 

habitat flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Echinodermata (Phylum) > Echinozoa (Subphylum) > Echinoidea (Class) > Euechinoidea (Subclass) > Atelostomata (Superorder) > Spatangoida (Order) > Aphisternata (Suborder) > Schizasteridae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info Echinoderms, marine (characteristics of phylum) (Parker). Benton, 1993 habitat flag(s): M; stratigraphic range: Cretaceous (Cenomanian)-Holocene (?Recent) [details]

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