IRMNG name details
original description
Rouch, R. (1992). Un nouveau genre d'Ameiridae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) dans le milieu hyporhéique d'un cours d'eau de l'Arizona. <em>Stygologia.</em> 7(3), 149-157. page(s): 149 [details]
basis of record
CoL2006/ITIS [details]
basis of record
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
source of synonymy
Huys, R. (2009). Unresolved cases of type fixation, synonymy and homonymy in harpacticoid copepod nomenclature (Crustacea: Copepoda). <em>Zootaxa.</em> 2183(1): 1-99., available online at [details]
status source
Huys, R. (2009). Unresolved cases of type fixation, synonymy and homonymy in harpacticoid copepod nomenclature (Crustacea: Copepoda). <em>Zootaxa.</em> 2183(1): 1-99., available online at [details]
name verified source
Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details]
extant flag source
Boxshall & Halsey, 2005 [details]
habitat flag source
Boxshall & Halsey, 2005 [details]
Habitat Marine and nonmarine [details]