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Muhlenbergia Schreber, 1789

1026030  (



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  1. Species Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchc.
  2. Species Muhlenbergia appressa C.O. Goodding
  3. Species Muhlenbergia arenacea (Buckl.) A.S. Hitchc.
  4. Species Muhlenbergia arenicola Buckl.
  5. Species Muhlenbergia arizonica Scribn.
  6. Species Muhlenbergia arsenei A.S. Hitchc.
  7. Species Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen ex Trin.) Parodi
  8. Species Muhlenbergia brevis C.O. Goodding
  9. Species Muhlenbergia bushii Pohl
  10. Species Muhlenbergia californica Vasey
  11. Species Muhlenbergia capillaris (Lam.) Trin.
  12. Species Muhlenbergia crispiseta A.S. Hitchc.
  13. Species Muhlenbergia curtifolia Scribn.
  14. Species Muhlenbergia curtisetosa (Scribn.) Bush
  15. Species Muhlenbergia cuspidata (Torr. ex Hook.) Rydb.
  16. Species Muhlenbergia depauperata Scribn.
  17. Species Muhlenbergia dubia Fourn. ex Hemsl.
  18. Species Muhlenbergia dumosa Scribn. ex Vasey
  19. Species Muhlenbergia elongata Scribn. ex Beal
  20. Species Muhlenbergia eludens C.G. Reeder
  21. Species Muhlenbergia emersleyi Vasey
  22. Species Muhlenbergia filiculmis Vasey
  23. Species Muhlenbergia filiformis (Thurb. ex S. Wats.) Rydb.
  24. Species Muhlenbergia fragilis Swallen
  25. Species Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poir.) Fern.
  26. Species Muhlenbergia glabriflora Scribn.
  27. Species Muhlenbergia glauca (Nees) B.D. Jackson
  28. Species Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
  29. Species Muhlenbergia gooddingii Söderstrom
  30. Species Muhlenbergia involuta Swallen
  31. Species Muhlenbergia jonesii (Vasey) A.S. Hitchc.
  32. Species Muhlenbergia lindheimeri A.S. Hitchc.
  33. Species Muhlenbergia longiligula A.S. Hitchc.
  34. Species Muhlenbergia macroura (Kunth) Hitchc.
  35. Species Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin.
  36. Species Muhlenbergia microsperma (DC.) Trin.
  37. Species Muhlenbergia minutissima (Steud.) Swallen
  38. Species Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchc.
  39. Species Muhlenbergia palmeri Vasey
  40. Species Muhlenbergia parviglumis Vasey
  41. Species Muhlenbergia pauciflora Buckl.
  42. Species Muhlenbergia pectinata C.O. Goodding
  43. Species Muhlenbergia peruviana (Beauv.) Steud.
  44. Species Muhlenbergia polycaulis Scribn.
  45. Species Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn. ex Beal
  46. Species Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb.
  47. Species Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) B.S.P.
  48. Species Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallen
  49. Species Muhlenbergia repens (J. Presl) A.S. Hitchc.
  50. Species Muhlenbergia reverchonii Vasey & Scribn.
  51. Species Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb.
  52. Species Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) A.S. Hitchc.
  53. Species Muhlenbergia rigida (Kunth) Trin.
  54. Species Muhlenbergia schreberi J.F. Gmel.
  55. Species Muhlenbergia setifolia Vasey
  56. Species Muhlenbergia sinuosa Swallen
  57. Species Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl. ex Willd.) Trin.
  58. Species Muhlenbergia sylvatica Torr. ex Gray
  59. Species Muhlenbergia tenuiflora (Willd.) B.S.P.
  60. Species Muhlenbergia tenuifolia (Kunth) Trin.
  61. Species Muhlenbergia texana Buckl.
  62. Species Muhlenbergia thurberi Rydb.
  63. Species Muhlenbergia torreyana (J.A. Schultes) A.S. Hitchc.
  64. Species Muhlenbergia torreyi (Kunth) A.S. Hitchc. ex Bush
  65. Species Muhlenbergia uniflora (Muhl.) Fern.
  66. Species Muhlenbergia utilis (Torr.) A.S. Hitchc.
  67. Species Muhlenbergia villiflora A.S. Hitchc.
  68. Species Muhlenbergia virescens (Kunth) Kunth
  69. Species Muhlenbergia wrightii Vasey ex Coult.
  70. Species Muhlenbergia ambigua Torr. accepted as Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin.
  71. Species Muhlenbergia brachyphylla Bush accepted as Muhlenbergia bushii Pohl
  72. Species Muhlenbergia brevifolia (Nutt.) M.E. Jones accepted as Muhlenbergia cuspidata (Torr. ex Hook.) Rydb.
  73. Species Muhlenbergia comata (Thurb.) Thurb. ex Benth. accepted as Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchc.
  74. Species Muhlenbergia commutata (Scribn.) Bush accepted as Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poir.) Fern.
  75. Species Muhlenbergia debilis (Kunth) Kunth accepted as Muhlenbergia microsperma (DC.) Trin.
  76. Species Muhlenbergia dubioides C.O. Goodding accepted as Muhlenbergia palmeri Vasey
  77. Species Muhlenbergia expansa (Poir.) Trin. accepted as Muhlenbergia capillaris (Lam.) Trin.
  78. Species Muhlenbergia filipes M.A. Curtis accepted as Muhlenbergia capillaris (Lam.) Trin.
  79. Species Muhlenbergia foliosa (Roemer & J.A. Schultes) Trin. accepted as Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin.
  80. Species Muhlenbergia gracillima Torr. accepted as Muhlenbergia torreyi (Kunth) A.S. Hitchc. ex Bush
  81. Species Muhlenbergia idahoensis St. John accepted as Muhlenbergia filiformis (Thurb. ex S. Wats.) Rydb.
  82. Species Muhlenbergia lemmonii Scribn. accepted as Muhlenbergia glauca (Nees) B.D. Jackson
  83. Species Muhlenbergia marshii I.M. Johnston accepted as Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) A.S. Hitchc.
  84. Species Muhlenbergia metcalfei M.E. Jones accepted as Muhlenbergia rigida (Kunth) Trin.
  85. Species Muhlenbergia monticola Buckl. accepted as Muhlenbergia tenuifolia (Kunth) Trin.
  86. Species Muhlenbergia mundula I.M. Johnston accepted as Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) A.S. Hitchc.
  87. Species Muhlenbergia palustris Scribn. accepted as Muhlenbergia schreberi J.F. Gmel.
  88. Species Muhlenbergia pulcherrima Scribn. ex Beal accepted as Muhlenbergia peruviana (Beauv.) Steud.
  89. Species Muhlenbergia simplex (Scribn.) Rydb. accepted as Muhlenbergia filiformis (Thurb. ex S. Wats.) Rydb.
  90. Species Muhlenbergia squarrosa (Trin.) Rydb. accepted as Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb.
  91. Species Muhlenbergia straminea A.S. Hitchc. accepted as Muhlenbergia virescens (Kunth) Kunth
  92. Species Muhlenbergia umbrosa Scribn. accepted as Muhlenbergia sylvatica Torr. ex Gray
  93. Species Muhlenbergia villosa Swallen accepted as Muhlenbergia villiflora A.S. Hitchc.
  94. Species Muhlenbergia wolfii (Vasey) Rydb. accepted as Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallen
  95. Species Muhlenbergia xerophila C.O. Goodding accepted as Muhlenbergia elongata Scribn. ex Beal
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2024). Muhlenbergia Schreber, 1789. Accessed at: on 2025-03-22
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record SN2000/Takhtajan, 1997 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

extant flag source GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family (most nonmarine) [details] 

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