Between brackets is the number of accepted species
1 Click on "-" to collapse/hide all child taxa
2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
4 Click on "+" to expand/show all child taxa
5 Click to see the taxon details page
- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Acanthocephala
- Phylum Agmata †
- Phylum Animalia (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Annelida
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Phylum Brachiopoda
- Phylum Bryozoa
- Phylum Cephalorhyncha incertae sedis
- Phylum Chaetognatha
- Phylum Chitinozoa †
- Phylum Chordata
- Subphylum Cephalochordata
- Subphylum Tunicata accepted as Urochordata
- Subphylum Urochordata
- Subphylum Vertebrata
- Superclass Tetrapoda
- Class Amphibia
- Order Adelospondyli †
- Order Aistopoda †
- Order Amphibia (awaiting allocation)
- Order Amphibia incertae sedis
- Order Anthracosauria †
- Order Anura
- Order Apoda
- Order Caudata
- Order Chroniosuchia
- Order Diadectomorpha †
- Order Gymnophiona
- Order Ichthyostegalia †
- Order Labyrinthodontia †
- Order Lepospondyli (awaiting allocation) †
- Order Lissamphibia (awaiting allocation)
- Order Lysorophia †
- Order Microsauria †
- Family Brachystelechidae Carroll & Gaskill, 1978 †
- Family Goniorhynchidae Carroll & Gaskill, 1978 † accepted as Rhynchonkidae Zanon, 1988 †
- Family Gymnarthridae Case, 1919 †
- Family Hapsidopareiontidae Daly, 1973 †
- Family Hyloplesiontidae Carroll & Gaskill, 1978 †
- Family Microbrachidae Fritsch, 1883 †
- Family Microsauria (awaiting allocation) †
- Family Microsauria incertae sedis †
- Family Odonterpetontidae Carroll & Gaskill, 1978 †
- Family Ostodolepidae †
- Family Ostodolepididae Romer, 1945 † accepted as Ostodolepidae †
- Family Pantylidae Case, 1911 †
- Family Recumbirostra incertae sedis †
- Family Rhynchonkidae Zanon, 1988 †
- Genus Rhynchonkos Schultze & Foreman, 1981 †
- Family Trihecatontidae Vaughn, 1972 †
- Family Tuditanidae Cope, 1875 †
- Order Nectridea †
- Order Phaneroglossa
- Order Proanura †
- Order Reptilomorpha (awaiting allocation) †
- Order Seymouriamorpha †
- Order Stegocephali †
- Order Temnospondyli †
- Genus Aytonerpeton Otoo, Clack & Smithson in Clack et al., 2017 †
- Genus Koilops Clack & Smithson in Clack et al., 2017 †
- Class Aves
- Class Mammalia
- Class Mammaliaformes incertae sedis †
- Class Reptilia
- Genus Archaeoraptor Sloan, 1999 †
- Genus Brittagnathus Ahlberg & Clack, 2020 †
- Genus Diploradus Clack & Smithson in Clack et al., 2017 †
- Genus Mesanerpeton Smithson & Clack, 2018 †
- Genus Ossirarus Clack & Smithson in Clack et al., 2017 †
- Genus Parmastega Beznosov, Clack, Lukševičs, Ruta & Ahlberg, 2019 †
- Genus Perittodus Clack & Smithson in Clack et al., 2017 †
- Genus Sigournea Bolt & Lombard, 2006 †
- Genus Tantallognathus Chen, Alavi, Brazeau, Blom, Millward & Ahlberg, 2017 †
- Genus Tutusius Gess & Ahlberg, 2018 †
- Genus Umzantsia Gess & Ahlberg, 2018 †
- Class Acanthodii †
- Class Actinopterygii
- Class Agnatha (awaiting allocation)
- Class Cephalaspidomorphi
- Class Chondrichthyes
- Class Conodonta †
- Class Dipnoi
- Class Dipnomorpha accepted as Dipnoi
- Class Galeaspida †
- Class Gnathostomata incertae sedis †
- Class Myxini
- Class Osteichthyes (awaiting allocation)
- Class Osteichthyes incertae sedis †
- Class Ostracodermi †
- Class Pisces (awaiting allocation)
- Class Placodermi †
- Class Pteraspidomorphi †
- Class Sarcopterygii
- Class Thelodonti †
- Genus Emmonsaspis Resser & Howell, 1938 †
- Genus Kahamachli Malkani, 2019 †
- Genus Rhynchocopros Hunt, Lucas & Spielmann, 2013 †
- Genus Santamariacopros Hunt, Lucas & Spielmann, 2013 †
- Genus Squirmarius McCoy, Wittry, Sadabadi & Mayer, 2023 †
- Class Chordata (awaiting allocation)
- Class Eotetrapodiformes incertae sedis
- Phylum Cnidaria
- Phylum Ctenophora
- Phylum Cycliophora
- Phylum Cycloneuralia incertae sedis
- Phylum Echinodermata
- Phylum Entoprocta
- Phylum Gastrotricha
- Phylum Gnathostomulida
- Phylum Hemichordata
- Phylum Hyolitha †
- Phylum Kinorhyncha
- Phylum Lobopoda †
- Phylum Loricifera
- Phylum Micrognathozoa
- Phylum Mollusca
- Phylum Monoblastozoa accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Nematoda
- Phylum Nematomorpha
- Phylum Nemertea
- Phylum Onychophora
- Phylum Orthonectida
- Phylum Phoronida
- Phylum Placozoa
- Phylum Platyhelminthes
- Phylum Pogonophora accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Porifera
- Phylum Priapula accepted as Priapulida
- Phylum Priapulida
- Phylum Problematica † accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Rhombozoa
- Phylum Rotifera
- Phylum Scalidophora incertae sedis
- Phylum Sipuncula
- Phylum Tardigrada
- Phylum Trace fossils †
- Phylum Vendobionta †
- Phylum Vestimentifera accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Vetulicolia †
- Phylum Vinctiplicata incertae sedis †
- Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
- Genus Trilobocaris Pribyl, 1953 †
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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