Between brackets is the number of accepted species
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- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Phylum Acritarcha †
- Phylum Algae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Algae incertae sedis
- Phylum Anthocerotophyta
- Phylum Bryophyta
- Phylum Calcitarcha †
- Phylum Charophyta
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Phylum Eophyta †
- Phylum Glaucophyta
- Phylum Gymnospermophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Horneophyta †
- Phylum Magnoliophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Marchantiophyta
- Phylum Picozoa
- Phylum Plantae (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Prasinodermatophyta
- Phylum Pteridophyta accepted as Tracheophyta
- Phylum Rhodelphidia
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Subdivision Cyanidiophytina
- Subdivision Eurhodophytina
- Class Bangiophyceae
- Class Florideophyceae
- Order Acrochaetiales
- Order Acrosymphytales
- Order Ahnfeltiales
- Order Atractophorales
- Order Balbianiales
- Order Balliales
- Order Batrachospermales
- Order Bonnemaisoniales
- Order Catenellopsidales
- Order Ceramiales
- Family Callithamniaceae Kützing, 1843
- Family Ceramiaceae Dumortier, 1822
- Genus Acanthoceras Kützing, 1842 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Acrothamnion J.G. Agardh, 1892
- Genus Acrothamniopsis A. Athanasiadis & G.T. Kraft in A. Athanasiadis, 1996
- Genus Actinothamnion W.R. Taylor in W.R. Taylor & C. Arndt, 1929 accepted as Dohrniella Funk, 1922
- Genus Amasperma Rafinesque, 1814
- Genus Amoenothamnion Wollaston, 1968
- Genus Anthithamnionella accepted as Antithamnionella Lyle, 1922
- Genus Antithamnion Nägeli, 1847
- Genus Antithamnionella Lyle, 1922
- Genus Ardreanema R.E. Norris & I.A. Abbott, 1992
- Genus Ascocladium Nägeli, 1861
- Genus Bakothamnion C. van den Hoek, 1978 accepted as Balliella H. Itono & T. Tanaka, 1973
- Genus Balliella H. Itono & T. Tanaka, 1973
- Genus Bindera J.G. Agardh, 1841
- Genus Boreothamnion M.J. Wynne, 1980
- Genus Bornetia Thuret, 1855
- Genus Boryna Grateloup ex Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822
- Genus Calliclavula C.W. Schneider in R.B. Searles & C.W. Schneider, 1989
- Genus Callidictyon J.N. Norris & I.A. Abbott in J.N. Norris, I.A. Abbott & C.R. Agegian, 1995
- Genus Callithamniella G. Feldman-Mazoyer, 1938
- Genus Calopteris Bachelot de la Pylaie, 1830 accepted as Ptilota C.A. Agardh, 1817
- Genus Campylaephora J.G. Agardh, 1851
- Genus Carpoblepharis Kützing, 1843
- Genus Carpothamnium accepted as Carpothamnion Kützing, 1849
- Genus Celeceras Kützing, 1849 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Centroceras F.T. Kützing, 1841
- Genus Centrocerocolax A.B. Joly, 1966
- Genus Ceramiella Børgesen, 1953 accepted as Corallophila Weber-van Bosse, 1923
- Genus Ceramiopsis Boo & Lee in Lee & Kang, 1986 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Ceramothamnion H. Richards, 1901 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Ceratothamnion J.G. Agardh, 1892 accepted as Callithamnion Lyngbye, 1819
- Genus Chaetoceras Kützing, 1847
- Genus Compsothamnionella Itono, 1977 accepted as Pleonosporium Nägeli, 1862
- Genus Corallophila Weber-van Bosse, 1923
- Genus Cyclospora J.G. Agardh, 1892 accepted as Carpoblepharis Kützing, 1843
- Genus Dasyphila Sonder, 1845
- Genus Dasythamnion J.G. Agardh, 1894 accepted as Dasythamniella P.C. Silva, 1970
- Genus Delesseriopsis Okamura, 1931
- Genus Dictiderma Bonnemaison, 1822 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Dohrniella Funk, 1922
- Genus Dorythamnion Nägeli, 1861 accepted as Callithamnion Lyngbye, 1819
- Genus Draparnaldiana
- Genus Echinoceras Kützing, 1841 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Elisabethia Trevisan, 1855
- Genus Elisiella Womersley, 1998
- Genus Episperma Rafinesque, 1814
- Genus Episporium Möbius, 1885
- Genus Gaillonia F. Rudolphi, 1831 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Gayliella T.O. Cho, L.J. McIvor & S.M. Boo in T.O. Cho, S.M. Boo, M.H. Hommersand, C.A. Maggs, L. McIvor et al., 2008
- Genus Glandothamnus Wollaston, 1981 accepted as Pterothamnion Nägeli, 1855
- Genus Gloiothamnion T. Reinbold, 1895
- Genus Gongroceras Kützing, 1841 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Griffitsia C.A. Agardh, 1817 accepted as Griffithsia C.A. Agardh, 1817
- Genus Gulsoniopsis Hommersand, 1963
- Genus Gymnothamnion J.G. Agardh, 1892
- Genus Halithamnion J.G. Agardh, 1876
- Genus Halosia M. Cormaci & G. Furnari, 1994
- Genus Halothamnion J.G. Agardh, 1876
- Genus Haplocladium Nägeli, 1862 accepted as Pterothamnion Nägeli, 1855
- Genus Haploplegma accepted as Haloplegma Montagne, 1842
- Genus Herpoceras Cramer, 1863 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Herpochondria F. Schmitz & Falkenberg, 1897
- Genus Herpothamnion Nägeli, 1862
- Genus Heterocladium C. Nägeli, 1862
- Genus Heterosphondylium Nägeli, 1862 accepted as Griffithsia C.A. Agardh, 1817
- Genus Heterothamnion J.G. Agardh, 1892
- Genus Hollenbergia Wollaston, 1972
- Genus Hormoceras Kützing, 1841 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Irtugovia Perestenko, 1994
- Species Irtugovia pacifica (Harvey) Perestenko, 1996
- Species Irtugovia shimamurana (Nagai) Perestenko, 1996
- Species Irtugovia spirographidis (Schiffner) Perestenko, 1994
- Genus Lasiothalia Harvey, 1855
- Genus Laurenciophila Stegenga, 1986
- Genus Leptoklonion A. Athanasiadis, 1996
- Genus Leptothamnion Kützing, 1849 accepted as Callithamnion Lyngbye, 1819
- Genus Macrothamnion Wollaston, 1968
- Genus Maschalosporium Nägeli, 1862
- Genus Microcladia Greville, 1830
- Genus Microgelidiopsis Ercegovic, 1980
- Genus Microthamnion J.G. Agardh, 1892
- Genus Miscosporium Nägeli, 1862
- Genus Morothamnion C. Cramer, 1862
- Genus Muellerella F. Schmitz ex Kylin, 1956 accepted as Muellerena F. Schmitz, 1897
- Genus Muellerena F. Schmitz, 1897
- Genus Ochmapexus Womersley, 1998
- Genus Ossiella A.J.K. Millar & I.A. Abbott, 1997
- Genus Paleothamnion B.C. Parker & E.Y. Dawson, 1965 †
- Genus Pandorea J.G. Agardh, 1876 accepted as Griffithsia C.A. Agardh, 1817
- Genus Pandorella G. Feldmann, 1947
- Genus Perikladosporon A. Athanasiadis, 1996
- Genus Perischelia J.G. Agardh ex Kylin, 1956
- Genus Perithamnion J.G. Agardh, 1892
- Genus Phlebothamnion Kützing, 1843 accepted as Callithamnion Lyngbye, 1819
- Genus Platythamnion J.G. Agardh, 1892
- Genus Plumaria Stackhouse, 1809
- Genus Plumariella Okamura, 1930
- Genus Poecilothamnion Nägeli, 1847
- Genus Pteroceras Kützing, 1849 accepted as Ceramium Roth, 1797
- Genus Pterocladiopsis Ercegovic, 1963
- Genus Pterota Cramer, 1864
- Genus Pterothamnion Nägeli, 1855
- Genus Pteroton accepted as Antithamnion Nägeli, 1847
- Genus Ptilothamniopsis P.S. Dixon, 1971
- Genus Radiathamnion E.M. Gordon-Mills & G.T. Kraft, 1981
- Genus Reinboldiella De Toni, 1895
- Genus Scagelia E.M. Wollaston, 1972
- Genus Scageliopsis E.M. Wollaston, 1981
- Genus Scagelothamnion A. Athanasiadis, 1996
- Genus Sciurothamnion O. De Clecrk & G.T. Kraft in O. De Clerck, G.T. Kraft & E. Coppejans, 2002
- Genus Seagriefia Stegenga, Bolton & Anderson, 1997
- Genus Skeletonella A.J.K. Millar & O. De Clerck, 2007
- Genus Sporacanthus Kützing, 1855
- Genus Sporocanthus Kützing, 1855 accepted as Sporacanthus Kützing, 1855
- Genus Sporoseira F.J. Ruprecht, 1851
- Genus Stephanocomium Kützing, 1862 accepted as Anotrichium Nägeli, 1862
- Genus Stepleya accepted as Shepleya E.M. Gordon, 1972
- Genus Sympodothamnion Itono, 1977
- Genus Syringocolax Reinsch, 1875
- Genus Tetrathamnion Wollaston, 1968
- Genus Thamnocarpus Harvey, 1844 accepted as Carpothamnion Kützing, 1849
- Genus Trichoceras Kützing, 1849
- Genus Trithamnion Wollaston, 1968
- Genus Warrenia W. Harvey ex F. Schmitz & P. Hauptfleisch in Engler & Prantl, 1897
- Genus Zonariophila Stegenga & Kemperman, 1996
- Family Ceramiales incertae sedis
- Family Choreocolacaceae accepted as Rhodomelaceae J.E. Areschoug, 1847
- Family Dasyaceae Kützing, 1843 accepted as Delesseriaceae Bory, 1828
- Family Delesseriaceae Bory, 1828
- Family Rhodomelaceae J.E. Areschoug, 1847
- Family Sarcomeniaceae Womersley, 2003 accepted as Delesseriaceae Bory, 1828
- Family Spyridiaceae accepted as Callithamniaceae Kützing, 1843
- Family Wrangeliaceae J.G. Agardh, 1851
- Order Colaconematales
- Order Corallinales
- Order Corynodactylales
- Order Cryptonemiales accepted as Halymeniales
- Order Entwisleiales
- Order Florideophyceae (awaiting allocation)
- Order Gelidiales
- Order Gigartinales
- Order Gracilariales
- Order Halymeniales
- Order Hapalidiales
- Order Hildenbrandiales
- Order Inkyuleeales
- Order Nemaliales
- Order Nemastomatales
- Order Palmariales
- Order Peyssonneliales
- Order Pihiellales
- Order Plocamiales
- Order Rhodachlyales
- Order Rhodogorgonales
- Order Rhodymeniales
- Order Sebdeniales
- Order Sporolithales
- Order Thoreales
- Family Pterocladiophilaceae Fan & Papenfuss, 1959
- Genus Corallinapetra T.J. Farr, W.A. Nelson & J.E. Sutherland in Nelson et al., 2015
- Genus Entocolax P.F. Reinsch, 1875
- Genus Gremiphyca Y. Zhang, L. Yin, S. Xiao & A.H. Knoll, 1998 †
- Genus Herpophyllum J.G. Agardh, 1894
- Genus Lobocolax M.A. Howe, 1914
- Genus Qingjiangthallus R. Li & X. Zhang, 2022 †
- Genus Ramathallus T. Sallstedt in Bengtson et al., 2017 †
- Genus Thallophycoides Y. Zhang & X.-L. Yuan, 1992 †
- Genus Corticina Y. Zhang & X.-L. Yuan, 1992 † accepted as Thallophycoides Y. Zhang & X.-L. Yuan, 1992 †
- Genus Wengania Y. Zhang, 1989 †
- Subdivision Metarhodophytina
- Subdivision Rhodellophytina
- Class Rhodophyceae accepted as Rhodophyta
- Order Archaeolithophyllales †
- Order Rhodophyta (awaiting allocation)
- Family Demidellaceae †
- Family Dzhulfanellaceae † accepted as Gymnocodiaceae Elliot, 1955 †
- Family Gymnocodiaceae Elliot, 1955 †
- Family Katavellaceae †
- Family Moniliporellaceae Gnilovskaya, 1972 †
- Genus Desmia J.G. Agardh, 1852
- Phylum Sporae dispersae †
- Phylum Tracheophyta
- Phylum Vendophyta † accepted as Algae incertae sedis
- Class Nematophyceae † accepted as Nematophyta †
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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