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Ophiothrix Müller & Troschel, 1840

1035485  (



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  1. Species Ophiothrix accedens Koehler, 1930
  2. Species Ophiothrix acestra H.L. Clark, 1909
  3. Species Ophiothrix ailsae Tommasi, 1970
  4. Species Ophiothrix albolineata (H.L. Clark, 1938)
  5. Species Ophiothrix albostriata H.L. Clark, 1928
  6. Species Ophiothrix alboviridis (Brock, 1888)
  7. Species Ophiothrix amphibola H.L. Clark, 1939
  8. Species Ophiothrix andersoni Duncan, 1887
  9. Species Ophiothrix angulata (Say, 1825)
  10. Species Ophiothrix aristulata Lyman, 1879
  11. Species Ophiothrix armata Koehler, 1905
  12. Species Ophiothrix beata Koehler, 1907
  13. Species Ophiothrix bedoti de Loriol, 1893
  14. Species Ophiothrix belli Döderlein, 1896
  15. Species Ophiothrix berberis Lyman, 1879
  16. Species Ophiothrix brachyactis H.L. Clark, 1915
  17. Species Ophiothrix caespitosa Lyman, 1879
  18. Species Ophiothrix carinata von Martens, 1870
  19. Species Ophiothrix cheneyi Lyman, 1862
  20. Species Ophiothrix ciliaris Müller & Troschel, 1842
  21. Species Ophiothrix cimar Hendler, 2005
  22. Species Ophiothrix comata Müller & Troschel, 1842
  23. Species Ophiothrix congensis Koehler, 1911
  24. Species Ophiothrix consecrata Koehler, 1930
  25. Species Ophiothrix contenta Koehler, 1930
  26. Species Ophiothrix convoluta Koehler, 1914
  27. Species Ophiothrix coronata Koehler, 1905
  28. Species Ophiothrix cotteaui (de Loriol, 1900)
  29. Species Ophiothrix crassispina Koehler, 1904
  30. Species Ophiothrix darwini Bell, 1884
  31. Species Ophiothrix deceptor Koehler, 1922
  32. Species Ophiothrix dedita Koehler, 1930
  33. Species Ophiothrix deposita Koehler, 1904
  34. Species Ophiothrix diligens Koehler, 1898
  35. Species Ophiothrix dirrhabdota H.L. Clark, 1918
  36. Species Ophiothrix dyscrita H.L. Clark, 1915
  37. Species Ophiothrix echinata (Delle Chiaje, 1828)
  38. Species Ophiothrix echinotecta Balinsky, 1957
  39. Species Ophiothrix elegans Lütken, 1869
  40. Species Ophiothrix eurycolpodes H.L. Clark, 1918
  41. Species Ophiothrix exhibita Koehler, 1905
  42. Species Ophiothrix exigua Lyman, 1874
  43. Species Ophiothrix fallax de Loriol, 1893
  44. Species Ophiothrix foveolata Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1887
  45. Species Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  46. Species Ophiothrix fumaria Müller & Troschel, 1840
  47. Species Ophiothrix galapagensis Lütken & Mortensen, 1899
  48. Species Ophiothrix hartforti A.H. Clark, 1939
  49. Species Ophiothrix hartmeyeri Koehler, 1907
  50. Species Ophiothrix hymenacantha H.L. Clark, 1928
  51. Species Ophiothrix indigna Koehler, 1906
  52. Species Ophiothrix infirma Koehler, 1905
  53. Species Ophiothrix innocens Koehler, 1898
  54. Species Ophiothrix insidiosa Koehler, 1898
  55. Species Ophiothrix koreana Duncan, 1879
  56. Species Ophiothrix lepidus de Loriol, 1893
  57. Species Ophiothrix leucospida Koehler, 1930
  58. Species Ophiothrix leucotrigonia H.L. Clark, 1918
  59. Species Ophiothrix lineata Lyman, 1860
  60. Species Ophiothrix lineocaerulea H.L. Clark, 1928
  61. Species Ophiothrix liodisca H.L. Clark, 1915
  62. Species Ophiothrix lorioli Döderlein, 1896
  63. Species Ophiothrix luetkeni Wyville Thomson, 1873
  64. Species Ophiothrix maculata Ljungman, 1872
  65. Species Ophiothrix magnifica Lyman, 1860
  66. Species Ophiothrix marginata Koehler, 1905
  67. Species Ophiothrix martensi Lyman, 1874
  68. Species Ophiothrix megaloplax Koehler, 1930
  69. Species Ophiothrix melanogramma Bell, 1884
  70. Species Ophiothrix melanosticta Grube, 1868
  71. Species Ophiothrix merguiensis Duncan, 1887
  72. Species Ophiothrix michaelseni Koehler, 1907
  73. Species Ophiothrix microplax Bell, 1884
  74. Species Ophiothrix miles Koehler, 1905
  75. Species Ophiothrix nobilis Koehler, 1905
  76. Species Ophiothrix nociva Koehler, 1907
  77. Species Ophiothrix obtusa Koehler, 1905
  78. Species Ophiothrix oerstedii Lütken, 1856
  79. Species Ophiothrix oliveri Benham, 1910
  80. Species Ophiothrix orstedii Lütken, 1856
  81. Species Ophiothrix pallida Ljungman, 1872
  82. Species Ophiothrix panchyendyta H.L. Clark, 1911
  83. Species Ophiothrix parasita Müller & Troschel, 1844
  84. Species Ophiothrix pavida Koehler, 1922
  85. Species Ophiothrix petersi Studer, 1882
  86. Species Ophiothrix picteti de Loriol, 1893
  87. Species Ophiothrix plana Lyman, 1874
  88. Species Ophiothrix planulatus Stimpson, 1855
  89. Species Ophiothrix platyactis H.L. Clark, 1939
  90. Species Ophiothrix poecilodisca H.L. Clark, 1915
  91. Species Ophiothrix prostrata Koehler, 1922
  92. Species Ophiothrix proteus Koehler, 1905
  93. Species Ophiothrix pulchella Koehler, 1905
  94. Species Ophiothrix pulcherrima (Djakonov)
  95. Species Ophiothrix pulchra (H.L. Clark, 1938)
  96. Species Ophiothrix punctolimbata von Martens, 1870
  97. Species Ophiothrix purpurea von Martens, 1867
  98. Species Ophiothrix pusilla Lyman, 1874
  99. Species Ophiothrix rathbuni Ludwig, 1882
  100. Species Ophiothrix rhabdota H.L. Clark, 1915
  101. Species Ophiothrix robillardi de Loriol, 1893
  102. Species Ophiothrix roseocoerulans Grube, 1868
  103. Species Ophiothrix rotata von Martens, 1870
  104. Species Ophiothrix rudis Lyman, 1874
  105. Species Ophiothrix savignyi (Müller & Troschel, 1842)
  106. Species Ophiothrix schmidti Djakonov, 1930
  107. Species Ophiothrix scorpio (Müller & Troschel, 1842)
  108. Species Ophiothrix scotiosa Murakami, 1943
  109. Species Ophiothrix signata Koehler, 1922
  110. Species Ophiothrix simplex Koehler, 1905
  111. Species Ophiothrix smaragdina Studer, 1882
  112. Species Ophiothrix spiculata Le Conte, 1851
  113. Species Ophiothrix spinosissima Koehler, 1905
  114. Species Ophiothrix spongicola Stimpson, 1855
  115. Species Ophiothrix stelligera Lyman, 1874
  116. Species Ophiothrix stri Hendler, 2005
  117. Species Ophiothrix striolata Grube, 1868
  118. Species Ophiothrix suensoni Lütken, 1856
  119. Species Ophiothrix suensonii Lütken, 1856
  120. Species Ophiothrix synoecina Schoppe, 1996
  121. Species Ophiothrix tenuis Koehler, 1905
  122. Species Ophiothrix tradita Koehler, 1930
  123. Species Ophiothrix tricuspida Cherbonnier & Guille, 1978
  124. Species Ophiothrix trilineata Lütken, 1869
  125. Species Ophiothrix trindadensis Tommasi, 1970
  126. Species Ophiothrix tristis de Loriol, 1893
  127. Species Ophiothrix variabilis Duncan, 1887
  128. Species Ophiothrix variegata Duncan, 1887
  129. Species Ophiothrix versatilis Koehler, 1930
  130. Species Ophiothrix vetusta Koehler, 1930
  131. Species Ophiothrix vexator Koehler, 1930
  132. Species Ophiothrix viator Koehler, 1904
  133. Species Ophiothrix vicina Koehler, 1930
  134. Species Ophiothrix vigelandi A.M. Clark, 1968
  135. Species Ophiothrix virgata Lyman, 1862
  136. Species Ophiothrix viridialba von Martens, 1867
  137. Species Ophiothrix vitrea Döderlein, 1896
  138. Species Ophiothrix abstinens Koehler, 1930 accepted as Ophiothrix panchyendyta H.L. Clark, 1911
  139. Species Ophiothrix abstineus Koehler, 1930 accepted as Ophiothrix panchyendyta H.L. Clark, 1911
  140. Species Ophiothrix alba Grube, 1857 accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  141. Species Ophiothrix alopecurus Müller & Troschel, 1842 accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  142. Species Ophiothrix aspidota Müller & Troschel, 1842 accepted as Macrophiothrix aspidota (Müller & Troschel, 1842)
  143. Species Ophiothrix bellax Koehler, 1922 accepted as Macrophiothrix bellax (Koehler, 1922)
  144. Species Ophiothrix capensis Lütken, 1869 accepted as Ophiogymna capensis (Lütken, 1869)
  145. Species Ophiothrix capillaris Lyman, 1879 accepted as Macrophiothrix capillaris (Lyman, 1879)
  146. Species Ophiothrix cataphracta Martens, 1870 accepted as Macrophiothrix nereidina (Lamarck, 1816)
  147. Species Ophiothrix clarescens Koehler, 1904 accepted as Ophiogymna clarescens (Koehler, 1904)
  148. Species Ophiothrix clypeata Ljungman, 1866 accepted as Ophiocnemis marmorata (Lamarck, 1816)
  149. Species Ophiothrix coerulea Djakonov, 1930 accepted as Macrophiothrix coerulea (Djakonov, 1930)
  150. Species Ophiothrix cumulata Koehler, 1922 accepted as Ophiothrix crassispina Koehler, 1904
  151. Species Ophiothrix danae (Koehler, 1898) accepted as Ophiothela danae Verrill, 1869
  152. Species Ophiothrix demessa Lyman, 1861 accepted as Macrophiothrix demessa (Lyman, 1861)
  153. Species Ophiothrix dumosa Lyman, 1860 accepted as Ophiothrix spiculata Le Conte, 1851
  154. Species Ophiothrix encarsia H.L. Clark, 1939 accepted as Macrophiothrix encarsia (H.L. Clark, 1939)
  155. Species Ophiothrix eusteira H.L. Clark, 1911 accepted as Ophiothrix koreana Duncan, 1879
  156. Species Ophiothrix expedita Koehler, 1905 accepted as Macrophiothrix expedita (Koehler, 1905)
  157. Species Ophiothrix ferussacii (Delle Chiaje, 18??) accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  158. Species Ophiothrix fulgens Koehler, 1905 accepted as Ophiogymna pellicula (Duncan, 1887)
  159. Species Ophiothrix galatheae Lütken, 1872 accepted as Macrophiothrix galatheae (Lütken, 1872)
  160. Species Ophiothrix gracilis Koehler, 1911 accepted as Ophiothrix cotteaui (de Loriol, 1900)
  161. Species Ophiothrix hirsuta Müller & Troschel, 1842 accepted as Macrophiothrix hirsuta (Müller & Troschel, 1842)
  162. Species Ophiothrix hispida Ayres, 1854 accepted as Ophiothrix angulata (Say, 1825)
  163. Species Ophiothrix hybrida H.L. Clark, 1915 accepted as Macrophiothrix hybrida Clark, 1915
  164. Species Ophiothrix hylodes H.L. Clark, 1911 accepted as Ophiothrix exigua Lyman, 1874
  165. Species Ophiothrix inducta Koehler, 1906 accepted as Ophiothrix maculata Ljungman, 1872
  166. Species Ophiothrix investigatoris Koehler, 1897 accepted as Ophiothrix aristulata Lyman, 1879
  167. Species Ophiothrix irregularis (H.L. Clark, 1938) accepted as Macrophiothrix martensi (Lyman, 1874)
  168. Species Ophiothrix leucotrigona H.L. Clark, 1918 accepted as Ophiothrix leucotrigonia H.L. Clark, 1918
  169. Species Ophiothrix longimana Djakonov, 1930 accepted as Macrophiothrix coerulea (Djakonov, 1930)
  170. Species Ophiothrix longipeda (Lamarck, 1816) accepted as Macrophiothrix longipeda (Lamarck, 1816)
  171. Species Ophiothrix lusitanica Ljungman, 1872 accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  172. Species Ophiothrix macrobrachia H.L. Clark, 1911 accepted as Ophiogymna pellicula (Duncan, 1887)
  173. Species Ophiothrix marenzelleri Koehler, 1904 accepted as Ophiothrix exigua Lyman, 1874
  174. Species Ophiothrix mauritiensis de Loriol, 1893 accepted as Macrophiothrix demessa (Lyman, 1861)
  175. Species Ophiothrix melite A.H. Clark, 1949 accepted as Ophioplax melite A.H. Clark, 1949
  176. Species Ophiothrix mirabilis Verrill, 1867 accepted as Ophiothela mirabilis Verrill, 1867
  177. Species Ophiothrix nereidina (Lamarck, 1816) accepted as Macrophiothrix nereidina (Lamarck, 1816)
  178. Species Ophiothrix oerstedi Lütken, 1856 accepted as Ophiothrix oerstedii Lütken, 1856
  179. Species Ophiothrix orstedi Lütken, 1856 accepted as Ophiothrix oerstedii Lütken, 1856
  180. Species Ophiothrix otiosa Koehler, 1898 accepted as Ophiothrix savignyi (Müller & Troschel, 1842)
  181. Species Ophiothrix pentaphyllum (Abildgaard, 1789) accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  182. Species Ophiothrix picturatus de Loriol, 1893 accepted as Macrophiothrix longipeda (Lamarck, 1816)
  183. Species Ophiothrix propinqua Lyman, 1861 accepted as Macrophiothrix propinqua (Lyman, 1861)
  184. Species Ophiothrix quinquemaculata (Delle Chiaje, 1828) accepted as Ophiura quinquemaculata Delle Chiaje, 1828 accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  185. Species Ophiothrix rammelsbergii Müller & Troschel, 1842 accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  186. Species Ophiothrix roseo-coerulans Grube, 1868 accepted as Ophiothrix roseocoerulans Grube, 1868
  187. Species Ophiothrix rubra Ljungman, 1872 accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  188. Species Ophiothrix speciosa Koehler, 1898 accepted as Macrophiothrix speciosa (Koehler, 1898)
  189. Species Ophiothrix stabilis Koehler, 1904 accepted as Ophiothrix ciliaris Müller & Troschel, 1842
  190. Species Ophiothrix stelligera Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1887 accepted as Ophiothrix exigua Lyman, 1874
  191. Species Ophiothrix tenera Brock, 1888 accepted as Macrophiothrix tenera (Brock, 1888)
  192. Species Ophiothrix tomentosa Koehler, 1914 accepted as Ophiothrix nociva Koehler, 1907
  193. Species Ophiothrix triglochis Müller & Troschel, 1842 accepted as Ophiothrix fragilis (Abildgaard in O.F. Müller, 1789)
  194. Species Ophiothrix triloba von Martens, 1870 accepted as Macrophiothrix propinqua (Lyman, 1861)
  195. Species Ophiothrix vindex Koehler, 1930 accepted as Macrophiothrix martensi (Lyman, 1874)
  196. Species Ophiothrix violacea Müller & Troschel, 1842 accepted as Ophiothrix angulata (Say, 1825)
  197. Species Ophiothrix westwardi Devaney, 1974 accepted as Macrophiothrix propinqua (Lyman, 1861)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Arch. Naturgesch., 6 (1)
page(s): 328 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Authority cited elsewhere as J. Müller & Troschel, 1840.  
Taxonomic remark Authority cited elsewhere as J. Müller & Troschel, 1840. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Ophiothrix Müller & Troschel, 1840. Accessed at: on 2025-01-14
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2016-11-22 11:10:04Z

original description Arch. Naturgesch., 6 (1)
page(s): 328 [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Fell, 1982 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

extant flag source CoL2006 (extant taxa) [details] 

extant flag source Sepkoski, J. J., Jr. (2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. <em>Bulletins of American Paleontology.</em> 363, 1-560. [details] 

habitat flag source Aphia 2006 [details] 

original description (of Ophiotrix Müller & Troschel, 1842) Syst. Asterid.
page(s): 85 [details] 

original description (of Ophionyx Müller & Troschel, 1840) Arch. Naturgesch., 6 (1)
page(s): 329 [details] 
Descriptive info Includes marine species (Aphia 2006). [details]

Taxonomic remark Authority cited elsewhere as J. Müller & Troschel, 1840. [details]

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