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Eschweileria Zippelius ex Boerlage, 1887

1038436  (



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  1. Species Eschweileria barbata (Becc.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon barbatum Becc.
  2. Species Eschweileria boerlagei Warb. accepted as Osmoxylon boerlagei (Warb.) Philipson
  3. Species Eschweileria carpophagarum (Becc.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon insidiator Becc.
  4. Species Eschweileria elegans Ridl. accepted as Osmoxylon geelvinkianum Becc.
  5. Species Eschweileria gawadensis Baker f. accepted as Osmoxylon micranthum (Harms) Philipson
  6. Species Eschweileria geelvinkiana (Becc.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon geelvinkianum Becc.
  7. Species Eschweileria helleborinum (Becc.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon borneense Seem.
  8. Species Eschweileria insidiator (Becc.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon insidiator Becc.
  9. Species Eschweileria insignis (Miq.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon insigne (Miq.) Becc.
  10. Species Eschweileria novoguineensis (Scheff.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon novoguineense (Scheff.) Becc.
  11. Species Eschweileria palmata (Lam.) Zipp. ex Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon palmatum (Lam.) Philipson
  12. Species Eschweileria pfeilii Warb. accepted as Osmoxylon pfeilii (Warb.) Philipson
  13. Species Eschweileria pleiosperma (A. Gray) T. Durand ex Drake accepted as Reynoldsia pleiosperma A. Gray
  14. Species Eschweileria pulcherrima (Vidal ex Fern.-Vill.) Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon pulcherrimum Vidal ex Fern.-Vill.
  15. Species Eschweileria sandwicensis (A. Gray) T. Durand ex Drake accepted as Reynoldsia sandwicensis A. Gray
  16. Species Eschweileria sessiliflora (Lauterb. ex Harms) Baker f. accepted as Osmoxylon sessiliflorum (Lauterb. ex Harms) Philipson
  17. Species Eschweileria tahitensis (Nadeaud) T. Durand ex Drake accepted as Reynoldsia tahitensis Nadeaud
  18. Species Eschweileria teysmannii Boerl. accepted as Osmoxylon teysmannii (Boerl.) Philipson
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Parahomonym of Eschweilera Mart. ex DC. (1828) (GRIN). A homotypic synonym of Boerlagiodendron Harms 1894 according to...  
Taxonomic remark Parahomonym of Eschweilera Mart. ex DC. (1828) (GRIN). A homotypic synonym of Boerlagiodendron Harms 1894 according to Index Nominum Genericorum. [details]
IRMNG (2021). Eschweileria Zippelius ex Boerlage, 1887. Accessed at: on 2025-03-31
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record CoL2006/RBG Kew Checklist [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

source of synonymy GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

verified source for family GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 
Taxonomic remark Parahomonym of Eschweilera Mart. ex DC. (1828) (GRIN). A homotypic synonym of Boerlagiodendron Harms 1894 according to Index Nominum Genericorum. [details]

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