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Haplophthalmus Schoebl, 1860

1048198  (



  • Alphabetically
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  1. Species Haplophthalmus abbreviatus Verhoeff, 1928
  2. Species Haplophthalmus africanus Vandel, 1959
  3. Species Haplophthalmus alicantinus Cruz & Dalens, 1990
  4. Species Haplophthalmus apuanus Verhoeff, 1908
  5. Species Haplophthalmus asturicus Vandel, 1952
  6. Species Haplophthalmus aternanus Verhoeff, 1931
  7. Species Haplophthalmus austriacus Verhoeff, 1940
  8. Species Haplophthalmus avolensis Vandel, 1969
  9. Species Haplophthalmus banaticus Radu, 1983
  10. Species Haplophthalmus bituberculatus Strouhal, 1963
  11. Species Haplophthalmus bodadonai Legrand & Vandel, 1950
  12. Species Haplophthalmus caecus Radu, Radu & Cadaru, 1955
  13. Species Haplophthalmus chisterai Cruz & Dalens, 1990
  14. Species Haplophthalmus claviger Verhoeff, 1944
  15. Species Haplophthalmus concordiae Verhoeff, 1952
  16. Species Haplophthalmus danicus (Budde-Lund, 1880)
  17. Species Haplophthalmus delmontensis Verhoeff, 1936
  18. Species Haplophthalmus fiumaranus Verhoeff, 1908
  19. Species Haplophthalmus gibbosus Verhoeff, 1930
  20. Species Haplophthalmus gibbus Legrand & Vandel, 1950
  21. Species Haplophthalmus graecus Verhoeff, 1908
  22. Species Haplophthalmus hungaricus Kesselyak, 1930
  23. Species Haplophthalmus ionescui Radu, 1983
  24. Species Haplophthalmus kosswigi Strouhal, 1963
  25. Species Haplophthalmus ligurinus Verhoeff, 1930
  26. Species Haplophthalmus litoralis Verhoeff, 1952
  27. Species Haplophthalmus mariae Strouhal, 1953
  28. Species Haplophthalmus medius Radu, Radu & Cadaru, 1956
  29. Species Haplophthalmus mengei (Zaddach, 1844)
  30. Species Haplophthalmus meridionalis Legrand & Vandel, 1950
  31. Species Haplophthalmus monticellii Arcangeli, 1922
  32. Species Haplophthalmus montivagus Verhoeff, 1940
  33. Species Haplophthalmus movilae Gruia & Giurginca, 1998
  34. Species Haplophthalmus napocensis Radu, 1983
  35. Species Haplophthalmus parnesius Verhoeff, 1939
  36. Species Haplophthalmus perezi Legrand, 1943
  37. Species Haplophthalmus portofinensis Verhoeff, 1908
  38. Species Haplophthalmus provincialis Legrand & Legrand, 1950
  39. Species Haplophthalmus pumilio Verhoeff, 1944
  40. Species Haplophthalmus rhinoceros Verhoeff, 1930
  41. Species Haplophthalmus siculus Dollfus, 1896
  42. Species Haplophthalmus strinatii Vandel, 1955
  43. Species Haplophthalmus stygiragus Vandel, 1955
  44. Species Haplophthalmus stygivagus Verhoeff, 1936
  45. Species Haplophthalmus tasmanicus Chilton, 1915
  46. Species Haplophthalmus teissieri Legrand, 1942
  47. Species Haplophthalmus thermophilus Calgar, 1948
  48. Species Haplophthalmus transiens Legrand & Vandel, 1950
  49. Species Haplophthalmus unituberculatus Vandel, 1955
  50. Species Haplophthalmus valenciae Cruz & Dalens, 1990
  51. Species Haplophthalmus verhoeffi Strouhal, 1948
  52. Species Haplophthalmus anophthalmus Strouhal, 1939 accepted as Strouhaloniscellus anophthalmus (Strouhal, 1939)
  53. Species Haplophthalmus australis Chilton, 1909 accepted as Notoniscus australis (Chilton, 1909)
  54. Species Haplophthalmus helmsii Chilton, 1901 accepted as Notoniscus helmsii (Chilton, 1901)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Z. wiss. Zool., 10
page(s): 448 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Schoebl, 1861.  
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Schoebl, 1861. [details]
IRMNG (2021). Haplophthalmus Schoebl, 1860. Accessed at: on 2025-03-31
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2016-11-22 11:10:04Z

original description Z. wiss. Zool., 10
page(s): 448 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000 unverified [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000 unverified [details] 

habitat flag source Schotte, M.; Kensley, B.F.; Shilling, S. (1995-current). World List of Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans (2006 version). Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA. Available online at [details] 
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Schoebl, 1861. [details]

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