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Geomydoecus Ewing, 1929

1049519  (



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  1. Species Geomydoecus actuosi Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  2. Species Geomydoecus albati Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  3. Species Geomydoecus alcorni Price & Emerson, 1971
  4. Species Geomydoecus alleni Price & Emerson, 1971
  5. Species Geomydoecus angularis Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  6. Species Geomydoecus aurei Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  7. Species Geomydoecus bajaiensis Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  8. Species Geomydoecus bulleri Price & Emerson, 1971
  9. Species Geomydoecus burti Price & Hellenthal, 1989
  10. Species Geomydoecus californicus (Chapman, 1897)
  11. Species Geomydoecus centralis Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  12. Species Geomydoecus chapini Werneck, 1945
  13. Species Geomydoecus cherriei Price, 1974
  14. Species Geomydoecus chiapensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  15. Species Geomydoecus chihuahuae Price & Hellenthal, 1979
  16. Species Geomydoecus clausonae Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  17. Species Geomydoecus cliftoni Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  18. Species Geomydoecus copei Werneck, 1945
  19. Species Geomydoecus coronadoi Barrera, 1961
  20. Species Geomydoecus costaricensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  21. Species Geomydoecus crovelloi Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  22. Species Geomydoecus dalgleishi Timm & Price, 1979
  23. Species Geomydoecus davidhafneri Price & Hellenthal in Price, Hellenthal & Hafner, 1985
  24. Species Geomydoecus ewingi Price & Emerson, 1971
  25. Species Geomydoecus expansus (Duges, 1902)
  26. Species Geomydoecus extimi Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  27. Species Geomydoecus fulvescens Price & Emerson, 1971
  28. Species Geomydoecus fulvi Price & Hellenthal, 1979
  29. Species Geomydoecus geomydis (Osborn, 1891)
  30. Species Geomydoecus grahamensis Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  31. Species Geomydoecus guadalupensis Hellenthal & Price, 1980
  32. Species Geomydoecus heaneyi Timm & Price, 1980
  33. Species Geomydoecus hoffmanni Price & Hellenthal, 1976
  34. Species Geomydoecus hueyi Price & Hellenthal, 1980
  35. Species Geomydoecus idahoensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  36. Species Geomydoecus illinoensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  37. Species Geomydoecus jaliscoensis Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  38. Species Geomydoecus jonesi Price & Emerson, 1971
  39. Species Geomydoecus limitaris Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  40. Species Geomydoecus martini Price & Hellenthal, 1975
  41. Species Geomydoecus mcgregori Price & Emerson, 1971
  42. Species Geomydoecus merriami Price & Emerson, 1971
  43. Species Geomydoecus mexicanus Price & Emerson, 1971
  44. Species Geomydoecus mobilensis Price, 1975
  45. Species Geomydoecus musculi Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  46. Species Geomydoecus nadleri Price & Hellenthal, 1989
  47. Species Geomydoecus nayaritensis Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  48. Species Geomydoecus nebrathkensis Timm & Price, 1980
  49. Species Geomydoecus neotruncatus Hellenthal & Price, 1988
  50. Species Geomydoecus oklahomensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  51. Species Geomydoecus oregonus Price & Emerson, 1971
  52. Species Geomydoecus panamensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  53. Species Geomydoecus pattoni Price & Hellenthal, 1979
  54. Species Geomydoecus perotensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  55. Species Geomydoecus polydentatus Price & Emerson, 1971
  56. Species Geomydoecus pygacanthi Price & Hellenthal, 1988
  57. Species Geomydoecus quadridentatus Price & Emerson, 1971
  58. Species Geomydoecus scleritus (McGregor, 1917)
  59. Species Geomydoecus setzeri Price, 1974
  60. Species Geomydoecus shastensis Price & Hellenthal, 1980
  61. Species Geomydoecus sinaloae Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  62. Species Geomydoecus spickai Timm & Price, 1980
  63. Species Geomydoecus subcalifornicus Price & Emerson, 1971
  64. Species Geomydoecus subgeomydis Price & Emerson, 1971
  65. Species Geomydoecus subnubili Price & Hellenthal, 1975
  66. Species Geomydoecus tamaulipensis Price & Hellenthal, 1975
  67. Species Geomydoecus telli Price & Hellenthal, 1988
  68. Species Geomydoecus texanus Ewing, 1936
  69. Species Geomydoecus tolucae Price & Emerson, 1971
  70. Species Geomydoecus traubi Price & Emerson, 1971
  71. Species Geomydoecus trichopi Price & Emerson, 1971
  72. Species Geomydoecus truncatus Werneck, 1950
  73. Species Geomydoecus umbrini Price & Emerson, 1971
  74. Species Geomydoecus ustulati Price & Hellenthal, 1975
  75. Species Geomydoecus veracruzensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  76. Species Geomydoecus warmanae Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  77. Species Geomydoecus welleri Price & Hellenthal, 1981
  78. Species Geomydoecus wernecki Price & Emerson, 1971
  79. Species Geomydoecus yucatanensis Price & Emerson, 1971
  80. Species Geomydoecus asymmetricus Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus asymmetricus (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  81. Species Geomydoecus betleyae Hellenthal & Price, 1989 accepted as Thaelerius betleyae (Hellenthal & Price, 1989)
  82. Species Geomydoecus biagiae Hellenthal & Price, 1989 accepted as Thaelerius biagiae (Hellenthal & Price, 1989)
  83. Species Geomydoecus birneyi Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus birneyi (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  84. Species Geomydoecus craigi Hellenthal & Price, 1989 accepted as Thaelerius craigi (Hellenthal & Price, 1989)
  85. Species Geomydoecus dakotensis Price & Emerson, 1971 accepted as Thaelerius dakotensis (Price & Emerson, 1971)
  86. Species Geomydoecus dickermani Price & Emerson, 1972 accepted as Thomomydoecus dickermani (Price & Emerson, 1972)
  87. Species Geomydoecus duchesnensis Price & Emerson, 1971 accepted as Thaelerius duchesnensis (Price & Emerson, 1971)
  88. Species Geomydoecus fuchsi Hellenthal & Price, 1989 accepted as Thaelerius fuchsi (Hellenthal & Price, 1989)
  89. Species Geomydoecus genowaysi Price & Emerson, 1972 accepted as Thomomydoecus genowaysi (Price & Emerson, 1972)
  90. Species Geomydoecus greeri Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus greeri (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  91. Species Geomydoecus jamesbeeri Price & Emerson, 1972 accepted as Thomomydoecus jamesbeeri (Price & Emerson, 1972)
  92. Species Geomydoecus johnhafneri Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus johnhafneri (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  93. Species Geomydoecus markhafneri Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus markhafneri (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  94. Species Geomydoecus minor Werneck, 1950 accepted as Thomomydoecus minor (Werneck, 1950)
  95. Species Geomydoecus neocopei Price & Emerson, 1971 accepted as Thomomydoecus neocopei (Price & Emerson, 1971)
  96. Species Geomydoecus orizabae Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus orizabae (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  97. Species Geomydoecus peregrini Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus peregrini (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  98. Species Geomydoecus potteri Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus potteri (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  99. Species Geomydoecus thaeleri Hellenthal & Price, 1989 accepted as Thaelerius thaeleri (Hellenthal & Price, 1989)
  100. Species Geomydoecus timmi Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus timmi (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  101. Species Geomydoecus wardi Price & Emerson, 1971 accepted as Jamespattonius wardi (Price & Emerson, 1971)
  102. Species Geomydoecus williamsi Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus williamsi (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
  103. Species Geomydoecus zacatecae Price & Hellenthal, 1980 accepted as Thomomydoecus zacatecae (Price & Hellenthal, 1980)
marine, brackish
recent only
Ewing, H.E. (1929). A manual of external parasites. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 225 pp.
page(s): 193 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Geomydoecus Ewing, 1929. Accessed at: on 2025-03-29
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Ewing, H.E. (1929). A manual of external parasites. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, 225 pp.
page(s): 193 [details] 

basis of record Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family Hallan, J. (2000-2017). Biology Catalog (2012 version), (as at 2012). [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

extant flag source Brands, S. J. (compiler). (1989-2005). Systema Naturae 2000. Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006 version). Originally available online at; for current information, refer . [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

original description (of Thaelerius Hellenthal & Price, 1994) Journal of Medical Entomology 31 (3), May
page(s): 451 [details] 

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