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Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856

1051079  (

Evarne Malmgren, 1866 · unaccepted (Homonym, replacement Evarnella a...)  
Homonym, replacement Evarnella a synonym
Evarnella Chamberlin, 1919 · unaccepted (subjective synonym)
Harmatoe Wagner, 1885 · unaccepted
Laenilla Malmgren, 1866 · unaccepted (subjective synonym, in part at...)  
subjective synonym, in part at least in Harmothoe


  • Alphabetically
  • By status

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  1. Species Harmothoe abyssicola Bidenkap, 1894
  2. Species Harmothoe acanellae (Verrill, 1885)
  3. Species Harmothoe aculeata Andrews, 1891
  4. Species Harmothoe acuminata Willey, 1902
  5. Species Harmothoe aequiseta (Kinberg, 1855)
  6. Species Harmothoe aequispina (Langerhans, 1884)
  7. Species Harmothoe africana Augener, 1918
  8. Species Harmothoe agulhana Day, 1960
  9. Species Harmothoe alba (Malmgren, 1866)
  10. Species Harmothoe ampullifera (Grube)
  11. Species Harmothoe anoculata (Hartmann-Schröder, 1975)
  12. Species Harmothoe antarctica (McIntosh, 1885)
  13. Species Harmothoe antilopes McIntosh, 1876
  14. Species Harmothoe antilopis McIntosh, 1876
  15. Species Harmothoe areolata (Grube, 1860)
  16. Species Harmothoe ascidiicola
  17. Species Harmothoe asiatica Uschakov & Wu, 1962
  18. Species Harmothoe aspera (Hansen, 1878)
  19. Species Harmothoe assimilis (Örsted, 1843)
  20. Species Harmothoe atra Horst, 1915
  21. Species Harmothoe augeneri Salazar-Silva, 2010
  22. Species Harmothoe australis Kirkegaard, 1995
  23. Species Harmothoe balboensis Monro, 1928
  24. Species Harmothoe bathydomus Ditlevsen, 1917
  25. Species Harmothoe bellani Barnich & Fiege, 2000
  26. Species Harmothoe benthaliana McIntosh, 1885
  27. Species Harmothoe benthophila
  28. Species Harmothoe beringiana Annenkova, 1952
  29. Species Harmothoe boholensis (Grube)
  30. Species Harmothoe borealis (Théel, 1879)
  31. Species Harmothoe branchiata Hartman, 1976
  32. Species Harmothoe brevipalpa Bergström, 1916
  33. Species Harmothoe campoglacialis Hilbig & Montiel, 2000
  34. Species Harmothoe capensis (Willey, 1904)
  35. Species Harmothoe capitulifera Ditlevsen, 1911
  36. Species Harmothoe casabullicola Brito, Nuñez & Bacallado, 1991
  37. Species Harmothoe cascabullicola Brito, Núñez & Bacallado, 1991
  38. Species Harmothoe charlottae Hutchings & Murray, 1984
  39. Species Harmothoe ciliata Monro, 1936
  40. Species Harmothoe cilielytris Uschakov, 1962
  41. Species Harmothoe clavigera M. Sars, 1863
  42. Species Harmothoe commensalis Rozbaczylo & Cañete, 1993
  43. Species Harmothoe cornuta (Potts, 1910)
  44. Species Harmothoe corralophila Day, 1960
  45. Species Harmothoe craigsmithi Pettibone, 1993
  46. Species Harmothoe crassicirrata Johnson, 1897
  47. Species Harmothoe crosetensis (McIntosh, 1885)
  48. Species Harmothoe crucis (Grube, 1856)
  49. Species Harmothoe cylindrica Imajima, 1997
  50. Species Harmothoe dearborni Pettibone, 1955
  51. Species Harmothoe derjugini (Annenkova, 1937)
  52. Species Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube, 1878)
  53. Species Harmothoe dinardensis Nolte, 1936
  54. Species Harmothoe discoveryae Pettibone, 1993
  55. Species Harmothoe echinopustulata Fauvel, 1913
  56. Species Harmothoe elisabethae (McIntosh, 1900)
  57. Species Harmothoe eltanina (Hartman, 1967)
  58. Species Harmothoe ernesti Augener, 1931
  59. Species Harmothoe evei Kirkegaard, 1980
  60. Species Harmothoe exanthema (Grube, 1856)
  61. Species Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840)
  62. Species Harmothoe fernandi Barnich & Fiege, 2009
  63. Species Harmothoe flaccida (Potts, 1910)
  64. Species Harmothoe floccosa
  65. Species Harmothoe forcipata (Marenzeller, 1902)
  66. Species Harmothoe fragilis Moore, 1910
  67. Species Harmothoe fraserthomsoni McIntosh, 1897
  68. Species Harmothoe fratherthomsoni McIntosh, 1897
  69. Species Harmothoe fuligineum (Baird, 1865)
  70. Species Harmothoe fullo (Grube, 1878)
  71. Species Harmothoe furcosetosa (Loshamn, 1981)
  72. Species Harmothoe fusca (McIntosh, 1885)
  73. Species Harmothoe fuscaspinae Salazar-Silva, 2003
  74. Species Harmothoe gilchristi Day, 1960
  75. Species Harmothoe gilcristi Day, 1960
  76. Species Harmothoe globifera (G.O. Sars, 1873)
  77. Species Harmothoe globosa Pettibone, 1990
  78. Species Harmothoe glomerosa Imajima, 1997
  79. Species Harmothoe gordae Pettibone, 1990
  80. Species Harmothoe goreensis Augener, 1918
  81. Species Harmothoe gourdoni Gavier, 1911
  82. Species Harmothoe grisea (Grube, 1870)
  83. Species Harmothoe gruzovi Averincev, 1972
  84. Species Harmothoe haliaeti McIntosh, 1876
  85. Species Harmothoe hanleyi Salazar-Silva, 2010
  86. Species Harmothoe hartmanae Uschakov, 1962
  87. Species Harmothoe helderensis Nolte, 1936
  88. Species Harmothoe hirsuta Johnson, 1897
  89. Species Harmothoe hollisi Pettibone, 1989
  90. Species Harmothoe holothuricola Izuka, 1912
  91. Species Harmothoe hyalonemae Martin, Rossel & Uriz, 1992
  92. Species Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767)
  93. Species Harmothoe impar (Johnston, 1839)
  94. Species Harmothoe indica (Kinberg, 1856)
  95. Species Harmothoe ingolfiana Ditlevsen, 1917
  96. Species Harmothoe johnstoni (McIntosh, 1876)
  97. Species Harmothoe joubini Fauvel, 1913
  98. Species Harmothoe juvenalis Hartmann-Schröder, 1962
  99. Species Harmothoe kergulensis (McIntosh, 1885)
  100. Species Harmothoe kieliensis Nolte, 1936
  101. Species Harmothoe lagiscoides Willey, 1902
  102. Species Harmothoe lamellifora
  103. Species Harmothoe liaoi Barnich, Sun & Fiege, 2004
  104. Species Harmothoe ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867)
  105. Species Harmothoe longidentis Salazar-Silva, 2003
  106. Species Harmothoe longisetis (Grube, 1863)
  107. Species Harmothoe macginitiei Pettibone, 1955
  108. Species Harmothoe macnabi Pettibone, 1985
  109. Species Harmothoe macquoriensis Averincev, 1978
  110. Species Harmothoe madrynensis Barnich, Orensanz & Fiege, 2012
  111. Species Harmothoe magellanica (McIntosh, 1885)
  112. Species Harmothoe malmgreni Lankester, 1866
  113. Species Harmothoe mariannae Barnich & Fiege, 2009
  114. Species Harmothoe maxillospinosa de Saint-Joseph, 1888
  115. Species Harmothoe melanicornis Britaev, 1981
  116. Species Harmothoe meteroae Augener, 1931
  117. Species Harmothoe mexicana Chamberlin, 1919
  118. Species Harmothoe micraspis Eliason, 1962
  119. Species Harmothoe minuta (Potts, 1910)
  120. Species Harmothoe molluscum (Ehlers, 1897)
  121. Species Harmothoe monroi Uschakov, 1962
  122. Species Harmothoe muiri Salazar-Silva, 2010
  123. Species Harmothoe multisetosa (Moore, 1902)
  124. Species Harmothoe nigricans Horst, 1915
  125. Species Harmothoe nodosa Sars, 1861
  126. Species Harmothoe norvegica Bidenkap, 1895
  127. Species Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & San Martin, 1996
  128. Species Harmothoe oculata Potts, 1915
  129. Species Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm, 1879)
  130. Species Harmothoe oerstedi (Malmgren, 1866)
  131. Species Harmothoe opalina (McIntosh, 1885)
  132. Species Harmothoe pagenstecheri Michaelsen, 1896
  133. Species Harmothoe panamensis Kirkegaard, 1995
  134. Species Harmothoe paraminuta Hartmann-Schröder, 1984
  135. Species Harmothoe paxtoni Averincev, 1978
  136. Species Harmothoe pentactae (Giard, 1886)
  137. Species Harmothoe phillipensis (Knox & Cameron, 1971)
  138. Species Harmothoe picta Saint-Joseph, 1888
  139. Species Harmothoe pokoui Intes & Le Loeuff, 1975
  140. Species Harmothoe praeclara (Haswell, 1883)
  141. Species Harmothoe priops Hartman, 1961
  142. Species Harmothoe profunda
  143. Species Harmothoe propinqua (Malmgren, 1867)
  144. Species Harmothoe pseudoampullifera Silva, 1965
  145. Species Harmothoe pulchella (Kinberg, 1856)
  146. Species Harmothoe quadriceps Grube in Augener, 1922
  147. Species Harmothoe quadrituberculata Augener, 1922
  148. Species Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède, 1870)
  149. Species Harmothoe rottnestensis Hanley, 1993
  150. Species Harmothoe saldanha Day, 1953
  151. Species Harmothoe sanctaehelenae Day, 1949
  152. Species Harmothoe scriptoria Moore, 1910
  153. Species Harmothoe serrata Day, 1963
  154. Species Harmothoe setosissima (Lamarck, 1818)
  155. Species Harmothoe sexdentata (Marenzeller, 1902)
  156. Species Harmothoe sinensis Barnich, Sun & Fiege, 2004
  157. Species Harmothoe spica
  158. Species Harmothoe spinifera (Ehlers, 1864)
  159. Species Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg, 1856
  160. Species Harmothoe spinulosa
  161. Species Harmothoe spongicola Hanley & Burke, 1991
  162. Species Harmothoe stephensoni Pettibone, 1993
  163. Species Harmothoe sylliformia Treadwell, 1928
  164. Species Harmothoe synaptae Saint-Joseph, 1888
  165. Species Harmothoe synaptae Saint-Joseph, 1906
  166. Species Harmothoe tahitensis Pettibone, 1993
  167. Species Harmothoe talismani Roule, 1898
  168. Species Harmothoe tenebricosa Moore, 1910
  169. Species Harmothoe tenuisetis (McIntosh, 1885)
  170. Species Harmothoe terminoculata Monro, 1924
  171. Species Harmothoe triannulata Moore, 1910
  172. Species Harmothoe tridestinensis Nolte, 1936
  173. Species Harmothoe trilobocephala (Morgera, 1918)
  174. Species Harmothoe trimaculata (Treadwell, 1924)
  175. Species Harmothoe turbinata Hanley & Burke, 1991
  176. Species Harmothoe unicolor Baird, 1865
  177. Species Harmothoe vagabunda Pettibone, 1985
  178. Species Harmothoe variegata Treadwell, 1917
  179. Species Harmothoe vesicudenta Hanley & Burke, 1991
  180. Species Harmothoe villosa Treadwell, 1926
  181. Species Harmothoe villosa (Malmgren, 1866)
  182. Species Harmothoe vinogradovae Averincev, 1978
  183. Species Harmothoe violacea (Storm, 1879)
  184. Species Harmothoe viridis Loshamn, 1981
  185. Species Harmothoe viscayensis Nolte, 1936
  186. Species Harmothoe vittata Trautsch, 1889
  187. Species Harmothoe vossae Salazar-Silva, 2003
  188. Species Harmothoe waahli (Kinberg, 1855)
  189. Species Harmothoe waahli (Kinberg, 1856)
  190. Species Harmothoe watsoni McIntosh, 1919
  191. Species Harmothoe westoni Salazar-Silva, 2010
  192. Species Harmothoe yendoi Izuka, 1912
  193. Species Harmothoe adventor Skogsberg in Fisher & MacGinitie, 1928 accepted as Hesperonoe adventor (Skogsberg in Fisher & MacGinitie, 1928)
  194. Species Harmothoe anderssoni Bergström, 1916 accepted as Eunoe anderssoni (Bergström, 1916)
  195. Species Harmothoe andreapolis (McIntosh, 1874) accepted as Malmgreniella andreapolis (McIntosh, 1874)
  196. Species Harmothoe arabica Monro, 1937 accepted as Hololepidella arabica (Monro, 1937)
  197. Species Harmothoe arenicolae Saint-Joseph, 1888 accepted as Malmgreniella arenicolae (de Saint Joseph, 1888)
  198. Species Harmothoe badia (Théel, 1879) accepted as Bylgides promamme (Malmgren, 1867)
  199. Species Harmothoe bonitensis Essenberg, 1917 accepted as Harmothoe triannulata Moore, 1910
  200. Species Harmothoe castanea (Mc Intosh, 1876) accepted as Malmgreniella castanea (McIntosh, 1876)
  201. Species Harmothoe coeliaca de Saint-Joseph, 1888 accepted as Harmothoe impar (Johnston, 1839)
  202. Species Harmothoe complanata Johnson, 1901 accepted as Hesperonoe complanata (Johnson, 1901)
  203. Species Harmothoe curviseta Monro, 1930 accepted as Barrukia curviseta (Monro, 1930)
  204. Species Harmothoe etheridgei Benham, 1915 accepted as Eunoe etheridgei (Benham, 1915)
  205. Species Harmothoe fasciculosa (Grube, 1840) accepted as Polynoe fasciculosa Grube, 1840
  206. Species Harmothoe fimbriata Hartmann-Schröder, 1965 accepted as Harmothoe ciliata Monro, 1936
  207. Species Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Malmgrenia glabra (Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Malmgreniella glabra (Malmgren, 1866)
  208. Species Harmothoe hartmanae Pettibone, 1948 accepted as Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767)
  209. Species Harmothoe heudeloti (Quatrefages, 1866) accepted as Polynoe heudeloti Quatrefages, 1866
  210. Species Harmothoe hubrechti (McIntosh, 1900) accepted as Eunoe hubrechti (McIntosh, 1900)
  211. Species Harmothoe hyalonemae Martine, Rosell & Uriz, 1992 accepted as Robertianella synophthalma McIntosh, 1885
  212. Species Harmothoe iphionellioides Johnson, 1901 accepted as Gaudichaudius iphionelloides (Johnson, 1901)
  213. Species Harmothoe iphionelloides Johnson, 1901 accepted as Gattyana iphionelloides (Johnson, 1901)
  214. Species Harmothoe johnsoni Essenberg, 1917 accepted as Hesperonoe complanata (Johnson, 1901)
  215. Species Harmothoe kerguelensis (McIntosh, 1885) accepted as Eunoe kerguelensis (McIntosh, 1885)
  216. Species Harmothoe lamellifera (Marenzeller, 1879) accepted as Lagisca lamellifera (Marenzeller, 1879)
  217. Species Harmothoe lanceocirrata Treadwell, 1928 accepted as Harmothoe crucis (Grube, 1856)
  218. Species Harmothoe lanceolata Treadwell, 1928 accepted as Harmothoe lanceocirrata Treadwell, 1928 accepted as Harmothoe crucis (Grube, 1856)
  219. Species Harmothoe levis Treadwell, 1937 accepted as Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767)
  220. Species Harmothoe longisetis Auctt. accepted as Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Malmgrenia glabra (Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Malmgreniella glabra (Malmgren, 1866)
  221. Species Harmothoe lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830) accepted as Malmgreniella lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830)
  222. Species Harmothoe macleodi McIntosh, 1876 accepted as Malmgreniella ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867)
  223. Species Harmothoe marphysae McIntosh, 1876 accepted as Malmgreniella marphysae (McIntosh, 1876)
  224. Species Harmothoe mcintoshi Tebble & Chambers, 1982 accepted as Malmgreniella mcintoshi (Tebble & Chambers, 1982)
  225. Species Harmothoe meteorae Augener, 1931 accepted as Harmothoe meteroae Augener, 1931
  226. Species Harmothoe micropoides (Augener, 1918) accepted as Paragattyana micropoides (Augener, 1918)
  227. Species Harmothoe mollis (M. Sars in G.O. Sars, 1872) accepted as Austrolaenilla mollis (Sars, 1872)
  228. Species Harmothoe nigralba (Berkeley, 1923) accepted as Malmgreniella nigralba (Berkeley, 1923)
  229. Species Harmothoe notochaetosa Lopez & Martin, 1996 accepted as Harmothoe serrata Day, 1963
  230. Species Harmothoe pacifica Johnson, 1901 accepted as Eunoe pacifica (Johnson, 1901)
  231. Species Harmothoe pallida Ehlers, 1908 accepted as Eunoe pallida (Ehlers, 1908)
  232. Species Harmothoe pellucelytris Uschakov, 1950 accepted as Harmothoe tenebricosa Moore, 1910
  233. Species Harmothoe plumosa (Grube, 1840) accepted as Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840)
  234. Species Harmothoe polytrichiodes Augener, 1922 accepted as Harmothoe crucis (Grube, 1856)
  235. Species Harmothoe polytrichoides Augener, 1922 accepted as Harmothoe crucis (Grube, 1856)
  236. Species Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars, 1861) accepted as Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840)
  237. Species Harmothoe roberti Augener, 1922 accepted as Harmothoe variegata Treadwell, 1917
  238. Species Harmothoe sarniensis Lankester, 1867 accepted as Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840)
  239. Species Harmothoe sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1865) accepted as Bylgides sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866)
  240. Species Harmothoe scabra (Fabricius, 1780) accepted as Gattyana cirrhosa (Pallas, 1766)
  241. Species Harmothoe sibbaldii McIntosh, 1876 accepted as Harmothoe spinifera (Ehlers, 1864)
  242. Species Harmothoe sinagawaensis Izuka, 1912 accepted as Arctonoella sinagawaensis (Izuka, 1912)
  243. Species Harmothoe spica accepted as Antarctinoe ferox (Baird, 1865)
  244. Species Harmothoe truncata Moore, 1902 accepted as Hermadion truncata (Moore, 1902)
  245. Species Harmothoe tuberculata Treadwell, 1906 accepted as Arctonoe tuberculata (Treadwell, 1906)
  246. Species Harmothoe tuberosa Ehlers, 1912 accepted as Barrukia cristata (Willey, 1902)
  247. Species Harmothoe tuta (Grube, 1855) accepted as Grubeopolynoe tuta (Grube, 1855)
  248. Species Harmothoe vesiculosa Ditlevsen, 1917 accepted as Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767)
  249. Species Harmothoe zetlandica (McIntosh, 1876) accepted as Malmgreniella ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867)
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Ofvers. VetenskAkad. Förh. Stockholm, 12
page(s): 386 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Kinberg, 1856.  
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Kinberg, 1856. [details]
IRMNG (2024). Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856. Accessed at: on 2025-01-06
2006-12-12 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2016-11-22 08:30:58Z

original description Ofvers. VetenskAkad. Förh. Stockholm, 12
page(s): 386 [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Pleijel, 2001 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source SN2000/Pleijel, 2001 [details] 

habitat flag source Wilson et al 2003 [details] 

original description (of Harmatoe Wagner, 1885) Wirbell. Weiss. Meer., 1
page(s): 42 [details] 

original description (of Harmothoë Kinberg, 1855) Ofvers. VetenskAkad. Förh. Stockholm, 12
page(s): 386 [details] 

original description (of Evarne Malmgren, 1866) Ofvers. VetenskAkad. Förh. Stockholm, 22
page(s): 71 [details] 

original description (of Laenilla Malmgren, 1866) Ofvers. VetenskAkad. Förh. Stockholm, 22
page(s): 72 [details] 

original description (of Harmatoë Wagner, 1885) Wirbell. Weiss. Meer., 1
page(s): 42 [details] 

original description (of Evarnella Chamberlin, 1919) Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard, 48
page(s): 40 [details] 
Taxonomic remark Authority given in WoRMS as Kinberg, 1856. [details]

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