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Diaporthe Nitschke, 1870

1055089  (



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  1. Species Diaporthe acerina (Peck) Sacc., 1882
  2. Species Diaporthe acus (A. Bloxam ex Curr.) Cooke, 1879
  3. Species Diaporthe adunca (Roberge ex Desm.) Niessl, 1872
  4. Species Diaporthe aesculicola (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino, 1886
  5. Species Diaporthe ailanthi Sacc., 1873
  6. Species Diaporthe alleghaniensis R.H. Arnold, 1967
  7. Species Diaporthe alnea Fuckel, 1870
  8. Species Diaporthe americana Speg., 1879
  9. Species Diaporthe arctii (Lasch) Nitschke, 1870
  10. Species Diaporthe aucubae Sacc., 1878
  11. Species Diaporthe baccharidis Cooke, 1882
  12. Species Diaporthe beckhausii Nitschke, 1870
  13. Species Diaporthe capsici Punith., 1981
  14. Species Diaporthe carpini (Pers.) Fuckel, 1870
  15. Species Diaporthe celastrina Ellis & Barthol.
  16. Species Diaporthe chailletii Nitschke, 1870
  17. Species Diaporthe cinerascens Sacc., 1882
  18. Species Diaporthe circumscripta Fuckel, 1870
  19. Species Diaporthe citri F.A. Wolf, 1926
  20. Species Diaporthe coneglanensis Sacc. & Speg., 1877
  21. Species Diaporthe conjuncta (Nees) Fuckel, 1870
  22. Species Diaporthe coramblicola (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., 1882
  23. Species Diaporthe crataegi (Curr.) Fuckel, 1869
  24. Species Diaporthe crinigera Ellis & Everh., 1890
  25. Species Diaporthe crustosa Sacc. & Roum., 1881
  26. Species Diaporthe cryptica Nitschke, 1870
  27. Species Diaporthe culta Sacc. & Speg., 1878
  28. Species Diaporthe decorticans (Lib.) Sacc. & Roum., 1881
  29. Species Diaporthe delitescens E. Bommer, M. Rousseau & Sacc., 1891
  30. Species Diaporthe desmazieri Niessl ex Sacc., 1882
  31. Species Diaporthe detrusa (Fr.) Fuckel, 1870
  32. Species Diaporthe dulcamarae Nitschke, 1870
  33. Species Diaporthe epilobii Fuckel
  34. Species Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  35. Species Diaporthe eumorpha (Durieu & Mont.) Maire, 1917
  36. Species Diaporthe fibrosa (Pers.) Fuckel, 1870
  37. Species Diaporthe furfuracea (Fr.) Sacc., 1882
  38. Species Diaporthe garryae Grove, 1933
  39. Species Diaporthe genistae Rehm, 1913
  40. Species Diaporthe hederae Wehm., 1933
  41. Species Diaporthe helianthi Munt.-Cvetk., Mihaljc. & M. Petrov, 1981
  42. Species Diaporthe hickoriae Wehm., 1933
  43. Species Diaporthe hippophaës E. Bommer, M. Rousseau & Sacc., 1891
  44. Species Diaporthe ilicis (Ellis & Everh.) Wehm., 1933
  45. Species Diaporthe importata Nitschke, 1870
  46. Species Diaporthe impulsa (Cooke & Peck) Sacc., 1882
  47. Species Diaporthe inaequalis (Curr.) Nitschke, 1867
  48. Species Diaporthe incarcerata (Berk. & Broome) Nitschke, 1870
  49. Species Diaporthe incrustans Nitschke, 1870
  50. Species Diaporthe insignis Fuckel, 1874
  51. Species Diaporthe insularis Nitschke, 1870
  52. Species Diaporthe intermedia Sacc., 1875
  53. Species Diaporthe juglandina (Fuckel) Nitschke, 1870
  54. Species Diaporthe laschii Nitschke, 1870
  55. Species Diaporthe leycesteriae Grove, 1930
  56. Species Diaporthe ligulata Nitschke, 1870
  57. Species Diaporthe manihotis Punith., 1975
  58. Species Diaporthe medusaea Nitschke, 1870
  59. Species Diaporthe megalospora Ellis & Everh., 1890
  60. Species Diaporthe meliloti (Sacc.) Traverso, 1906
  61. Species Diaporthe melonis Beraha & M.J. O'Brien, 1979
  62. Species Diaporthe minuscula Sacc. & Speg., 1878
  63. Species Diaporthe mori Berl., 1888
  64. Species Diaporthe neilliae Peck, 1885
  65. Species Diaporthe nobilis Sacc. & Speg., 1878
  66. Species Diaporthe nodosa Fuckel, 1870
  67. Species Diaporthe nomurai Hara
  68. Species Diaporthe obsoleta Sacc., 1875
  69. Species Diaporthe oncostoma (Duby) Fuckel, 1870
  70. Species Diaporthe orobanches Berl., 1889
  71. Species Diaporthe orthoceras (Fr.) Nitschke, 1870
  72. Species Diaporthe oxyspora (Peck) Sacc., 1882
  73. Species Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel, 1870
  74. Species Diaporthe perexigua Sacc., 1875
  75. Species Diaporthe perniciosa Marchal & É.J. Marchal, 1921
  76. Species Diaporthe phaseolorum (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc., 1882
  77. Species Diaporthe phillyreae Cooke, 1879
  78. Species Diaporthe picea (Pers.) Sacc., 1882
  79. Species Diaporthe pinophylla (Plowr. & W. Phillips) Sacc., 1882
  80. Species Diaporthe pithya Sacc., 1875
  81. Species Diaporthe pulchra (Curr.) Sacc., 1882
  82. Species Diaporthe pulla Nitschke, 1870
  83. Species Diaporthe pungens Nitschke, 1870
  84. Species Diaporthe pustulata (Desm.) Sacc., 1882
  85. Species Diaporthe putator Nitschke, 1870
  86. Species Diaporthe retecta (Fuckel & Nitschke) Nitschke, 1870
  87. Species Diaporthe revellens Nitschke, 1870
  88. Species Diaporthe rhoina Feltgen
  89. Species Diaporthe rhois Nitschke, 1870
  90. Species Diaporthe rudis (Fr.) Nitschke, 1870
  91. Species Diaporthe ryckholtii (Westend.) Nitschke, 1870
  92. Species Diaporthe salsuginosa Vrijmoed, K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, 1994
  93. Species Diaporthe samaricola W. Phillips & Plowr., 1875
  94. Species Diaporthe sarmenticia Sacc., 1878
  95. Species Diaporthe sarothamni (Auersw.) Nitschke, 1870
  96. Species Diaporthe scandens Sacc. & Speg., 1878
  97. Species Diaporthe scobina Nitschke, 1870
  98. Species Diaporthe skimmiae Grove, 1933
  99. Species Diaporthe sorbariae Nitschke, 1870
  100. Species Diaporthe sorbicola (Nitschke) Bref. & Tavel, 1891
  101. Species Diaporthe spiculosa (Alb. & Schwein.) Nitschke, 1870
  102. Species Diaporthe stictostoma Ellis, 1883
  103. Species Diaporthe striiformis (Fr.) Nitschke, 1870
  104. Species Diaporthe strumella (Fr.) Fuckel, 1870
  105. Species Diaporthe syngenesia (Fr.) Fuckel, 1870
  106. Species Diaporthe tamaricina Sacc. & Flageolet, 1902
  107. Species Diaporthe tortuosa (Fr.) Sacc., 1882
  108. Species Diaporthe toxica P.M. Will., Highet, W. Gams & Sivasith., 1994
  109. Species Diaporthe tulasnei Nitschke, 1870
  110. Species Diaporthe vaccinii Shear, 1931
  111. Species Diaporthe varians (Curr.) Sacc., 1882
  112. Species Diaporthe veronicae Rehm, 1916
  113. Species Diaporthe vexans Gratz, 1942
  114. Species Diaporthe viburni Dearn. & Bisby, 1929
  115. Species Diaporthe vincae (Cooke) Sacc., 1882
  116. Species Diaporthe viticola Nitschke, 1870
  117. Species Diaporthe woodii Punith., 1974
  118. Species Diaporthe woolworthii (Peck) Sacc., 1882
  119. Species Diaporthe aceris Fuckel, 1870 accepted as Diaporthe varians (Curr.) Sacc., 1882
  120. Species Diaporthe aculeans (Schwein.) Höhn. accepted as Cryptodiaporthe aculeans (Schwein.) Wehm., 1933
  121. Species Diaporthe albovelata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. accepted as Cryptodiaporthe aculeans (Schwein.) Wehm., 1933
  122. Species Diaporthe ambigua Nitschke, 1870 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  123. Species Diaporthe angelicae (Berk.) Wehm. accepted as Diaporthopsis angelicae (Berk.) Wehm., 1933
  124. Species Diaporthe angelicae (Berk.) D.F. Farr & Castl., 2003 accepted as Diaporthopsis angelicae (Berk.) Wehm., 1933
  125. Species Diaporthe apiospora Ellis & Everh. accepted as Anisogramma apiospora (Ellis & Everh.) Merezhko, 1986
  126. Species Diaporthe aubertii (Westend.) F. Lamb. accepted as Cryptodiaporthe aubertii (Westend.) Wehm., 1933
  127. Species Diaporthe aucupariae Hazsl., 1893 accepted as Diaporthe impulsa (Cooke & Peck) Sacc., 1882
  128. Species Diaporthe badhamii (Curr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  129. Species Diaporthe berkeleyi (Desm.) Nitschke accepted as Diaporthopsis angelicae (Berk.) Wehm., 1933
  130. Species Diaporthe betuli (Pers.) G. Winter, 1887 accepted as Diaporthe carpini (Pers.) Fuckel, 1870
  131. Species Diaporthe bicincta (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) Syd., 1926 accepted as Telimenella bicincta (E. Bommer & M. Rousseau) P.F. Cannon ined.
  132. Species Diaporthe biconica (Curr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Melanconis modonia Tul. & C. Tul., 1863
  133. Species Diaporthe bitorulosa (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Melanconis xanthostroma (Mont.) J. Schröt., 1897
  134. Species Diaporthe blepharodes (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe lebiseyi (Desm.) Wehm., 1933
  135. Species Diaporthe bloxamii (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino accepted as Melanconis stilbostoma (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul., 1863
  136. Species Diaporthe brachyceras Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  137. Species Diaporthe carpinicola Fuckel, 1874 accepted as Melanconis chrysostroma (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul., 1863
  138. Species Diaporthe castanea (Tul. & C. Tul.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe castanea (Tul. & C. Tul.) Wehm., 1933
  139. Species Diaporthe cerasi Fuckel, 1871 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  140. Species Diaporthe ceuthosporoides (Berk.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel, 1870
  141. Species Diaporthe ciliaris (Curr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  142. Species Diaporthe conorum (Desm.) Niessl, 1876 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  143. Species Diaporthe controversa (Desm.) Nitschke, 1871 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  144. Species Diaporthe corni Fuckel, 1870 accepted as Phomopsis corni (Fuckel) Traverso
  145. Species Diaporthe coronillae (Desm.) Sacc. accepted as Dothiorella coronillae (Desm.) Petr., 1963
  146. Species Diaporthe crassicollis Nitschke accepted as Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel, 1870
  147. Species Diaporthe cubensis Bruner, 1917 accepted as Cryphonectria cubensis (Bruner) Hodges, 1980
  148. Species Diaporthe decedens (Fr.) Fuckel, 1871 accepted as Allantoporthe decedens (Fr.) M.E. Barr, 1978
  149. Species Diaporthe denigrata G. Winter accepted as Diaporthopsis angelicae (Berk.) Wehm., 1933
  150. Species Diaporthe diaporthoides (Petr.) E. Müll., 1962 accepted as Skottsbergiella diaporthoides Petr., 1927
  151. Species Diaporthe discors Sacc., 1880 accepted as Diaporthe arctii (Lasch) Nitschke, 1870
  152. Species Diaporthe discrepans Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe arctii (Lasch) Nitschke, 1870
  153. Species Diaporthe discutiens (Berk.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  154. Species Diaporthe enteroleuca (Fr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe oncostoma (Duby) Fuckel, 1870
  155. Species Diaporthe euphorbiae Cooke accepted as Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel, 1870
  156. Species Diaporthe exasperans Nitschke, 1870 accepted as Valsaria fulvopruinata (Berk.) Sacc., 1882
  157. Species Diaporthe extensa (Fr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Eutypella extensa (Fr.) Sacc., 1882
  158. Species Diaporthe faginea (Curr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe rudis (Fr.) Nitschke, 1870
  159. Species Diaporthe farcta (Berk. & Broome) Petr., 1941 accepted as Ditopella farcta (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., 1882
  160. Species Diaporthe flavovirens G.H. Otth accepted as Melanconis flavovirens (G.H. Otth) Wehm., 1937
  161. Species Diaporthe fleischhakii (Auersw.) M. Monod, 1983 accepted as Preussia fleischhakii (Auersw.) Cain, 1961
  162. Species Diaporthe fulvopruinata (Berk.) Sacc. accepted as Valsaria fulvopruinata (Berk.) Sacc., 1882
  163. Species Diaporthe fuscidula (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino, 1886 accepted as Amphiporthe leiphaemia (Fr.) Butin, 1980
  164. Species Diaporthe galericulata (Tul. & C. Tul.) Sacc. accepted as Cryptodiaporthe galericulata (Tul. & C. Tul.) Wehm., 1933
  165. Species Diaporthe glyptica (Berk. & Curr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Allantoporthe tessella (Pers.) Petr., 1921
  166. Species Diaporthe hippocastani (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino accepted as Cryptodiaporthe aesculi (Fuckel) Petr., 1921
  167. Species Diaporthe hranicensis Petr. accepted as Amphiporthe hranicensis (Petr.) Petr., 1971
  168. Species Diaporthe hyperopta Nitschke, 1868 accepted as Melanconis chrysostroma (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul., 1863
  169. Species Diaporthe hystrix (Tode) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe hystrix (Tode) Petr., 1921
  170. Species Diaporthe ilicina Cooke, 1890 accepted as Diaporthe pardalota (Mont.) Nitschke ex Fuckel, 1870
  171. Species Diaporthe innesii (Curr.) Fuckel accepted as Prosthecium platanoidis (Pers.) M.E. Barr, 1978
  172. Species Diaporthe inquilina (Wallr.) Nitschke accepted as Diaporthe arctii (Lasch) Nitschke, 1870
  173. Species Diaporthe juglandis Ellis & Everh., 1894 accepted as Melanconis juglandis (Ellis & Everh.) A.H. Graves, 1923
  174. Species Diaporthe labiatae (Cooke) Cooke, 1879 accepted as Diaporthe arctii (Lasch) Nitschke, 1870
  175. Species Diaporthe lebiseyi (Desm.) Niessl accepted as Cryptodiaporthe lebiseyi (Desm.) Wehm., 1933
  176. Species Diaporthe leiphaemia (Fr.) Sacc., 1873 accepted as Amphiporthe leiphaemia (Fr.) Butin, 1980
  177. Species Diaporthe lirella (Moug. & Nestl. ex Fr.) Nitschke, 1870 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe lirella (Moug. & Nestl.) M. Monod, 1983
  178. Species Diaporthe longirostris (Tul. & C. Tul.) Sacc. accepted as Cryptodiaporthe hystrix (Tode) Petr., 1921
  179. Species Diaporthe malbranchei Sacc., 1879 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  180. Species Diaporthe mali Miura accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  181. Species Diaporthe millepunctata Fuckel accepted as Amphisphaeria millepunctata (Fuckel) Petr., 1923
  182. Species Diaporthe neglecta (Duby ex Cooke) Berl. & Voglino, 1886 accepted as Diaporthe inaequalis (Curr.) Nitschke, 1867
  183. Species Diaporthe nidulans (Auersw.) Niessl accepted as Apioporthe vepris (Delacr.) Wehm., 1933
  184. Species Diaporthe niesslii Sacc., 1878 accepted as Diaporthe pustulata (Desm.) Sacc., 1882
  185. Species Diaporthe nigrella (Auersw.) Niessl accepted as Diaporthopsis nigrella (Auersw.) Fabre
  186. Species Diaporthe nucleata (Curr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  187. Species Diaporthe obscura (Peck) Sacc. accepted as Apioporthe vepris (Delacr.) Wehm., 1933
  188. Species Diaporthe obscurans Sacc., 1875 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  189. Species Diaporthe occulta (Fuckel) Nitschke, 1870 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  190. Species Diaporthe ophites Sacc., 1873 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  191. Species Diaporthe ostryae Dearn., 1926 accepted as Melanconis ostryae (Dearn.) Wehm., 1937
  192. Species Diaporthe padi G.H. Otth, 1870 accepted as Diaporthe decorticans (Lib.) Sacc. & Roum., 1881
  193. Species Diaporthe pantherina (Berk.) Cooke accepted as Diaporthopsis pantherina (Berk.) Wehm., 1933
  194. Species Diaporthe parasitica Murrill, 1906 accepted as Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) M.E. Barr, 1978
  195. Species Diaporthe patria Speg., 1881 accepted as Diaporthe decorticans (Lib.) Sacc. & Roum., 1881
  196. Species Diaporthe phomospora (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Apioporthe phomospora (Cooke & Ellis) Wehm., 1927
  197. Species Diaporthe populea Sacc., 1887 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe populea (Sacc.) Butin ex Butin, 1958
  198. Species Diaporthe protracta Nitschke, 1870 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  199. Species Diaporthe punctata (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino, 1886 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe salicella (Fr.) Petr., 1921
  200. Species Diaporthe pyrrhocystis (Berk. & Broome) Fuckel, 1870 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe pyrrhocystis (Berk. & Broome) Wehm., 1933
  201. Species Diaporthe quadrinucleata (Curr.) Sacc., 1882 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  202. Species Diaporthe quercus Fuckel, 1873 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  203. Species Diaporthe raveneliana Thüm. & Rehm accepted as Amphiporthe raveneliana (Thüm. & Rehm) M.E. Barr, 1978
  204. Species Diaporthe rehmii Nitschke accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  205. Species Diaporthe resecans Nitschke, 1870 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  206. Species Diaporthe rhododendri Feltgen, 1903 accepted as Diaporthe eres Nitschke, 1870
  207. Species Diaporthe robergeana (Desm.) Niessl accepted as Cryptodiaporthe robergeana (Desm.) Wehm., 1933
  208. Species Diaporthe rostellata (Fr.) Nitschke, 1870 accepted as Gnomonia rostellata (Fr.) Bref., 1891
  209. Species Diaporthe rumicis Plowr. accepted as Diaporthe arctii (Lasch) Nitschke, 1870
  210. Species Diaporthe salicella (Fr.) Sacc., 1873 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe salicella (Fr.) Petr., 1921
  211. Species Diaporthe sojae Lehman, 1923 accepted as Diaporthe phaseolorum (Cooke & Ellis) Sacc., 1882
  212. Species Diaporthe spina Fuckel, 1870 accepted as Cryptodiaporthe salicella (Fr.) Petr., 1921
  213. Species Diaporthe sulphurea Fuckel, 1870 accepted as Melanconis flavovirens (G.H. Otth) Wehm., 1937
  214. Species Diaporthe taleola (Fr.) Sacc., 1875 accepted as Caudospora taleola (Fr.) Starbäck, 1899
  215. Species Diaporthe taleola Tul. & C. Tul., 1863 accepted as Caudospora taleola (Fr.) Starbäck, 1899
  216. Species Diaporthe tessella (Pers.) Rehm, 1873 accepted as Allantoporthe tessella (Pers.) Petr., 1921
  217. Species Diaporthe tessera (Fr.) Fuckel, 1871 accepted as Allantoporthe decedens (Fr.) M.E. Barr, 1978
  218. Species Diaporthe thelebola (Fr.) Sacc. (unaccepted)
  219. Species Diaporthe umbrina Jenkins, 1918 (unaccepted)
  220. Species Diaporthe velata (Pers.) Nitschke, 1870 (unaccepted)
  221. Species Diaporthe veneta Sacc. & Speg., 1878 (unaccepted)
  222. Species Diaporthe vepris (Delacr.) Fuckel & Nitschke (unaccepted)
  223. Species Diaporthe viridarii Sacc., 1881 (unaccepted)
  224. Species Diaporthe wibbei Nitschke, 1867 (unaccepted)
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2024). Diaporthe Nitschke, 1870. Accessed at: on 2025-02-27
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

basis of record SN2000/Hanlin, 1982 [details] 

verified source for family WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

verified source for family Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

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