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Dothideomycetes incertae sedis

105641  (

Peltasteraceae · unaccepted


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  1. Genus Achorella Theissen & H. Sydow, 1915
  2. Genus Acremoniula G. Arnaud, 1954
  3. Genus Alascospora H.A. Raja, H.A. Violi & C.A. Shearer, 2010
  4. Genus Anthracostroma Petrak, 1954
  5. Genus Aquamarina J. Kohlmeyer, B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer & O.E. Eriksson, 1996
  6. Genus Ascominuta V.M. Ranghoo & K.D. Hyde, 2000
  7. Genus Ascostratum H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1912
  8. Genus Asteromella Passerini & Thümen, 1880
  9. Genus Austropleospora R.G. Shivas & L. Morin, 2010
  10. Genus Bactrodesmium Cooke, 1883
  11. Genus Bahusakala C.V. Subramanian, 1958
  12. Genus Belizeana J. Kohlmeyer & B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, 1987
  13. Genus Bleximothyrium L. Le Renard, R.A. Stockey, G.R. Upchurch & M.L. Berbee, 2021 †
  14. Genus Botryohypoxylon G.J. Samuels & J.D. Rogers, 1986
  15. Genus Brachyconidiella R.F. Castañeda Ruiz & W.B. Kendrick, 1990
  16. Genus Brooksia Hansford, 1956
  17. Genus Bryopelta P. Döbbeler & J. Poelt in P. Döbbeler, 1978
  18. Genus Bryorella P. Döbbeler, 1978
  19. Genus Bryosphaeria P. Döbbeler, 1978
  20. Genus Bryostroma P. Döbbeler, 1978
  21. Genus Bryothele Döbbeler, 1998
  22. Genus Calyptra Theissen & H. Sydow, 1918
  23. Genus Camarosporula Petrak, 1954
  24. Genus Capillataspora K.D. Hyde, 1989
  25. Genus Catulus D.W. Malloch & C.T. Rogerson, 1978
  26. Genus Cenococcum Mougeot & E.M. Fries, 1825
  27. Genus Ceratocarpia L. Rolland, 1896
  28. Genus Ceratonema Persoon, 1822
  29. Genus Cercidospora Körber, 1865
  30. Genus Cerodothis B.N. Muthappa, 1969
  31. Genus Chaetonectrioides T. Matsushima, 1996
  32. Genus Chermomyces Brain, 1923
  33. Genus Clypeostroma Theissen & H. Sydow, 1914
  34. Genus Crauatamyces Viégas, 1944
  35. Genus Cryomyces Selbmann, de Hoog, Mazzaglia, Friedmann & Onofri, 2005
  36. Genus Cyclothyrium Petrak, 1923
  37. Genus Cyrtidium Vainio, 1921
  38. Genus Cyrtidula Minks, 1876
  39. Genus Cyrtopsis Vainio, 1921
  40. Genus Daruvedia R.W.G. Dennis, 1988
  41. Genus Dawsophila P. Döbbeler, 1981
  42. Genus Dendryphiopsis S.J. Hughes, 1953
  43. Genus Dermatodothis Raciborski ex Theissen & H. Sydow, 1914
  44. Genus Didymocyrtidium Vainio, 1921
  45. Genus Didymocyrtis Vainio, 1921
  46. Genus Didymopleella Munk, 1953
  47. Genus Diederichia D.L. Hawksworth, 2003
  48. Genus Dilophospora Desmazières, 1840
  49. Genus Diplochorina Gutner, 1933
  50. Genus Dipyrgis Clements, 1909
  51. Genus Disculina F. von Höhnel, 1916
  52. Genus Dolabra C. Booth & W.P. Ting, 1964
  53. Genus Elaeomyces Kirchner, 1888
  54. Genus Elmerinula H. Sydow, 1934
  55. Genus Enduria Norman, 1885
  56. Genus Exosporina Oudemans, 1904
  57. Genus Frondisphaeria K.D. Hyde, 1996
  58. Genus Geomyces Traaen, 1914
  59. Genus Gibberidea Fuckel, 1870
  60. Genus Gilletiella P.A. Saccardo & P. Sydow, 1899
  61. Genus Globoa A.C. Batista & H.S. Maia in A.C. Batista & R. Ciferri, 1962
  62. Genus Globulina Spegazzini, 1888
  63. Genus Gloeodiscus R.W.G. Dennis, 1961
  64. Genus Grandigallia M.E. Barr, R.T. Hanlin, L. Cedeño, J. Parra & R. Hernandez, 1987
  65. Genus Griggsia F.L. Stevens & Dalbey, 1919
  66. Genus Hansfordiellopsis F.C. Deighton, 1960
  67. Genus Harknessiella P.A. Saccardo, 1889
  68. Genus Harmandiana Bouly de Lesdain, 1914
  69. Genus Hassea A. Zahlbruckner, 1902
  70. Genus Heptameria Rehm & Thümen, 1879
  71. Genus Heterosphaeriopsis J. Hafellner, 1979
  72. Genus Hiospira R.T. Moore, 1962
  73. Genus Homostegia Fuckel, 1870
  74. Genus Hyalocrea H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1917
  75. Genus Hyalosphaera F.L. Stevens, 1917
  76. Genus Hypobryon P. Döbbeler, 1983
  77. Genus Hysteropeltella Petrak, 1923
  78. Genus Hysteropsis Rehm in Rabenhorst, 1887
  79. Genus Iledon Samuels & J.D. Rogers, 1986
  80. Genus Kentingia A. Sivanesan & W.H. Hsieh, 1989
  81. Genus Koordersiella F. von Höhnel, 1909
  82. Genus Kullhemia P.A. Karsten, 1878
  83. Genus Kusanobotrys P.C. Hennings, 1904
  84. Genus Lanatosphaera M. Matzer, 1996
  85. Genus Lazarenkoa Zerova, 1938
  86. Genus Leptospora Rabenhorst, 1857
  87. Genus Leucographa Nylander, 1857
  88. Genus Leveillina Theissen & H. Sydow, 1915
  89. Genus Licopolia P.A. Saccardo, H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1900
  90. Genus Lidophia J. Walker & B.C. Sutton, 1974
  91. Genus Limboria Acharius, 1815
  92. Genus Lineolata J. Kohlmeyer & B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, 1990
  93. Genus Lithopythium Bornet & Flahault, 1891
  94. Genus Lophiosphaerella Hara, 1948
  95. Genus Lopholeptosphaeria Sousa da Câmara, 1932
  96. Genus Marisolaris J. Koch & E.B.G. Jones, 1989
  97. Genus Massariola Füisting, 1868
  98. Genus Megaloseptoria Naumov, 1925
  99. Genus Microcyclella Theissen, 1914
  100. Genus Micromastia Spegazzini, 1909
  101. Genus Minteriella G. Heredia, R.F. Castañeda Ruiz & R.M. Arias in Heredia, Castañeda, Arias, Gamboa-Angulo & De La Rosa, 2012
  102. Genus Monodictys S. Hughes, 1958
  103. Genus Montagnella Spegazzini, 1881
  104. Genus Moriolomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli, 1953
  105. Genus Mucomassaria Petrak & Ciferri, 1932
  106. Genus Mycocryptospora J. Reid & C. Booth, 1987
  107. Genus Mycoglaena F. von Höhnel, 1909
  108. Genus Mycoporellum J. Müller Arg., 1884
  109. Genus Mycoporis Clements, 1909
  110. Genus Mycoporopsis J. Müller Arg., 1885
  111. Genus Mycothyridium Petrak, 1962
  112. Genus Myriangiopsis P. Hennings, 1902
  113. Genus Myriostigmella G. Arnaud, 1952
  114. Genus Mytilostoma P.A. Karsten, 1880
  115. Genus Myxophora P. Döbbeler & J. Poelt, 1978
  116. Genus Naemosphaera (Saccardo) Saccardo, 1892
  117. Genus Nemacola A. Massalongo, 1855
  118. Genus Neoventuria H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1919
  119. Genus Parmulariella P.C. Hennings, 1904
  120. Genus Passeriniella Berlese, 1891
  121. Genus Peltaster H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1917
  122. Genus Peroschaeta Batista & A.F. Vital, 1957
  123. Genus Phacidiostromella F. von Höhnel, 1917
  124. Genus Phaeocyrtidula Vainio, 1921
  125. Genus Phaeoglaena Clements, 1909
  126. Genus Phaeopeltosphaeria Berlese & Peglion, 1892
  127. Genus Phaeosclera L. Sigler, A. Tsuneda & J.W. Carmichael, 1981
  128. Genus Phaeosperma Nitschke ex Fuckel, 1870
  129. Genus Phaeothecoidiella J.C. Batzer & P.W. Crous, 2010
  130. Genus Phaeotomasellia K. Katumoto, 1981
  131. Genus Phanerococculus Ciferri, 1954
  132. Genus Phelonitis F.F. Chevallier, 1826
  133. Genus Philobryon P. Döbbeler, 1988
  134. Genus Philonectria K. Hara, 1914
  135. Genus Phragmoscutella Woronichin & Abramov, 1926
  136. Genus Phycorella P. Döbbeler, 1980
  137. Genus Physalosporopsis Batista & H. Maia, 1955
  138. Genus Plagiostromella F. von Höhnel, 1917
  139. Genus Pleosphaerellula Naumov & Czerepanova, 1952
  140. Genus Pleotrichiella A. Sivanesan, 1984
  141. Genus Pleurostromella Petrak, 1922
  142. Genus Polysporidiella F. Petrak, 1960
  143. Genus Polystomellopsis F. Stevens, 1924
  144. Genus Potamomyces K.D. Hyde, 1995
  145. Genus Pseudomorfea E. Punithalingam, 1981
  146. Genus Pseudopleospora Petrak, 1920
  147. Genus Pseudoramichloridium R. Cheewangkoon & P.W. Crous, 2009
  148. Genus Pteridiospora Penzig & P.A. Saccardo, 1897
  149. Genus Pteromycula P.F. Cannon, 1997
  150. Genus Punctillum Petrak & H. Sydow, 1924
  151. Genus Pyrenochium Link, 1833
  152. Genus Pyrenocyclus Petrak, 1955
  153. Genus Pyrenostigme H. Sydow, 1926
  154. Genus Rachidicola K.D. Hyde & J. Fröhlich in K.D. Hyde, 1995
  155. Genus Racovitziella P. Döbbeler & J. Poelt in P. Döbbeler, 1978
  156. Genus Rehmiomycella E. Müller in E. Müller & J.A. von Arx, 1962
  157. Genus Repetophragma C.V. Subramanian, 1992
  158. Genus Rhizopycnis D.F. Farr, 1998
  159. Genus Rosasphaeria W.M. Jaklitsch & H. Voglmayr, 2012
  160. Genus Rosellinula R. Santesson in O. Eriksson & D.L. Hawksworth, 1986
  161. Genus Rosenscheldia Spegazzini, 1885
  162. Genus Rostafinskia Spegazzini, 1880
  163. Genus Roumegueria (P.A. Saccardo) P.C. Hennings, 1908
  164. Genus Roussoellopsis I. Hino & K. Katumoto, 1965
  165. Genus Salsuginea K.D. Hyde, 1991
  166. Genus Saxomyces L. Selbmann & D. Isola in Wijayawardene et al., 2017
  167. Genus Scleroconidioma A. Tsuneda, R.S. Currah & Thormann in A. Tsuneda et al., 2000
  168. Genus Sclerophoma F. von Höhnel, 1909
  169. Genus Scolecobonaria A.C. Batista in A.C. Batista & R. Ciferri, 1962
  170. Genus Semifissispora H.J. Swart, 1982
  171. Genus Semisphaeria K. Holm & L. Holm, 1991
  172. Genus Septonema Corda, 1837
  173. Genus Septoriella Oudemans, 1889
  174. Genus Stigmatea Fries, 1849
  175. Genus Stigmea E.M. Fries, 1836
  176. Genus Stomatothyrium L. Le Renard, R.A. Stockey, G.R. Upchurch & M.L. Berbee, 2021 †
  177. Genus Stuartella Fabre, 1879
  178. Genus Tamsiniella S.-W. Wong, K.D. Hyde, W.-H. Ho & S.J. Stanley, 1998
  179. Genus Teichosporella (P.A. Saccardo) P.A. Saccardo, 1895
  180. Genus Teratoschaeta A.C. Batista & O.M. Fonseca, 1967
  181. Genus Thalassoascus Ollivier, 1926
  182. Genus Thelenidia Nylander, 1886
  183. Genus Thryptospora Petrak, 1947
  184. Genus Tilakiella B.V. Srinivasula, 1973
  185. Genus Tomeoa I. Hino, 1954
  186. Genus Trichoplacia A. Massalongo, 1853
  187. Genus Wernerella P. Navarro-Rosinés, C. Roux & M. Giralt, 1998
  188. Genus Westea H.J. Swart, 1988
  189. Genus Xylobotryum Patouillard, 1895
  190. Genus Zignoina M.C. Cooke, 1885
  191. Genus Roussoëllopsis I. Hino & Katumoto, 1965 represented as Roussoellopsis I. Hino & K. Katumoto, 1965 (version of name with diaeresis (permitted in ICN as indicator of pronunciation), non-diaeresis version is used as preferred form in IRMNG)
  192. Genus Acerbia (P.A. Saccardo) P.A. Saccardo & P. Sydow, 1899 accepted as Rosenscheldia Spegazzini, 1885
  193. Genus Apiosporella Spegazzini, 1912 accepted as Asteromella Passerini & Thümen, 1880
  194. Genus Aplosporidium Spegazzini, 1912 accepted as Asteromella Passerini & Thümen, 1880
  195. Genus Arthopyreniella J. Steiner in A. Zahlbruckner, 1911 accepted as Mycoglaena F. von Höhnel, 1909
  196. Genus Ascohansfordiellopsis D. Hawksworth, 1979 accepted as Koordersiella F. von Höhnel, 1909
  197. Genus Ascomycetella Saccardo, 1886 accepted as Myriangiopsis P. Hennings, 1902
  198. Genus Bertossia Ciferri & Tomaselli, 1953 accepted as Mycoglaena F. von Höhnel, 1909
  199. Genus Blastophoma Klebahn, 1933 accepted as Sclerophoma F. von Höhnel, 1909
  200. Genus Capnogonium Batista & Peres, 1961 accepted as Brooksia Hansford, 1956
  201. Genus Chaetobotrys F.E. Clements in F.E. Clements & Shear, 1931 accepted as Kusanobotrys P.C. Hennings, 1904
  202. Genus Chaetomelanops Petrak, 1948 accepted as Pyrenostigme H. Sydow, 1926
  203. Genus Ciferriomyces Petrak, 1932 accepted as Pyrenostigme H. Sydow, 1926
  204. Genus Coniothyriopsiella Bender, 1932 accepted as Cyclothyrium Petrak, 1923
  205. Genus Coniothyriopsis Petrak, 1923 accepted as Cyclothyrium Petrak, 1923
  206. Genus Cystodium Fée, 1837 (nomen rejiciendum)
  207. Genus Dexteria F.L. Stevens, 1917 accepted as Hyalosphaera F.L. Stevens, 1917
  208. Genus Dilophia P.A. Saccardo, 1883 accepted as Lidophia J. Walker & B.C. Sutton, 1974
  209. Genus Discothecium Zopf, 1897 accepted as Endococcus Nylander, 1855
  210. Genus Epibotrys Theissen & H. Sydow, 1915 accepted as Gilletiella P.A. Saccardo & P. Sydow, 1899
  211. Genus Gibberinula O. Kuntze, 1898 accepted as Gibberidea Fuckel, 1870
  212. Genus Glenosporella Nannizzi, 1931 accepted as Geomyces Traaen, 1914
  213. Genus Grauatamyces Viégas, 1944 (Misspelling)
  214. Genus Hendersoniella (P.A. Saccardo) P.A. Saccardo, 1902 accepted as Hendersoniella Tassi, 1900
  215. Genus Heterochlamys Patouillard in Patouillard & de Lagerheim, 1895 accepted as Gilletiella P.A. Saccardo & P. Sydow, 1899
  216. Genus Hyalotexis H. Sydow, 1925 accepted as Hyalosphaera F.L. Stevens, 1917
  217. Genus Keisslerellum Werner, 1944 accepted as Mycoporellum J. Müller Arg., 1884
  218. Genus Keratosphaera H.B.P. Upadhyay, 1964 accepted as Koordersiella F. von Höhnel, 1909
  219. Genus Kirschsteiniella Petrak, 1923 accepted as Cyclothyrium Petrak, 1923
  220. Genus Laterotheca A.C. Batista in A.C. Batista & R. Ciferri, 1963 accepted as Acrogenotheca R. Ciferri & A.C. Batista, 1963
  221. Genus Macmillanina O. Kuntze, 1898 accepted as Disculina F. von Höhnel, 1916
  222. Genus Melanobotrys L. Rodway, 1926 accepted as Xylobotryum Patouillard, 1895
  223. Genus Melanochlamys H. Sydow & P. Sydow in O. Fuhrmann & E. Mayor, 1914 accepted as Gilletiella P.A. Saccardo & P. Sydow, 1899
  224. Genus Myriostigma G. Arnaud, 1925 accepted as Myriostigmella G. Arnaud, 1952
  225. Genus Naemostroma F. von Höhnel, 1919 accepted as Septoriella Oudemans, 1889
  226. Genus Naumovia Dobrozrakova, 1928 accepted as Rosenscheldia Spegazzini, 1885
  227. Genus Neonorrlinia H. Sydow, 1923 accepted as Cercidospora Körber, 1865
  228. Genus Norrlinia Vainio, 1921 accepted as Cercidospora Körber, 1865
  229. Genus Overeemia Arnaud, 1954 accepted as Brooksia Hansford, 1956
  230. Genus Phaeopeltium F.E. Clements & Shear, 1931 accepted as Phaeopeltosphaeria Berlese & Peglion, 1892
  231. Genus Phaeophragmocauma F.L. Stevens, 1931 accepted as Dermatodothis Raciborski ex Theissen & H. Sydow, 1914
  232. Genus Phanerococcus Theissen & H. Sydow, 1918 accepted as Koordersiella F. von Höhnel, 1909
  233. Genus Phelonites Fries, 1846 (Misspelling)
  234. Genus Phragmodimerium Petrak & Ciferri, 1932 accepted as Philonectria K. Hara, 1914
  235. Genus Plectophoma F. von Höhnel, 1907 accepted as Asteromella Passerini & Thümen, 1880
  236. Genus Pleosphaeropsis E.A. Vainio, 1921 accepted as Cercidospora Körber, 1865
  237. Genus Poeltia Petrak, 1972 accepted as Hyalocrea H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1917
  238. Genus Poeltiella Petrak, 1974 accepted as Hyalocrea H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1917
  239. Genus Porterula Spegazzini, 1920 accepted as Asteromella Passerini & Thümen, 1880
  240. Genus Prolisea Clements in Clements & Shear, 1931 accepted as Cercidospora Körber, 1865
  241. Genus Pseudoendococcus Marchand, 1896 accepted as Endococcus Nylander, 1855
  242. Genus Rehmiomyces (P.A. Saccardo & P. Sydow) H. Sydow, 1904 accepted as Rehmiomycella E. Müller in E. Müller & J.A. von Arx, 1962
  243. Genus Rosenschoeldia L. Holm, 1968 accepted as Rosenscheldia Spegazzini, 1885
  244. Genus Sampaioa González Fragoso, 1923 accepted as Mycoglaena F. von Höhnel, 1909
  245. Genus Santiella Tassi, 1900 accepted as Passeriniella Berlese, 1891
  246. Genus Saxomyces L. Selbmann & D. Isola in Selbmann, Isola, Egidi, Zucconi, Gueidan, de Hoog & Onofri, 2013 accepted as Saxomyces L. Selbmann & D. Isola in Wijayawardene et al., 2017 (not validly published)
  247. Genus Schizophoma Klebahn, 1933 accepted as Sclerophoma F. von Höhnel, 1909
  248. Genus Sorothelia Körber, 1865 accepted as Endococcus Nylander, 1855
  249. Genus Stichophoma Klebahn, 1933 accepted as Sclerophoma F. von Höhnel, 1909
  250. Genus Stictochorella F. von Höhnel, 1917 accepted as Asteromella Passerini & Thümen, 1880
  251. Genus Stictochorellina Petrak, 1922 accepted as Asteromella Passerini & Thümen, 1880
  252. Genus Thelenidiomyces Ciferri & Tomaselli, 1953 accepted as Thelenidia Nylander, 1886
  253. Genus Trachyxylaria A. Møller, 1901 accepted as Xylobotryum Patouillard, 1895
  254. Genus Trematosphaeriopsis Elenkin, 1901 accepted as Homostegia Fuckel, 1870
  255. Genus Trematosphaeris Clements & Shear, 1931 accepted as Homostegia Fuckel, 1870
  256. Genus Vainiona R.G. Werner, 1943 accepted as Cercidospora Körber, 1865
  257. Genus Venturiella Spegazzini, 1909 accepted as Neoventuria H. Sydow & P. Sydow, 1919
  258. Genus Verlotia Fabre, 1879 accepted as Heptameria Rehm & Thümen, 1879
  259. Genus Xyloceras A.L. Smith, 1901 accepted as Xylobotryum Patouillard, 1895
  260. Genus Xylocreas A.L. Smith, 1901 accepted as Xylobotryum Patouillard, 1895
  261. Genus Xylosphaeria G.H. Otth, 1869 accepted as Mycothyridium Petrak, 1962
  262. Genus Rostafinsckia Spegazzini, 1880 (uncertain, unassessed)
  263. Genus Trichospora (uncertain, unassessed)
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2024). Dothideomycetes incertae sedis. Accessed at: on 2025-03-02
2009-07-12 22:00:00Z
2013-04-09 22:00:00Z

basis of record Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Index Fungorum (May 2009 version). , available online at [details] 
Classification Fungi (Kingdom) > Ascomycota (Phylum) > Ascomycotina (Subphylum) > Dothideomycetes (Class) > Dothideomycetes (unallocated) (Subclass) > Dothideomycetes incertae sedis (Order) > Dothideomycetes incertae sedis (Family) [details]

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