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Annulariidae Henderson & Bartsch, 1920

105694  (

Chondropomatidae Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 · unaccepted (ICZN Art. 24 (family vs. subfamily))


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  1. Genus Abbottella Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  2. Genus Abbottipoma Watters, Smith & Sneddon, 2020
  3. Genus Adamsiella Pfeiffer, 1851
  4. Genus Aguayotudora de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  5. Genus Annularia Schumacher, 1817
  6. Genus Annularisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  7. Genus Annularita Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  8. Genus Annularodes Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  9. Genus Annularops Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  10. Genus Arenabbottella Watters, Smith & Sneddon, 2020
  11. Genus Articulipoma Bartsch, 1946
  12. Genus Blaesospira Crosse, 1890
  13. Genus Bonairea Baker, 1924
  14. Genus Chittypoma Watters, 2006
  15. Genus Choanopomops Baker, 1928
  16. Genus Chondropoma Pfeiffer, 1847
    1. Species Chondropoma dentatum (Say, 1825)
  17. Genus Chondropomartes Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  18. Genus Chondropomella Bartsch, 1932
  19. Genus Chondropometes Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  20. Genus Chondropomium Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  21. Genus Chondrops Bartsch, 1946
  22. Genus Chondrothyra Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  23. Genus Chondrothyrium Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  24. Genus Cistulops Baker, 1924
  25. Genus Clydonopoma Pilsbry, 1933
  26. Genus Colobostylus Crosse & Fischer, 1888
  27. Genus Colonella Bartsch, 1946
  28. Genus Colonina Bartsch, 1946
  29. Genus Crossepoma Bartsch, 1946
  30. Genus Cubadamsiella Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  31. Genus Dallsiphona de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  32. Genus Diplopoma Pfeiffer, 1859
  33. Genus Eutudora Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  34. Genus Eyerdamia Bartsch, 1946
  35. Genus Gouldipoma Watters, 2006
  36. Genus Gutierrezium de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938
  37. Genus Halotudora Watters, 2006
  38. Genus Juannularia de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  39. Genus Lagopoma Bartsch, 1946
  40. Genus Leiabbottella Watters, 2010
  41. Genus Licina Gray, 1847
  42. Genus Lugarenia de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  43. Genus Meganipha Thompson, 1978
  44. Genus Megannularia Watters, 2006
  45. Genus Microabbottella Watters, Smith & Sneddon, 2020
  46. Genus Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905
  47. Genus Parachondria Dall, 1905
  48. Genus Parachondrops Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  49. Genus Paradoxipoma Watters, 2014
  50. Genus Preclaripoma Watters, Smith & Sneddon, 2020
  51. Genus Ramsdenia Preston, 1913
  52. Genus Rhytidopoma Sykes, 1901
  53. Genus Rhytidothyra Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  54. Genus Rolleia Crosse, 1891
  55. Genus Sallepoma Bartsch, 1946
  56. Genus Samanicola Watters, 2006
  57. Genus Saulaepoma Watters, 2006
  58. Genus Subannularia de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  59. Genus Superbipoma Watters & Larson, 2017
  60. Genus Tessaripoma Watters, 2016
  61. Genus Tudora Gray, 1850
  62. Genus Tudorina de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  63. Genus Tudorisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  64. Genus Turrithyra de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938
  65. Genus Weinlandipoma Bartsch, 1946
  66. Genus Xenopoma Crosse, 1890
  67. Genus Xenopomoides de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941
  68. Genus Licina Gray, 1840 accepted as Licina Gray, 1847 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  69. Genus Annularella Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Annularisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 (superseded rank)
  70. Genus Annularex de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Annularisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  71. Genus Annularodisca de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Annularodes Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  72. Genus Anularia Tapparone-Canefri, 1889 accepted as Annularia Schumacher, 1817
  73. Genus Bermudezsiphona de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905 (synonym of Opisthosiphon (Opisthosiphona) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  74. Genus Choanopoma Pfeiffer, 1847 accepted as Annularia Schumacher, 1817
  75. Genus Chondropomisca de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 accepted as Chondropoma Pfeiffer, 1847
  76. Genus Chondropomodes de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 accepted as Chondropoma Pfeiffer, 1847
  77. Genus Chondropomorus Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Parachondria Dall, 1905
  78. Genus Chondrothyretes Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Chondrothyra Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  79. Genus Chondrothyroma Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Chondropometes Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  80. Genus Christophipoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Eyerdamia Bartsch, 1946
  81. Genus Cistula Gray, 1847 accepted as Parachondria Dall, 1905
  82. Genus Colobostyloides Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Colonina Bartsch, 1946
  83. Genus Cubitasiphona de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905 (synonym of Opisthosiphon (Opisthosiphona) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  84. Genus Cylindrosiphona de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905 (synonym of Opisthosiphon (Opisthosiphona) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  85. Genus Eutudorella Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Eutudora Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  86. Genus Eutudorisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Eutudora Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  87. Genus Eutudorops Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Ramsdenia Preston, 1913
  88. Genus Fossularia de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Eutudora Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 (synonym of Eutudora (Annularodella) de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941)
  89. Genus Graypoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Licina Gray, 1847
  90. Genus Haitipoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Colonina Bartsch, 1946
  91. Genus Hendersonina de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 accepted as Turrithyra de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938
  92. Genus Hispanipoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Colonina Bartsch, 1946
  93. Genus Jaumeia Aguayo, 1943 accepted as Ramsdenia Preston, 1913
  94. Genus Kisslingia Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Licina Gray, 1847
  95. Genus Klattea Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Crossepoma Bartsch, 1946
  96. Genus Leptopisthosiphon Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905 (synonym of Opisthosiphon (Opisthosiphona) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  97. Genus Levipoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Chondropoma Pfeiffer, 1847
  98. Genus Licinia Agassiz, 1846 accepted as Licina Gray, 1847
  99. Genus Mirisiphon de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905
  100. Genus Opisthocoelex de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905 (synonym of Opisthosiphon (Opisthosiphona) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  101. Genus Opisthocoelicum de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905 (synonym pf Opisthosiphon (Opisthosiphona) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  102. Genus Opisthocoelops Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905 (synonym of Opisthosiphon (Opisthosiphona) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  103. Genus Opisthosolen Dall, 1905 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905
  104. Genus Opistosiphon Aguayo, 1934 accepted as Opisthosiphon Dall, 1905
  105. Genus Orcuttipoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Parachondria Dall, 1905
  106. Genus Parachondrella Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Parachondria Dall, 1905
  107. Genus Parachondrisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Parachondria Dall, 1905
  108. Genus Parachondrodes Clench & Aguayo, 1946 accepted as Parachondria Dall, 1905
  109. Genus Petasipoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Rolleia Crosse, 1891
  110. Genus Plicathyrella de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 accepted as Chondrothyra Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 (synonym of Chondrothyra (Chondrothyrella) de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938)
  111. Genus Plicathyrium Jaume & Sánchez de Fuentes, 1943 accepted as Chondrothyrium Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  112. Genus Torrella Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Rhytidopoma Sykes, 1901
  113. Genus Torrellisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Rhytidopoma Sykes, 1901
  114. Genus Troschelvindex Baker, 1924 accepted as Diplopoma Pfeiffer, 1859
  115. Genus Tudorata Baker, 1924 accepted as Tudora Gray, 1850
  116. Genus Tudorellata Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Annularisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 (synonym of Annularisca (Annularella) J. B. Henderson & Bartsch, 1920)
  117. Genus Tudorops Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 accepted as Tudorisca Henderson & Bartsch, 1920
  118. Genus Turrithyretes de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 accepted as Turrithyra de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938
  119. Genus Ctenopoma Pfeiffer, 1856 accepted as Rhytidopoma Sykes, 1901 (unaccepted > junior homonym)
  120. Genus Chondrothyrella de la Torre & Bartsch, 1938 accepted as Chondrothyra Henderson & Bartsch, 1920 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym, currently accepted as subgenus)
  121. Genus Eutudorex de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Ramsdenia Preston, 1913 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  122. Genus Limadora de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Ramsdenia Preston, 1913 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  123. Genus Limadorex de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Ramsdenia Preston, 1913 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  124. Genus Lindenipoma Bartsch, 1946 accepted as Parachondria Dall, 1905 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  125. Genus Wrightudora de la Torre & Bartsch, 1941 accepted as Ramsdenia Preston, 1913 (unaccepted > junior subjective synonym)
  126. Genus Incertipoma Bartsch, 1946 (unaccepted > unavailable name, no type species, used for unidentifiable Annulariidae, refer note)
marine, brackish, terrestrial
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark Treated as subfamily of Pomatiidae in Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005, however Bouchet et al., 2017 re-recognise as family following...  
Taxonomic remark Treated as subfamily of Pomatiidae in Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005, however Bouchet et al., 2017 re-recognise as family following Watters, 2006, The Caribbean land snail family Annulariidae: a revision of the higher taxa and a catalog of the species. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 557 pp. From Bouchet et al., 2017: The name Licininae has priority over Annulariidae. However, we believe that Annulariidae, which is in prevailing usage, should be conserved and an application will be submitted to the ICZN to that effect. (elsewhere, same work): Precedence of Annulariidae over simultaneously published Chondropomatinae determined by Art. 24 (family vs. subfamily). [details]
IRMNG (2023). Annulariidae Henderson & Bartsch, 1920. Accessed at: on 2025-01-01
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2023-06-09 18:50:37Z

basis of record WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

basis of record CoL2006/ITIS [details] 

additional source Bouchet, P.; Rocroi, J.-P. (2005). Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. <em>Malacologia.</em> 47(1-2): 1-397.
note: as subfamily of Pomatiidae [details] 

additional source Watters, G. T. (2006). The Caribbean land snail family Annulariidae: a revision of the higher taxa and a catalog of the species. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. [details] 

current name source Bouchet, P.; Rocroi, J.-P.; Hausdorf, B.; Kaim, A.; Kano, Y.; Nützel, A.; Parkhaev, P.; Schrödl, M.; Strong, E. E. (2017). Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. <em>Malacologia.</em> 61(1-2): 1-526., available online at [details] 

extant flag source CoL2006/ITIS [details] 

habitat flag source web search (AJR) [details] 
Taxonomic remark Treated as subfamily of Pomatiidae in Bouchet & Rocroi, 2005, however Bouchet et al., 2017 re-recognise as family following Watters, 2006, The Caribbean land snail family Annulariidae: a revision of the higher taxa and a catalog of the species. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden. 557 pp. From Bouchet et al., 2017: The name Licininae has priority over Annulariidae. However, we believe that Annulariidae, which is in prevailing usage, should be conserved and an application will be submitted to the ICZN to that effect. (elsewhere, same work): Precedence of Annulariidae over simultaneously published Chondropomatinae determined by Art. 24 (family vs. subfamily). [details]

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