IRMNG name details
Not documented
Nomenclatural status nomen rejiciendum [details]
Taxonomic remark nom. rej. vs. Polysiphonia R. K. Greville 1823 (nom. cons.). (Index Nominum Genericorum). According to Index Nominum Genericorum, Greville published 2 instances of this name in the same work, the present instance cited as "R. K. Greville, Scott. Cryptog. Fl. t. 90" with a type of P. violacea (A. W. Roth) K. P. J. Sprengel (now P. fucoides (Hudson) Greville), rejected in favour of of the instance cited as "Scott. Cryptog. Fl. ad. t. 90" with a conserved type of P. urceolata (L. Dillwyn) R. Greville. [details]