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Nothobranchiidae Garman, 1895

108897  (



  • Alphabetically
  • By status

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  1. Genus Aphyoplatys Clausen, 1967
  2. Genus Aphyosemion Myers, 1924
  3. Genus Archiaphyosemion Radda, 1977
  4. Genus Callopanchax Myers, 1933
  5. Genus Chromaphyosemion Radda, 1971
  6. Genus Epiplatys Gill, 1862
  7. Genus Episemion Radda & Pürzl, 1987
  8. Genus Fenerbahce Özdikmen, Polat, Yilmaz & Yazicioglu, 2006
  9. Genus Foerschichthys Scheel & Romand, 1981
  10. Genus Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
  11. Genus Kathetys Huber, 1977
  12. Genus Mesoaphyosemion Radda, 1977
  13. Genus Nimbapanchax Sonnenberg & Busch, 2009
  14. Genus Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  15. Genus Pronothobranchius Radda, 1969
  16. Genus Raddaella Huber, 1977
  17. Genus Scriptaphyosemion Radda & Pürzl, 1987
  18. Genus Pauciradius Wildekamp & Van der Zee, 2004 accepted as Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924 (unaccepted > nomen nudum)
  19. Genus Adamans Huber, 2007 accepted as Fenerbahce Özdikmen, Polat, Yilmaz & Yazicioglu, 2006
  20. Genus Adamas Huber, 1979 accepted as Fenerbahce Özdikmen, Polat, Yilmaz & Yazicioglu, 2006 (synonym)
  21. Genus Adiniops Myers, 1924 accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  22. Genus Aphyobranchius Wildekamp, 1977 accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  23. Genus Aphysemion accepted as Aphyosemion Myers, 1924
  24. Genus Caeruleamsemion Valdesalici & Malumbres, 2023 accepted as Aphyosemion Myers, 1924 (Treated as valid subgenus)
  25. Genus Cynobranchius Costa, 2018 accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868 (Treated as valid subgenus)
  26. Genus Diapteron Huber & Seegers, 1977 accepted as Aphyosemion Myers, 1924
  27. Genus Fundulosoma Ahl, 1924 accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  28. Genus Fundulusoma accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  29. Genus Gularopanchax Radda, 1977 accepted as Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
  30. Genus Heminothobranchius Klee & Thomerson, 1964 accepted as Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
  31. Genus Lycocyprinus Peters, 1868 accepted as Epiplatys Gill, 1862
  32. Genus Nathobranchius accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  33. Genus Notobranchius accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  34. Genus Paludopanchax Radda, 1977 accepted as Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
  35. Genus Paranothobranchius Seegers, 1985 accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  36. Genus Paraphyosemion Radda, 1977 accepted as Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
  37. Genus Paraphyosemion Kottelat, 1976 accepted as Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
  38. Genus Parepiplatys Clausen, 1967 accepted as Epiplatys Gill, 1862
  39. Genus Pauciradius Wildekamp & Van der Zee, 2005 accepted as Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924
  40. Genus Plesiobranchius Costa, 2018 accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868 (Treated as valid subgenus)
  41. Genus Roloffia Clausen, 1966 accepted as Callopanchax Myers, 1933
  42. Genus Roloffis accepted as Callopanchax Myers, 1933
  43. Genus Zononothobranchius Radda, 1969 accepted as Nothobranchius Peters, 1868
  44. Genus Caeruleamsemion Valdesalici & Malumbres, 2022 accepted as Caeruleamsemion Valdesalici & Malumbres, 2023 accepted as Aphyosemion Myers, 1924 (unaccepted > unavailable name, unregistered electronic publication)
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2023). Nothobranchiidae Garman, 1895. Accessed at: on 2025-03-26
2010-01-17 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2023-05-20 14:33:10Z

basis of record Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (online version), 2010 version. , available online at [details] 

additional source Van Der Laan, R.; Eschmeyer, W. N.; Fricke, R. (2014). Family-group names of Recent fishes. <em>Zootaxa.</em> 3882(1): 1-230., available online at [details] 

current name source Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (online version), 2012 version. , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes (online version), 2010 version. , available online at [details] 

habitat flag source FishBase [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Chordata (Phylum) > Vertebrata (Subphylum) > Osteichthyes (Superclass) > Actinopterygii (Class) > Cyprinodontiformes (Order) > Nothobranchiidae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info From FishBase: Freshwater (rarely brackish). [details]

Habitat Marine and nonmarine [details]

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