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Entocytheridae Hoff, 1942

109168  (



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  1. Genus Aitkenicythere Bate, 1976 †
  2. Genus Ankylocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Ankylocythere ancyla Crawford, 1965
    2. Species Ankylocythere bidentata (Rioja, 1949)
    3. Species Ankylocythere burkerorum Hobbs, 1971
    4. Species Ankylocythere copiosa (Hoff, 1942)
    5. Species Ankylocythere cubensis (Rioja, 1955)
    6. Species Ankylocythere ephydra Hart & Hart, 1971
    7. Species Ankylocythere hamata (Hobbs, 1957)
    8. Species Ankylocythere harmani Hobbs, 1966
    9. Species Ankylocythere heterodonta (Rioja, 1940)
    10. Species Ankylocythere hobbsi (Hoff, 1944)
    11. Species Ankylocythere hyba Hobbs & Walton, 1963
    12. Species Ankylocythere maya Hobbs, 1971
    13. Species Ankylocythere sinuosa (Rioja, 1942)
    14. Species Ankylocythere tallapoosa Hart & Hart, 1971
    15. Species Ankylocythere talulus (Hoff, 1944)
    16. Species Ankylocythere telmoecea (Crawford, 1959)
    17. Species Ankylocythere tiphophila (Crawford, 1959)
    18. Species Ankylocythere toltecae Hobbs, 1971
    19. Species Ankylocythere tridentata Hart, 1964
    20. Species Ankylocythere villalobosi Hobbs, 1971
  3. Genus Ascetocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Ascetocythere asceta (Hobbs & Walton, 1962)
    2. Species Ascetocythere batchi Hobbs & Walton, 1968
    3. Species Ascetocythere coryphodes Hobbs & Hart, 1966
    4. Species Ascetocythere cosmeta
    5. Species Ascetocythere didactylata Hobbs & Hart, 1966
    6. Species Ascetocythere hoffmani Hobbs & Hart, 1966
    7. Species Ascetocythere holti Hobbs & Walton, 1970
    8. Species Ascetocythere hyperoche Hobbs & Hart, 1966
    9. Species Ascetocythere lita Hobbs & Hobbs, 1970
    10. Species Ascetocythere myxoides Hobbs & Hart, 1966
    11. Species Ascetocythere ozalea Hobbs & Hart, 1966
    12. Species Ascetocythere sclera Hobbs & Hart, 1966
  4. Genus Cymocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Cymocythere clavata Crawford, 1965
    2. Species Cymocythere cyma (Hobbs & Walton, 1960)
    3. Species Cymocythere gonia Hobbs & Hart, 1966
  5. Genus Dactylocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Dactylocythere amicula Hart & Hart, 1966
    2. Species Dactylocythere amphiakis Hart & Hart, 1966
    3. Species Dactylocythere arcuata (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    4. Species Dactylocythere banana Hart & Hart, 1971
    5. Species Dactylocythere brachystrix Hobbs & Walton, 1966
    6. Species Dactylocythere chalaza (Hobbs & Walton, 1962)
    7. Species Dactylocythere charadra Hobbs Iii, 1971
    8. Species Dactylocythere chelomata (Crawford, 1961)
    9. Species Dactylocythere coloholca Hobbs & Hobbs, 1970
    10. Species Dactylocythere cooperorum Hobbs & Walton, 1968
    11. Species Dactylocythere crawfordi Hart, 1965
    12. Species Dactylocythere daphnioides (Hobbs, 1955)
    13. Species Dactylocythere enoploholca Hobbs & Walton, 1970
    14. Species Dactylocythere exoura Hart & Hart, 1966
    15. Species Dactylocythere falcata (Hobbs & Walton, 1961)
    16. Species Dactylocythere isabelae
    17. Species Dactylocythere jeanae Hobbs, 1967
    18. Species Dactylocythere koloura Hart & Hart, 1971
    19. Species Dactylocythere leptophylax (Crawford, 1961)
    20. Species Dactylocythere macroholca Hobbs & Hobbs, 1970
    21. Species Dactylocythere mecoscapha (Hobbs & Walton, 1960)
    22. Species Dactylocythere megadactylus Hart & Hart, 1971
    23. Species Dactylocythere myura Hobbs & Walton, 1970
    24. Species Dactylocythere pachysphyrata Hobbs & Walton, 1966
    25. Species Dactylocythere peedeensis
    26. Species Dactylocythere phoxa Hobbs, 1967
    27. Species Dactylocythere prinsi Hobbs & Walton, 1968
    28. Species Dactylocythere prionata (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    29. Species Dactylocythere pughae Hobbs & Hobbs, 1970
    30. Species Dactylocythere runki (Hobbs, 1955)
    31. Species Dactylocythere sandbergi Hart & Hart, 1971
    32. Species Dactylocythere speira Hart & Hart, 1971
    33. Species Dactylocythere spinata Hobbs & Walton, 1970
    34. Species Dactylocythere steevesi (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    35. Species Dactylocythere striophylax (Crawford, 1959)
    36. Species Dactylocythere susanae Hobbs Iii, 1971
    37. Species Dactylocythere suteri (Crawford, 1959)
    38. Species Dactylocythere ungulata (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    39. Species Dactylocythere xystroides Hobbs & Walton, 1963
  6. Genus Donnaldsoncythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Donnaldsoncythere ardis Hobbs & Walton, 1963
    2. Species Donnaldsoncythere cayugaensis Hobbs & Walton, 1966
    3. Species Donnaldsoncythere donnaldsonensis (Klie, 1931)
    4. Species Donnaldsoncythere hiwasseensis (Hobbs & Walton, 1971)
    5. Species Donnaldsoncythere humesi (Hoff, 1943)
    6. Species Donnaldsoncythere ileata Hobbs & Walton, 1963
    7. Species Donnaldsoncythere leptodrilus
    8. Species Donnaldsoncythere pennsylvanica (Hart, 1960)
    9. Species Donnaldsoncythere scalis Hobbs & Walton, 1963
    10. Species Donnaldsoncythere truncata Hobbs & Walton, 1963
    11. Species Donnaldsoncythere tuberosa (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
  7. Genus Entocythere Marshall, 1903
    1. Species Entocythere cambaria Marshall, 1903
    2. Species Entocythere claytonhoffi Roija, 1942
    3. Species Entocythere costata
    4. Species Entocythere dentata Crawford, 1965
    5. Species Entocythere dorsorotunda Hoff, 1944
    6. Species Entocythere elliptica Hoff, 1944
    7. Species Entocythere harrisi
    8. Species Entocythere illinoisensis Hoff, 1942
    9. Species Entocythere internotalus Crawford, 1959
    10. Species Entocythere kanawhaensis Hobbs & Walton, 1966
    11. Species Entocythere lepta Hart & Hart, 1971
    12. Species Entocythere mexicana Rioja, 1943
    13. Species Entocythere reddelli Hobbs & Walton, 1966
    14. Species Entocythere ruibali Rioja, 1955
    15. Species Entocythere tyttha Hobbs & Hobbs, 1970
    16. Species Entocythere ambophora Walton & Hobbs, 1959 accepted as Uncinocythere ambophora (Walton & Hobbs, 1959)
    17. Species Entocythere arcuata Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Dactylocythere arcuata (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    18. Species Entocythere asceta Hobbs & Walton, 1962 accepted as Ascetocythere asceta (Hobbs & Walton, 1962)
    19. Species Entocythere barri Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Sagittocythere barri (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    20. Species Entocythere bicuspide Rioja, 1943 accepted as Uncinocythere bicuspide (Rioja, 1943)
    21. Species Entocythere bidentata Rioja, 1949 accepted as Ankylocythere bidentata (Rioja, 1949)
    22. Species Entocythere caudata Kozloff, 1955 accepted as Uncinocythere caudata (Kozloff, 1955)
    23. Species Entocythere chalaza Hobbs & Walton, 1962 accepted as Dactylocythere chalaza (Hobbs & Walton, 1962)
    24. Species Entocythere chelomata Crawford, 1961 accepted as Dactylocythere chelomata (Crawford, 1961)
    25. Species Entocythere clemsonella Crawford, 1961 accepted as Uncinocythere clemsonella (Crawford, 1961)
    26. Species Entocythere columbia Dobbin, 1941 accepted as Uncinocythere columbia (Dobbin, 1941)
    27. Species Entocythere copiosa Hoff, 1942 accepted as Ankylocythere copiosa (Hoff, 1942)
    28. Species Entocythere cuadricuspide Rioja, 1945 accepted as Uncinocythere cuadricuspide (Rioja, 1945)
    29. Species Entocythere cubensis Rioja, 1955 accepted as Ankylocythere cubensis (Rioja, 1955)
    30. Species Entocythere cyma Hobbs & Walton, 1960 accepted as Cymocythere cyma (Hobbs & Walton, 1960)
    31. Species Entocythere daphnoides Hobbs, 1955 accepted as Dactylocythere daphnioides (Hobbs, 1955)
    32. Species Entocythere dobbinae Rioja, 1943 accepted as Uncinocythere dobbinae (Rioja, 1943)
    33. Species Entocythere donaldsonensis Klie, 1931 accepted as Donnaldsoncythere donnaldsonensis (Klie, 1931)
    34. Species Entocythere equicurva Hoff, 1944 accepted as Uncinocythere equicurva (Hoff, 1944)
    35. Species Entocythere ericksoni Kozloff, 1955 accepted as Uncinocythere ericksoni (Kozloff, 1955)
    36. Species Entocythere falcata Hobbs & Walton, 1961 accepted as Dactylocythere falcata (Hobbs & Walton, 1961)
    37. Species Entocythere geophila Hart, 1959 accepted as Geocythere geophila (Hart, 1959)
    38. Species Entocythere hamata Hobbs, 1957 accepted as Ankylocythere hamata (Hobbs, 1957)
    39. Species Entocythere heterodonta Rioja, 1940 accepted as Ankylocythere heterodonta (Rioja, 1940)
    40. Species Entocythere hiwasseensis Hobbs & Walton, 1971 accepted as Donnaldsoncythere hiwasseensis (Hobbs & Walton, 1971)
    41. Species Entocythere hobbsi Hoff, 1944 accepted as Ankylocythere hobbsi (Hoff, 1944)
    42. Species Entocythere humesi Hoff, 1943 accepted as Donnaldsoncythere humesi (Hoff, 1943)
    43. Species Entocythere leptophylax Crawford, 1961 accepted as Dactylocythere leptophylax (Crawford, 1961)
    44. Species Entocythere lucifuga Walton & Hobbs, 1959 accepted as Uncinocythere lucifuga (Walton & Hobbs, 1959)
    45. Species Entocythere mecoscapha Hobbs & Walton, 1960 accepted as Dactylocythere mecoscapha (Hobbs & Walton, 1960)
    46. Species Entocythere neglecta Westervelt & Kozloff, 1959 accepted as Uncinocythere neglecta (Westervelt & Kozloff, 1959)
    47. Species Entocythere occidentalis Kozloff & Whitman, 1954 accepted as Uncinocythere occidentalis (Kozloff & Whitman, 1954)
    48. Species Entocythere pennsylvanica Hart, 1960 accepted as Donnaldsoncythere pennsylvanica (Hart, 1960)
    49. Species Entocythere pholetera Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Uncinocythere pholetera (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    50. Species Entocythere phyma Hobbs & Walton, 1962 accepted as Phymocythere phyma (Hobbs & Walton, 1962)
    51. Species Entocythere prionata Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Dactylocythere prionata (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    52. Species Entocythere riojai Hoff, 1943 accepted as Thermastrocythere riojai (Hoff, 1943)
    53. Species Entocythere runki Hobbs, 1955 accepted as Dactylocythere runki (Hobbs, 1955)
    54. Species Entocythere serrata Hoff, 1944 accepted as Rhadinocythere serrata (Hoff, 1944)
    55. Species Entocythere simondsi Hobbs & Walton, 1960 accepted as Uncinocythere simondsi (Hobbs & Walton, 1960)
    56. Species Entocythere sinuosa Rioja, 1942 accepted as Ankylocythere sinuosa (Rioja, 1942)
    57. Species Entocythere steevesi Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Dactylocythere steevesi (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    58. Species Entocythere striophylax Crawford, 1959 accepted as Dactylocythere striophylax (Crawford, 1959)
    59. Species Entocythere suteri Crawford, 1959 accepted as Dactylocythere suteri (Crawford, 1959)
    60. Species Entocythere talulus Hoff, 1944 accepted as Ankylocythere talulus (Hoff, 1944)
    61. Species Entocythere telmoecea Crawford, 1959 accepted as Ankylocythere telmoecea (Crawford, 1959)
    62. Species Entocythere tiphophila Crawford, 1959 accepted as Ankylocythere tiphophila (Crawford, 1959)
    63. Species Entocythere torreya Hart, 1959 accepted as Hartocythere torreya (Hart, 1959)
    64. Species Entocythere tuberosa Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Donnaldsoncythere tuberosa (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    65. Species Entocythere ungulata Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Dactylocythere ungulata (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    66. Species Entocythere xania Hart & Hobbs, 1961 accepted as Uncinocythere xania (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
  8. Genus Geocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Geocythere acuta Hart & Hart, 1971
    2. Species Geocythere geophila (Hart, 1959)
    3. Species Geocythere gyralea Hart, 1965
    4. Species Geocythere nessoides Hobbs & Hobbs, 1970
  9. Genus Harpagocythere Hobbs, 1965
    1. Species Harpagocythere baileyi
    2. Species Harpagocythere georgiae Hobbs Iii, 1965
    3. Species Harpagocythere tertius Hobbs & Walton, 1968
  10. Genus Hartiella Danielopol, 1971
  11. Genus Hartocythere Hobbs, 1970
    1. Species Hartocythere torreya (Hart, 1959)
  12. Genus Laccocythere Hart & Hart, 1971 †
    1. Species Laccocythere aotearoa Hart & Hart, 1970 †
  13. Genus Litocythere Hobbs & Walton, 1968
    1. Species Litocythere lucileae Hobbs & Walton, 1968
  14. Genus Lordocythere Hobbs & Hobbs, 1970
    1. Species Lordocythere petersi Hobbs & Hobbs, 1070
  15. Genus Microsyssitria Hart, Nair & Hart, 1967
  16. Genus Okriocythere Hart, 1964
    1. Species Okriocythere cheia Hart, 1964
  17. Genus Ornithocythere Hobbs, 1968
    1. Species Ornithocythere aetodes Hobbs Iii, 1970
    2. Species Ornithocythere gypodes Hobbs Iii, 1969
    3. Species Ornithocythere popi Hobbs Iii, 1970
    4. Species Ornithocythere rhea Hobbs Iii, 1970
    5. Species Ornithocythere waltonae Hobbs, 1967
  18. Genus Phymocythere Hobbs & Hart, 1966
    1. Species Phymocythere phyma (Hobbs & Walton, 1962)
  19. Genus Plectocythere Hobbs, 1965
    1. Species Plectocythere crotaphis Hobbs Iii, 1965
    2. Species Plectocythere johnsonae Hobbs & Hart, 1966
  20. Genus Rhadinocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Rhadinocythere serrata (Hoff, 1944)
  21. Genus Sagittocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Sagittocythere barri (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    2. Species Sagittocythere stygia Hart & Hart, 1966
  22. Genus Saurocythere Hobbs, 1969
    1. Species Saurocythere rhipis Hobbs Iii, 1969
  23. Genus Sphaeromicola Paris, 1916
    1. Species Sphaeromicola dudichi Klie, 1938
  24. Genus Thermastrocythere Hobbs & Walton, 1966
    1. Species Thermastrocythere riojai (Hoff, 1943)
    2. Species Thermastrocythere harti Hobbs & Walton, 1966 accepted as Thermastrocythere riojai (Hoff, 1943)
  25. Genus Uncinocythere Hart, 1962
    1. Species Uncinocythere allenae Hart & Hart, 1971
    2. Species Uncinocythere ambophora (Walton & Hobbs, 1959)
    3. Species Uncinocythere bicuspide (Rioja, 1943)
    4. Species Uncinocythere cassiensis Hart, 1965
    5. Species Uncinocythere caudata (Kozloff, 1955)
    6. Species Uncinocythere clemsonella (Crawford, 1961)
    7. Species Uncinocythere columbia (Dobbin, 1941)
    8. Species Uncinocythere cuadricuspide (Rioja, 1945)
    9. Species Uncinocythere dobbinae (Rioja, 1943)
    10. Species Uncinocythere equicurva (Hoff, 1944)
    11. Species Uncinocythere ericksoni (Kozloff, 1955)
    12. Species Uncinocythere holti Hart, 1965
    13. Species Uncinocythere lucifuga (Walton & Hobbs, 1959)
    14. Species Uncinocythere neglecta (Westervelt & Kozloff, 1959)
    15. Species Uncinocythere occidentalis (Kozloff & Whitman, 1954)
    16. Species Uncinocythere pholetera (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    17. Species Uncinocythere simondis
    18. Species Uncinocythere simondsi (Hobbs & Walton, 1960)
    19. Species Uncinocythere spathe Hart & Hart, 1971
    20. Species Uncinocythere thektura Hart, 1965
    21. Species Uncinocythere warreni Hobbs & Walton, 1968
    22. Species Uncinocythere xania (Hart & Hobbs, 1961)
    23. Species Uncinocythere xena Hart & Hart, 1971
    24. Species Uncinocythere zancla Hobbs & Walton, 1963
    25. Species Uncinocythere zaruri Hobbs, 1971
  26. Genus Aphelocythere Hobbs & Peters, 1977 accepted as Waltoncythere Hobbs & Peters, 1979
    1. Species Aphelocythere acuta
  27. Genus Rhadinocythere Bate, 1975 † accepted as Aitkenicythere Bate, 1976 †
  28. Genus Hobbsiella Danielopol & Hart, 1985 (uncertain, unassessed)
  29. Genus Psittocythere Hobbs & Walton, 1975 (uncertain, unassessed)
  30. Genus Waltoncythere Hobbs & Peters, 1979 (uncertain, unassessed)
recent + fossil
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Entocytheridae Hoff, 1942. Accessed at: on 2025-01-22
2006-09-19 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

basis of record WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source Martin, J. W.; Davis, G. E. (2001). An updated classification of the recent Crustacea. Science Series (Los Angeles), 39. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Los Angeles. VII, 123 pp. [details] 

extant flag source as per included genera [details] 

habitat flag source M Warne 2006 [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Arthropoda (Phylum) > Crustacea (Subphylum) > Ostracoda (Class) > Podocopa (Subclass) > Podocopida (Order) > Cytherocopina (Suborder) > Cytheroidea (Superfamily) > Entocytheridae (Family) [details]

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