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IRMNG taxon details

Cyanea Gaudichaud-Beaupré in Freycinet, 1829

1093990  (



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  1. Species Cyanea aculeatiflora Rock
  2. Species Cyanea acuminata (Gaud.) Hbd.
  3. Species Cyanea angustifolia (Cham.) Hbd.
  4. Species Cyanea arborea Hbd.
  5. Species Cyanea asarifolia St. John
  6. Species Cyanea asplenifolia (H. Mann) Hillebr.
  7. Species Cyanea aspleniifolia (Mann) Hbd.
  8. Species Cyanea calycina (Cham.) Lammers
  9. Species Cyanea comata Hbd.
  10. Species Cyanea copelandii Rock
  11. Species Cyanea coriacea (Gray) Hbd.
  12. Species Cyanea crispa (Gaud.) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma
  13. Species Cyanea crispihirta E. Wimm.
  14. Species Cyanea cylindrocalyx (Rock) Lammers
  15. Species Cyanea degenerana W. Wimm.
  16. Species Cyanea degeneriana F. Wimmer
  17. Species Cyanea dolichopoda Lammers & Lorence
  18. Species Cyanea dunbariae J.F. Rock
  19. Species Cyanea dunbarii Rock
  20. Species Cyanea eleeleensis (St. John) Lammers
  21. Species Cyanea elliptica (Rock) Lammers
  22. Species Cyanea fauriei Levl.
  23. Species Cyanea fissa (Mann) Hbd.
  24. Species Cyanea giffardii Rock
  25. Species Cyanea glabra (F. Wimmer) St. John
  26. Species Cyanea grimesiana Gaud.
  27. Species Cyanea habenata (St. John) Lammers
  28. Species Cyanea hamatiflora Rock
  29. Species Cyanea hardyi Rock
  30. Species Cyanea hirtella (Mann) Hbd.
  31. Species Cyanea holophyllum Hillebr.
  32. Species Cyanea horrida (Rock) O. Deg. & Hosaka
  33. Species Cyanea humboldtiana (Gaud.) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma
  34. Species Cyanea kahiliensis (St. John) Lammers
  35. Species Cyanea kolekoleensis (St. John) Lammers
  36. Species Cyanea koolauensis Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma
  37. Species Cyanea kuhihewa Lammers
  38. Species Cyanea kundsenii J.F. Rock
  39. Species Cyanea kunthiana (Gaud.) Hbd.
  40. Species Cyanea lanceolata (Gaud.) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma
  41. Species Cyanea leptostegia Gray
  42. Species Cyanea lindseyana Rock
  43. Species Cyanea linearifolia Rock
  44. Species Cyanea lobata Mann
  45. Species Cyanea longiflora (Wawra) Lammers, Givnish & Systma
  46. Species Cyanea longissima (Rock) St. John
  47. Species Cyanea macrostegia Hbd.
  48. Species Cyanea mannii (Brigham) Hbd.
  49. Species Cyanea marksii Rock
  50. Species Cyanea mauiensis (Rock) Lammers
  51. Species Cyanea mceldowneyi Rock
  52. Species Cyanea membranacea Rock
  53. Species Cyanea membrancea J.F. Rock
  54. Species Cyanea munroi (Hosaka) Lammers
  55. Species Cyanea nelsoni H. St. John
  56. Species Cyanea obtusa (Gray) Hbd.
  57. Species Cyanea parvifolia (Forbes) Lammers, Givnish & Systma
  58. Species Cyanea pilosa Gray
  59. Species Cyanea pinnatifida (Cham.) F. Wimmer
  60. Species Cyanea platyphylla (Gray) Hbd.
  61. Species Cyanea pohaku Lammers
  62. Species Cyanea procera Hbd.
  63. Species Cyanea profuga Forbes
  64. Species Cyanea purpurellifolia (Rock) Lammers, Givnish & Systma
  65. Species Cyanea pycnocarpa (Hbd.) F. Wimmer
  66. Species Cyanea quercifolia (Hbd.) F. Wimmer
  67. Species Cyanea recta (Wawra) Hbd.
  68. Species Cyanea remyi Rock
  69. Species Cyanea scabra Hbd.
  70. Species Cyanea sessilifolia (O. Deg.) Lammers
  71. Species Cyanea shipmanii Rock
  72. Species Cyanea solanacea Hbd.
  73. Species Cyanea solenocalyx Hbd.
  74. Species Cyanea spathulata (Hbd.) Heller
  75. Species Cyanea st.-johnii (Hosaka) Lammers, Givnish & Systma
  76. Species Cyanea stictophylla Rock
  77. Species Cyanea superba (Cham.) Gray
  78. Species Cyanea sylvestris Heller
  79. Species Cyanea tritomantha Gray
  80. Species Cyanea truncata (Rock) Rock
  81. Species Cyanea undulata Forbes
  82. Species Cyanea atra Hbd. accepted as Cyanea macrostegia Hbd.
  83. Species Cyanea baldwinii Forbes & Munro accepted as Cyanea lobata Mann
  84. Species Cyanea bicolor St. John accepted as Cyanea macrostegia Hbd.
  85. Species Cyanea bishopii Rock accepted as Cyanea kunthiana (Gaud.) Hbd.
  86. Species Cyanea bondiana (Rock) Rock accepted as Cyanea degeneriana F. Wimmer
  87. Species Cyanea bryanii Rock accepted as Cyanea platyphylla (Gray) Hbd.
  88. Species Cyanea carlsonii Rock accepted as Cyanea hamatiflora Rock
  89. Species Cyanea chockii Rock accepted as Cyanea hirtella (Mann) Hbd.
  90. Species Cyanea coronata F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea calycina (Cham.) Lammers
  91. Species Cyanea crispohirta F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea platyphylla (Gray) Hbd.
  92. Species Cyanea densiflora (Rock) Rock accepted as Cyanea degeneriana F. Wimmer
  93. Species Cyanea dentata F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea membranacea Rock
  94. Species Cyanea fernaldii Rock accepted as Cyanea platyphylla (Gray) Hbd.
  95. Species Cyanea ferox Hbd. accepted as Cyanea solanacea Hbd.
  96. Species Cyanea floribunda F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea degeneriana F. Wimmer
  97. Species Cyanea gayana Rock accepted as Cyanea fissa (Mann) Hbd.
  98. Species Cyanea gibsonii Hbd. accepted as Cyanea macrostegia Hbd.
  99. Species Cyanea haleakalaensis St. John accepted as Cyanea copelandii Rock
  100. Species Cyanea hanaensis St. John accepted as Cyanea macrostegia Hbd.
  101. Species Cyanea holophylla Hbd. accepted as Cyanea scabra Hbd.
  102. Species Cyanea knudsenii Rock accepted as Cyanea sylvestris Heller
  103. Species Cyanea larrisonii Rock accepted as Cyanea recta (Wawra) Hbd.
  104. Species Cyanea longipedunculata Rock accepted as Cyanea pilosa Gray
  105. Species Cyanea magnifica F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea tritomantha Gray
  106. Species Cyanea mariana F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea macrostegia Hbd.
  107. Species Cyanea megacarpa (Rock) Rock accepted as Cyanea pilosa Gray
  108. Species Cyanea multispicata Levl. accepted as Cyanea fissa (Mann) Hbd.
  109. Species Cyanea nelsonii St. John accepted as Cyanea stictophylla Rock
  110. Species Cyanea noli-me-tangere Rock accepted as Cyanea platyphylla (Gray) Hbd.
  111. Species Cyanea occultans St. John accepted as Cyanea acuminata (Gaud.) Hbd.
  112. Species Cyanea ovatisepala F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea solenocalyx Hbd.
  113. Species Cyanea pulchra Rock accepted as Cyanea platyphylla (Gray) Hbd.
  114. Species Cyanea regina (Wawra) Rock accepted as Cyanea superba (Cham.) Gray
  115. Species Cyanea rivularis Rock accepted as Delissea rivularis (Rock) F. Wimmer
  116. Species Cyanea rockii F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea recta (Wawra) Hbd.
  117. Species Cyanea rollandioides Rock accepted as Cyanea platyphylla (Gray) Hbd.
  118. Species Cyanea submuricata F. Wimmer accepted as Cyanea tritomantha Gray
  119. Species Cyanea wailauensis Rock accepted as Cyanea solenocalyx Hbd.
marine, brackish
recent only
Not documented
Taxonomic remark (Pre APG placement: Lobeliaceae).  
Taxonomic remark (Pre APG placement: Lobeliaceae). [details]
IRMNG (2024). Cyanea Gaudichaud-Beaupré in Freycinet, 1829. Accessed at: on 2025-03-27
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2012-02-16 23:00:00Z

basis of record SN2000/Takhtajan, 1997 [details] 

basis of record Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

verified source for family GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

name verified source Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

extant flag source GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: U.S. National Plant Germplasm Resources Information Network, September 2011 version. Available online at [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 
Taxonomic remark (Pre APG placement: Lobeliaceae). [details]

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