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Pseudothelphusidae Ortmann, 1893

109756  (



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  1. Genus Achlidon Smalley, 1964
  2. Genus Allacanthos Smalley, 1964
  3. Genus Alvarezius Moreno & Villalobos, 2022
  4. Genus Brasiliothelphusa Magalhães & Türkay, 1986
  5. Genus Camptophallus Smalley, 1965
  6. Genus Chaceus Pretzmann, 1965
  7. Genus Chaceus Pretzmann, 1971
  8. Genus Colombiathelphusa Campos & Magalhães, 2014
  9. Genus Culterthelphusa Pedraza, 2017
  10. Genus Ehecatusa Ng & Low, 2010
  11. Genus Eidocamptophallus Rodríguez & Hobbs, 1989
  12. Genus Elsalvadoria Bott, 1967
  13. Genus Emberacarcinus Magalhães & Ng, 2019
  14. Genus Epilobocera Stimpson, 1860
  15. Genus Eudaniela Pretzmann, 1971
  16. Genus Fredius Pretzmann, 1967
  17. Genus Guinotia Pretzmann, 1965
  18. Genus Hypolobocera Ortmann, 1897
  19. Genus Isabellagordonia Pretzmann, 1967
  20. Genus Kingsleya Ortmann, 1897
  21. Genus Kunziana Pretzmann, 1971
  22. Genus Lindacatalina Pretzmann, 1977
  23. Genus Lobithelphusa Rodríguez, 1982
  24. Genus Martiana Rodríguez, 1980
  25. Genus Microthelphusa Pretzmann, 1968
  26. Genus Mokayathelphusa Moreno, Villalobos & Álvarez, 2022
  27. Genus Moritschus Pretzmann, 1965
  28. Genus Neoepilobocera Capolongo & Pretzmann, 2002
  29. Genus Neopseudothelphusa Pretzmann, 1965
  30. Genus Neostrengeria Pretzmann, 1965
  31. Genus Odontothelphusa Rodríguez, 1982
  32. Genus Oedothelphusa Rodríguez, 1980
  33. Genus Orthothelphusa Rodríguez, 1980
  34. Genus Phallangothelphusa Pretzmann, 1965
  35. Genus Phrygiopilus Smalley, 1970
  36. Genus Potamia Latreille, 1831
  37. Genus Potamocarcinus H. Milne Edwards, 1853
  38. Genus Prionothelphusa Rodríguez, 1980
  39. Genus Pseudothelphusa Saussure, 1857
  40. Genus Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964
  41. Genus Raddaus Pretzmann, 1965
  42. Genus Rathbunia Nobili, 1896
  43. Genus Rodriguezus M. R. Campos & Magalhães, 2005
  44. Genus Smalleyus Álvarez, 1989
  45. Genus Spirocarcinus Pretzmann, 1972
  46. Genus Spirothelphusa Pretzmann, 1965
  47. Genus Strengeria Pretzmann, 1965
  48. Genus Strengeriana Pretzmann, 1971
  49. Genus Sylvathelphusa Villalobos & Álvarez, 2013
  50. Genus Tehuana Rodríguez & Smalley in Smalley, 1970
  51. Genus Typhlopseudothelphusa Rioja, 1952
  52. Genus Tzotzilthelphusa Villalobos & Álvarez, 2013
  53. Genus Villalobosius Ng & Low, 2010
  54. Genus Zilchia Pretzmann, 1968
  55. Genus Achagua M. R. Campos, 2001 accepted as Eudaniela Pretzmann, 1971
  56. Genus Anaphrymos accepted as Potamocarcinus H. Milne Edwards, 1853
  57. Genus Anaphyrmos Smalley, 1965 accepted as Raddaus Pretzmann, 1965
  58. Genus Boscia H. Milne Edwards, 1837 accepted as Guinotia Pretzmann, 1965
  59. Genus Disparithelphusa Smalley & Adkinson, 1984 accepted as Pseudothelphusa Saussure, 1857
  60. Genus Epithelphusa Rodríguez & Smalley in Smalley, 1970 accepted as Ehecatusa Ng & Low, 2010 (name pre-occupied by Epithelphusa Drago, 1887 [Annelida])
  61. Genus Gordonia Pretzmann, 1965 accepted as Isabellagordonia Pretzmann, 1967 (name pre-occupied by Gordonia Newton, 1892 [Reptilia])
  62. Genus Megathelphusa Smalley, 1964 † accepted as Potamocarcinus H. Milne Edwards, 1853
  63. Genus Microptychophallus Pretzmann, 1965 accepted as Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964
  64. Genus Phrygiopilus Pretzmann, 1965 accepted as Phrygiopilus Smalley, 1970
  65. Genus Phyllothelphusa Pretzmann, 1965 accepted as Neostrengeria Pretzmann, 1965
  66. Genus Pseudospirothelphusa Pretzmann, 1971 † accepted as Phrygiopilus Smalley, 1970
  67. Genus Pseudo-Thelphusa Saussure, 1857 accepted as Pseudothelphusa Saussure, 1857
  68. Genus Semiptychophallus Pretzmann, 1965 accepted as Ptychophallus Smalley, 1964
  69. Genus Stygothelphusa Álvarez & Villalobos, 1991 accepted as Villalobosius Ng & Low, 2010 (name pre-occupied by Stygothelphusa Ng, 1989 [Crustacea])
  70. Genus Villalobosus Ng & Álvarez, 2000 accepted as Villalobosius Ng & Low, 2010 (replacement name for Stygothelphusa Álvarez & Villalobos, 1991; name pre-occupied by Villalobosus Hobbs, 1972 [Crustacea])
marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Not documented
IRMNG (2024). Pseudothelphusidae Ortmann, 1893. Accessed at: on 2025-03-20
2006-11-07 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2024-04-15 19:16:11Z

basis of record Parker, S.P. (ed). (1982). Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York. 2 volumes. [details] 

basis of record WoRMS (Mar 2013) [details] 

current name source De Grave, S., Pentcheff, N.D., Ahyong, S.T., Chan, T.-Y., Crandall, K.A., Dworschak, P.C., Felder, D.L., Feldmann, R.M., Fransen, C.H.J.M., Goulding, L.Y.D., Lemaitre, R., Low, M.E.Y., Martin, J.W., Ng, P.K.L., Schweitzer, C.E., Tan, S.H., Tshudy, D. & Wetzer, R. (2009). A classification of living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans. <em>Raffles Bulletin of Zoology.</em> supplement 21: 1-109., available online at [details] 

extant flag source De Grave, S., Pentcheff, N.D., Ahyong, S.T., Chan, T.-Y., Crandall, K.A., Dworschak, P.C., Felder, D.L., Feldmann, R.M., Fransen, C.H.J.M., Goulding, L.Y.D., Lemaitre, R., Low, M.E.Y., Martin, J.W., Ng, P.K.L., Schweitzer, C.E., Tan, S.H., Tshudy, D. & Wetzer, R. (2009). A classification of living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans. <em>Raffles Bulletin of Zoology.</em> supplement 21: 1-109., available online at [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Animalia (Kingdom) > Eumetazoa (Subkingdom) > Arthropoda (Phylum) > Crustacea (Subphylum) > Malacostraca (Class) > Eumalacostraca (Subclass) > Eucarida (Superorder) > Decapoda (Order) > Pleocyemata (Suborder) > Brachyura (Infraorder) > Eubrachyura (Division) > Heterotremata (Group) > Pseudothelphusoidea (Superfamily) > Pseudothelphusidae (Family) [details]

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