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Schwagerinidae Dunbar & Henbest, 1930 †

112057  (



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  1. Genus Acervoschwagerina Hanzawa, 1949 †
  2. Genus Biwaella Morikawa & Isomi, 1960 †
  3. Genus Chalaroschwagerina Skinner & Wilde, 1965 †
  4. Genus Changmeia Zhou & Luo, 1998 †
  5. Genus Chusenella Hsu, 1942 †
  6. Genus Crenulosepta Stevens & Stone, 2009 †
  7. Genus Cuniculinella Skinner & Wilde, 1965 †
  8. Genus Daixina Rozovskaya, 1949 †
  9. Genus Darvasites Miklukho-Maklay, 1959 †
  10. Genus Dunbarinella Thompson, 1942 †
  11. Genus Dutkevichites Davydov, 1984 †
  12. Genus Dutkevitchia Leven & Scherbovich in Leven & Shcherbovich, 1978 †
  13. Genus Eoparafusulina Coogan, 1960 †
  14. Genus Eopolydiexodina Wilde, 1975 †
  15. Genus Eozellia Rozovskaya, 1975 †
  16. Genus Inyoschwagerina Stevens & Stone, 2009 †
  17. Genus Iowanella Thompson, 1957 †
  18. Genus Iranella Leven in Leven & Vaziri Mohaddam, 2004
  19. Genus Kansanella Thompson, 1957 †
  20. Genus Klamathina Skinner & Wilde, 1965 †
  21. Genus Leptotriticites Skinner & Wilde, 1965 †
  22. Genus Mccloudia Ross, 1967 †
  23. Genus Monodiexodina Sosnina, 1956 †
  24. Genus Montiparus Rozovskaya, 1948 †
  25. Genus Nagatoella Thompson, 1936 †
  26. Genus Neodutkevitchia Davydov & Arefifard, 2007 †
  27. Genus Nigribaccinus Stevens & Stone, 2009 †
  28. Genus Nipponitella Hanzawa, 1938 †
  29. Genus Occidentoschwagerina Miklukho-Maklay, 1959 †
  30. Genus Oketaella Thompson, 1951 †
  31. Genus Parafusulina Dunbar & Skinner, 1931 †
  32. Genus Paraleeina Leven in Leven & Vaziri Mohaddam, 2004 †
  33. Genus Paraschwagerina Dunbar & Skinner, 1936 †
  34. Genus Perigondwania Davydov & Arefifard, 2007 †
  35. Genus Polydiexodina Dunbar & Skinner, 1931 †
  36. Genus Praeparafusulina Tumanskaya, 1962 †
  37. Genus Praepseudofusulina Ketat & Zolotukhina, 1984 †
  38. Genus Pravitoschwagerina Toriyama, 1982 †
  39. Genus Pseudofusulina Dunbar & Skinner, 1931 †
  40. Genus Pseudoschwagerina Dunbar & Skinner, 1936 †
  41. Genus Robustoschwagerina Miklukho-Maklay, 1959 †
  42. Genus Rugosochusenella Skinner & Wilde, 1965 †
  43. Genus Rugososchwagerina Miklukho-Maklay, 1959 †
  44. Genus Schwagerina Möller, 1877 †
  45. Genus Skinnerina Ross, 1964 †
  46. Genus Sphaeroschwagerina Miklukho-Maklay, 1959 †
  47. Genus Timanites Davydov & Arefifard, 2007 †
  48. Genus Triticites Girty, 1904 †
  49. Genus Xiaoxinzhaiella Shi, Yang & Jin, 2005 †
  50. Genus Zellia Kahler & Kahler, 1937 †
  51. Genus Alaskanella Skinner & Wilde, 1966 † accepted as Eoparafusulina Coogan, 1960 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  52. Genus Alpinoschwagerina Bensh, 1972 † accepted as Pseudoschwagerina Dunbar & Skinner, 1936 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  53. Genus Alpites Davydov, Krainer & Chernykh, 2013 † accepted as Darvasites Miklukho-Maklay, 1959 †
  54. Genus Cuniculina Leven in Leven & Vaziri Mohaddam, 2004 † accepted as Cuniculinella Skinner & Wilde, 1965 † (subgenus, also junior homonym)
  55. Genus Eotriticites Wilde, 1984 † accepted as Montiparus Rozovskaya, 1948 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  56. Genus Erkina Okan, 1981 † accepted as Pseudoschwagerina Dunbar & Skinner, 1936 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  57. Genus Ferganites A.D. Miklukho-Maklay, 1955 † accepted as Triticites Girty, 1904 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  58. Genus Girtyina Staff, 1909 † accepted as Triticites Girty, 1904 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  59. Genus Globifusulina Alekseeva, Izotova & Polenova, 1983 † accepted as Schwagerina Möller, 1877 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  60. Genus Grabauina Lee, 1924 † accepted as Triticites Girty, 1904 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  61. Genus Leeina Galloway, 1933 † accepted as Pseudofusulina Dunbar & Skinner, 1931 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  62. Genus Orientoschwagerina A.D. Miklukho-Maklay, 1955 † accepted as Chusenella Hsu, 1942 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  63. Genus Paratriticites Kochansky-Devide, 1969 † accepted as Triticites Girty, 1904 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  64. Genus Parazellia Rauzer-Chernousova, 1961 † accepted as Pseudoschwagerina Dunbar & Skinner, 1936 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  65. Genus Pseudofusulinoides Bensh, 1972 † accepted as Pseudofusulina Dunbar & Skinner, 1931 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
  66. Genus Rugosofusulina Rauzer-Chernousova, 1937 † accepted as Pseudofusulina Dunbar & Skinner, 1931 † (Opinion of Loeblich & Tappan, 1987)
marine, fresh, terrestrial
fossil only
Not documented
IRMNG (2021). Schwagerinidae Dunbar & Henbest, 1930 †. Accessed at: on 2025-03-26
2006-11-20 23:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z
2017-10-17 23:07:17Z
2020-03-19 05:16:22Z

basis of record Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 

additional source BouDagher-Fadel, M. K. (2008). Evolution and Geological Significance of Larger Benthic Foraminifera. (Developments in Palaeontology & Stratigraphy 21). Elsevier, 548 pp. [details] 

taxonomy source World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) (2020 version). , available online at [details] 

current name source World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) (2020 version). , available online at [details] 

extant flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 

habitat flag source Benton, M.J. (ed). (1993). The Fossil Record 2. Chapman & Hall, London, 845 pp. [details] 
Classification Eukaryota (Superkingdom) > Protista (Kingdom) > Foraminifera (Phylum) > Foraminifera incertae sedis (Class) > Foraminifera (awaiting allocation) (Order) > Schwagerinidae (Family) [details]

Descriptive info Benton, 1993 habitat flag(s): M; stratigraphic range: Carboniferous (Moscovian)-Permian (Tatarian) [details]

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