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IRMNG source details

PaleoDB (Jul 2011)
2011-10-06 22:00:00Z

Chama Linnaeus, 1758 (verified source for family)
Choeropotamus Desmarest, 1822 † (current name source)
Corniculina Klishevich, 1968 † accepted as Karatumina Klishevich, 1991 † (verified source for family)
Idiostromatidae Nicholson, 1886 † (extant flag source)
Idiostromatidae Nicholson, 1886 † (basis of record)
Idiostromatidae Nicholson, 1886 † (habitat flag source)
Moretiella Breistroffer, 1949 † (current name source)
Moretiella Breistroffer, 1949 † (verified source for family)
Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (current name source)
Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (verified source for family)
Psilopus Poli, 1795 accepted as Chama Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Sphaeraster Quenstedt, 1875 † (extant flag source)
Sphaeraster Quenstedt, 1875 † (verified source for family)
Sphaeraster Quenstedt, 1875 † (current name source)
Sphaerites Quenstedt, 1852 † accepted as Sphaeraster Quenstedt, 1875 † (extant flag source)
Sphaerites Quenstedt, 1852 † accepted as Sphaeraster Quenstedt, 1875 † (source of synonymy)
Sphaerites Quenstedt, 1852 † accepted as Sphaeraster Quenstedt, 1875 † (verified source for family)
Steinerina Hudson, 1956 † (verified source for family)
Tauroceras Toumansky, 1938 † accepted as Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (extant flag source)
Tauroceras Toumansky, 1938 † accepted as Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (source of synonymy)
Tauroceras Toumansky, 1938 † accepted as Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (name verified source)
Tauroceras Toumansky, 1938 † accepted as Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (verified source for family)
Tauroceras Toumansky, 1938 † accepted as Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (basis of record)
Tauroceras Toumansky, 1938 † accepted as Neopopanoceras Schindewolf, 1939 † (habitat flag source)
Yukonaspis Kobayashi, 1936 † (verified source for family)

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