IRMNG name details
original description
Garsault, F. A. de. (1764). Les figures des plantes et animaux d'usage en medecine, décrits dans la Matiere Medicale de Geoffroy Medecin. , available online at page(s): Pl. 691 [details]
basis of record
AnimalBase (Nov 2010) [details]
source of synonymy
Web search (original seen) (AJR) [details]
extant flag source
AnimalBase (Nov 2010) [details]
habitat flag source
as per genus [details]
Nomenclatural status It is not yet clear whether or not animal names from Garsault (1764) are available, although they are treated as such in AnimalBase as at July 2016. In addition the parent genus to this name may correctly be Noctua Garsault, 1764 (latter as given in AnimalBase), which may or may not be the same name as given by Linnaeus in 1766. [details]