Jäch, M., & Ribera, I. (2018). Angiochthebius subgen. n., a new subgenus of Ochthebius LEACH, 1815 from the southern Neotropical Region. <em>Koleopterologische Rundschau.</em> 88: 17-21., available online athttps://www.zobodat.at/pdf/KOR_88_2018_0017-0021.pdf[details]
original descriptionJäch, M., & Ribera, I. (2018). Angiochthebius subgen. n., a new subgenus of Ochthebius LEACH, 1815 from the southern Neotropical Region. <em>Koleopterologische Rundschau.</em> 88: 17-21., available online athttps://www.zobodat.at/pdf/KOR_88_2018_0017-0021.pdf[details]
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