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IRMNG taxon details

Inga Busck, 1908

1205776  (



  • Alphabetically
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Children Display

  1. Species Inga atropicta Zeller, 1875
  2. Species Inga callierastis Meyrick, 1920
  3. Species Inga calycocentra Meyrick, 1931
  4. Species Inga camelopis Meyrick, 1920
  5. Species Inga canariella Busck, 1909
  6. Species Inga cancanodes Meyrick, 1918
  7. Species Inga capsaria Meyrick, 1914
  8. Species Inga castigata Meyrick, 1926
  9. Species Inga catasticta Meyrick, 1920
  10. Species Inga caumatias Meyrick, 1928
  11. Species Inga cerophaea Meyrick, 1914
  12. Species Inga chlorochroa Meyrick, 1911
  13. Species Inga ciliella Busck, 1908
  14. Species Inga cnecodes Meyrick, 1920
  15. Species Inga concinna Meyrick, 1911
  16. Species Inga concolorella Beutenmüller, 1888
  17. Species Inga conserva Meyrick, 1914
  18. Species Inga contrariella Walker, 1864
  19. Species Inga corallina Meyrick, 1914
  20. Species Inga corystes Meyrick, 1914
  21. Species Inga cretacea Zeller, 1873
  22. Species Inga cupidinea Meyrick, 1914
  23. Species Inga custodita Meyrick, 1928
  24. Species Inga cyclophthalma Meyrick, 1916
  25. Species Inga deligata Meyrick, 1914
  26. Species Inga dilecta Meyrick, 1920
  27. Species Inga distorta Meyrick, 1920
  28. Species Inga elaphodes Meyrick, 1930
  29. Species Inga empyrea Meyrick, 1920
  30. Species Inga encamina Meyrick, 1911
  31. Species Inga entaphrota Meyrick, 1915
  32. Species Inga erasicosma Meyrick, 1916
  33. Species Inga eriocnista Meyrick, 1931
  34. Species Inga erotias Meyrick, 1911
  35. Species Inga fundigera Meyrick, 1911
  36. Species Inga furva Meyrick, 1916
  37. Species Inga genuina Meyrick, 1914
  38. Species Inga haemataula Meyrick, 1911
  39. Species Inga halosphora Meyrick, 1916
  40. Species Inga helobia Meyrick, 1931
  41. Species Inga humata Meyrick, 1914
  42. Species Inga hyperbolica Meyrick, 1928
  43. Species Inga icterota Meyrick, 1914
  44. Species Inga inflammata Meyrick, 1916
  45. Species Inga inscitella Walker, 1864
  46. Species Inga iracunda Meyrick, 1914
  47. Species Inga lacunata Meyrick, 1914
  48. Species Inga leptophragma Meyrick, 1920
  49. Species Inga libidinosa Meyrick, 1926
  50. Species Inga loxobathra Meyrick, 1915
  51. Species Inga meliacta Meyrick, 1914
  52. Species Inga mercata Meyrick, 1914
  53. Species Inga mimobathra Meyrick, 1920
  54. Species Inga mixadelpha Meyrick, 1914
  55. Species Inga molifica Meyrick, 1914
  56. Species Inga molybdopa Meyrick, 1920
  57. Species Inga mydopis Meyrick, 1914
  58. Species Inga neospila Meyrick, 1928
  59. Species Inga obscuromaculella Chambers, 1878
  60. Species Inga orthodoxa Meyrick, 1911
  61. Species Inga orthophragma Meyrick, 1916
  62. Species Inga pachybathra Meyrick, 1921
  63. Species Inga pagana Meyrick, 1916
  64. Species Inga pagidotis Meyrick, 1918
  65. Species Inga percnorma Meyrick, 1930
  66. Species Inga pericyclota Meyrick, 1920
  67. Species Inga perioditis Meyrick, 1928
  68. Species Inga petasodes Meyrick, 1914
  69. Species Inga phaeocrossa Meyrick, 1911
  70. Species Inga plectanota Meyrick, 1918
  71. Species Inga porpotis Meyrick, 1914
  72. Species Inga proditrix Hodges, 1974
  73. Species Inga pyrothyris Meyrick, 1916
  74. Species Inga rhodoclista Meyrick, 1916
  75. Species Inga rimatrix Hodges, 1974
  76. Species Inga rosea Meyrick, 1920
  77. Species Inga ruricola Meyrick, 1914
  78. Species Inga satura Meyrick, 1914
  79. Species Inga sciocrates Meyrick, 1928
  80. Species Inga sciotoxa Meyrick, 1914
  81. Species Inga semotella Walker, 1864
  82. Species Inga separatella Walker, 1864
  83. Species Inga signifera Meyrick, 1914
  84. Species Inga sparsicella Chambers, 1878
  85. Species Inga sparsiciliella Clemens, 1864
  86. Species Inga speculatrix Meyrick, 1914
  87. Species Inga staphylitis Meyrick, 1916
  88. Species Inga stativa Meyrick, 1920
  89. Species Inga stereodesma Meyrick, 1916
  90. Species Inga textrina Meyrick, 1914
  91. Species Inga thermoxantha Meyrick, 1914
  92. Species Inga traili Butler, 1877
  93. Species Inga trifurcata Meyrick, 1918
  94. Species Inga trygaula Meyrick, 1911
  95. Species Inga tubicen Meyrick, 1921
  96. Species Inga versatilis Meyrick, 1921
  97. Species Inga voluptaria Meyrick, 1914
marine, brackish
recent only
Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 35
page(s): 200 [details] 
IRMNG (2021). Inga Busck, 1908. Accessed at: on 2025-03-05
2006-09-20 22:00:00Z
2011-12-31 23:00:00Z

original description Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 35
page(s): 200 [details] 

basis of record Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

basis of record CoL2006/LepIndex [details] 

name verified source Neave, S. A. and successors. (1939-2004). Nomenclator Zoologicus, vols. 1-10 online. [developed by uBio, hosted online at MBLWHOI Library]. Previously at (URL no longer current). , available online at [details] 

current name source CoL 2006 [details] 

extant flag source CoL2006/LepIndex [details] 

habitat flag source as per family [details] 

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