Between brackets is the number of accepted species
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2 Shows the number of accepted species within the taxon
3 The last expanded taxon is highlighted
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- Biota
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Acanthocephala
- Phylum Agmata †
- Phylum Animalia (awaiting allocation)
- Phylum Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Annelida
- Class Annelida (awaiting allocation)
- Class Clitellata
- Class Machaeridia
- Class Myzostomaria
- Class Polychaeta
- Subclass Echiura
- Order Aciculata
- Order Amphinomida
- Order Amphinomorpha
- Order Athecanephria
- Order Canalipalpata
- Order Capitellida
- Family Arenicolidae Johnston, 1835
- Family Bogueidae Hartman & Fauchald, 1971 accepted as Maldanidae Malmgren, 1867
- Family Capitellida (awaiting allocation)
- Family Capitellidae Grube, 1862
- Family Maldanidae Malmgren, 1867
- Genus Abyssoclymene Hartman, 1967
- Genus Aclymeme Buzhinskaja, 1995
- Genus Aclymene Buzhinskaja, 1995
- Genus Arwidssonia McIntosh, 1915
- Genus Asychia
- Genus Asychis Kinberg, 1867
- Genus Axiothea Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Axiothella Verrill, 1900
- Genus Axiothella Verrill, 1900
- Genus Axyothea Wagner, 1885 accepted as Axiothella Verrill, 1900
- Genus Bathyasychis Detinova, 1982
- Genus Boguea Hartman, 1945
- Genus Boguella Hartman & Fauchald, 1971
- Genus Branchioasychis Monro, 1939 accepted as Sabaco Kinberg, 1867
- Genus Caesicirrus Arwidsson, 1911
- Genus Cephalata Imajima & Shiraki, 1982 accepted as Clymenura Verrill, 1900
- Genus Chirimia Light, 1991
- Genus Chrysothemis Kinberg, 1866 accepted as Chirimia Light, 1991
- Genus Chymene Hansen, 1878 accepted as Euclymene Verrill, 1900
- Genus Climena McMurtrie in Cuvier, 1834 accepted as Euclymene Verrill, 1900
- Genus Climene Lamarck, 1838 accepted as Euclymene Verrill, 1900
- Genus Clymaldane Mesnil & Fauvel, 1939 accepted as Notoproctus Arwidsson, 1906
- Genus Clymena Griffith, 1833 accepted as Euclymene Verrill, 1900
- Genus Clymene Savigny in Lamarck, 1818
- Genus Clymenella Verrill, 1873
- Genus Clymenella Verrill, 1874
- Genus Clymenoida Williams, 1852 accepted as Clymene Savigny in Lamarck, 1818
- Genus Clymenopsis Verrill, 1900
- Genus Clymenura Verrill, 1900
- Genus Encylmene McIntosh, 1915 accepted as Euclymene Verrill, 1900
- Genus Euclymene Verrill, 1900
- Genus Eupraxillella Hartmann-Schröder & Rosenfeldt, 1989
- Genus Gravierella Fauvel, 1919
- Genus Heteroclymene Arwidsson, 1906
- Genus Heteromaldane Ehlers, 1908 accepted as Maldane Grube, 1860
- Genus Iphianissa Kinberg, 1866
- Genus Isocirrus Arwidsson, 1906
- Genus Johnstonia de Quatrefages, 1849
- Genus Leiocephalus Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Leiochone Grube, 1868
- Genus Leiochone Saint-Joseph, 1894 accepted as Maldane Grube, 1860
- Genus Leiochone Grube, 1868
- Genus Loxochona Arwidsson, 1907
- Genus Lumbriclymene Sars, 1872
- Genus Lumbriclymenella Arwidsson, 1911
- Genus Macroclymene Verrill, 1900
- Genus Macroclymenella Augener, 1926
- Genus Maldane Grube, 1860
- Genus Maldanella McIntosh, 1885
- Genus Maldanopsis Verrill, 1900 accepted as Sabaco Kinberg, 1867
- Genus Mandrocles Kinberg, 1866
- Genus Metasychis Light, 1991
- Genus Microclymene Arwidsson, 1906
- Genus Micromaldane Monro, 1939
- Genus Militta Grube, 1868
- Genus Minusculisquama Pettibone, 1983
- Genus Mylitta Kinberg, 1866
- Genus Neco Kinberg, 1866
- Genus Nichomache [auctt.] accepted as Nicomache Malmgren, 1865
- Genus Nicomache Malmgren, 1865
- Genus Nicomachella Ehlers, 1887
- Genus Notoproctus Arwidsson, 1906
- Genus Paramaldane Wang & Li, 2016
- Genus Paraxiothea Webster, 1879 accepted as Clymenella Verrill, 1873
- Genus Petaloclymene Augener, 1918
- Species Petaloclymene notocera Augener, 1918
- Species Petaloclymene pacifica Green, 1997
- Genus Petaloclymene Green, 1997
- Genus Petaloprocta Schmarda, 1877 accepted as Petaloproctus Quatrefages, 1866
- Genus Petaloproctus Quatrefages, 1866
- Genus Praxilla Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Praxillella Verrill, 1881
- Genus Praxillela Saint-Joseph, 1894 accepted as Praxillella Verrill, 1881
- Genus Praxillella Verrill, 1881
- Genus Praxillula Bidenkap, 1907 accepted as Praxillella Verrill, 1881
- Genus Praxillura Verrill, 1879
- Genus Proclymene Arwidsson, 1906
- Genus Pseudoclymene Arwidsson, 1906
- Genus Rhodine Malmgren, 1865
- Genus Rodine McIntosh, 1878 accepted as Rhodine Malmgren, 1865
- Genus Sabaco Kinberg, 1867
- Genus Sonatsa Chamberlin, 1919
- Genus Tubifex Lamarck, 1816 ['Tubifex' taxa now in Polychaeta]
- Order Chaetopterida
- Order Cirratulida
- Order Cossurida
- Order Ctenodrilida
- Order Dinophilida
- Order Errantida †
- Order Eunicemorpha
- Order Eunicida
- Order Flabelligerida
- Order Magelonida
- Order Myzostomida
- Order Nerillida
- Order Opheliida
- Order Orbiniida
- Order Oweniida
- Order Phyllodocemorpha
- Order Phyllodocida
- Order Poeobiida
- Order Polychaeta (awaiting allocation)
- Order Polychaeta incertae sedis
- Order Polygordiida
- Order Protodrilida
- Order Psammodrilida
- Order Pseudocirratulida
- Order Sabellida
- Order Scolecida
- Order Serpulimorpha
- Order Spintherida
- Order Spiomorpha
- Order Spionida
- Order Sternaspida
- Order Terebellida
- Order Terebellomorpha
- Order Thecanephria
- Genus Echinokleptus Muir, Botting, Lefebvre, Upton & Zhang, 2019 †
- Genus Kootenayscolex Nanglu & Caron, 2018 †
- Family Lobatocerebridae Rieger, 1980
- Genus Aulozoon Gehling & Runnegar, 2022 †
- Genus Gabavermis Troppenz, 2013 †
- Genus Lapillitubus Belaústegui & Belaústegui, 2017 †
- Genus Meanderovaleichnus Cónsole-Gonella & Aceñolaza, 2014 †
- Genus Shaihuludia Kimmig, LaVine, Schiffbauer, Egenhoff, Shelton & Leibach, 2023 †
- Genus Spitiprion Tonarová, Suttner, & Hints, 2024 †
- Genus Taonurus Saporta & Marion, 1881 †
- Genus Xiaoshibachaeta Yang, Aguado, Yang & Bleidorn, 2024 †
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Phylum Brachiopoda
- Phylum Bryozoa
- Phylum Cephalorhyncha incertae sedis
- Phylum Chaetognatha
- Phylum Chitinozoa †
- Phylum Chordata
- Phylum Cnidaria
- Phylum Ctenophora
- Phylum Cycliophora
- Phylum Cycloneuralia incertae sedis
- Phylum Ecdysozoa incertae sedis †
- Phylum Echinodermata
- Phylum Entoprocta
- Phylum Gastrotricha
- Phylum Gnathostomulida
- Phylum Hemichordata
- Phylum Hyolitha †
- Phylum Kinorhyncha
- Phylum Lobopoda †
- Phylum Loricifera
- Phylum Micrognathozoa
- Phylum Mollusca
- Phylum Monoblastozoa accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Nematoda
- Phylum Nematomorpha
- Phylum Nemertea
- Phylum Onychophora
- Phylum Orthonectida
- Phylum Phoronida
- Phylum Placozoa
- Phylum Platyhelminthes
- Phylum Pogonophora accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Porifera
- Phylum Priapula accepted as Priapulida
- Phylum Priapulida
- Phylum Problematica † accepted as Animalia incertae sedis
- Phylum Rhombozoa
- Phylum Rotifera
- Phylum Scalidophora incertae sedis
- Phylum Sipuncula
- Phylum Tardigrada
- Phylum Trace fossils †
- Phylum Vendobionta †
- Phylum Vestimentifera accepted as Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914
- Phylum Vetulicolia †
- Phylum Vinctiplicata incertae sedis †
- Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
- Genus Trilobocaris Pribyl, 1953 †
- Kingdom Archaea
- Kingdom Bacteria
- Kingdom Chromista
- Kingdom Fungi
- Kingdom Plantae
- Kingdom Protista accepted as Protozoa
- Kingdom Protozoa
- Kingdom Viruses
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